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TIBBY MACK smiled to herself as she loaded the last of the homemade baskets, each of them filled with bright spring blooms, into the back of her aged station wagon. She could almost feel her grandmother’s presence. Hanging May baskets on the front doorknobs of all the Yaqui Springs residents was a yearly event Lara Mack had lovingly observed. Though Gram had been gone nearly a year, Tibby knew that if the kindly old lady were ever to smile down from heaven, it would be on May Day.

Running late as usual, Tibby slammed the tailgate and hurried into the store to shed her gardening gloves. If no one caught her distributing baskets and stopped to chat, she might get back to open the store and coffee bar on time. Although she’d promised to feed Ariel Pulaski’s Afghan hounds for a few days, and they had to be worked in before she drove Mabel Sparks to the airport…

“Uh-oh. Looks like I didn’t move fast enough.” Clutching the Closed sign, Tibby tossed her thick braid over one shoulder as she watched a car leave the main highway and speed toward the general store. A racy sports car. She frowned. No one she knew drove anything remotely that upscale. Had it been a local, she would’ve given him a key, and trusted him to leave a list of what he took. As it was a stranger, she had no choice but to leave fast or chance letting the fragile blossoms wilt.

Flipping the sign to read Closed, she sprinted toward her vehicle.

The approaching stranger squealed his midnight blue Jaguar to a halt in front of Tibby and hopped out almost before the full-throated growl of the engine quit.

She froze, her breath trapped in her throat. The world tilted crazily. Not a stranger. Cole O’Donnell. Someone she’d steeled herself to see at Yale’s funeral—and then he hadn’t shown up. After she’d spent days foolishly worrying that she wouldn’t recognize him. Tibby would have known his thick acorn brown hair and beachboy tan at ten times the distance. But why was he here now? She automatically smoothed her wrinkled skirt and grappled for composure.

“Well, hel-lo,” he drawled, flashing a smile that warmed his gray eyes. “It’s a thirsty drive from the coast I’m dying for a cup of coffee.” He glanced expectantly from the still-swinging Closed sign to the woman’s lush goldenrod hair. “Things have changed in Yaqui Springs. I’d heard Mrs. Mack passed away. She ran the store as far back as I can remember. Are you the new owner?” Cole didn’t think the attractive blonde was the new owner’s wife. He noticed that her left hand was bare of rings.

Hurt that he didn’t recognize her, Tibby slipped on a pair of sunglasses. Yet it shouldn’t surprise her that he didn’t. Their last’meeting—the spring she’d finally found the courage to invite him to the Date Festival in Indio—he’d been an older man of almost twenty to her sixteen. Oh, he’d looked at her, but he hadn’t really seen her when he carelessly turned her down. It embarrassed her now to think how often she’d haunted his grandfather’s place, waiting for snippets of news about Cole. If Yale ever guessed what prompted her many visits, he’d never let on. That grand old gentleman had taught her bookkeeping skills, which allowed her to run the store during her grandmother’s long illness and after. He’d also taken her golfing to keep her spirits up.

Now Yale, too, was gone. A fact that didn’t seem to bother the man standing before her, flaunting his sexy, easy smile.

“You’re a little late for your grandfather’s funeral,” Tibby said coolly. “We buried him six weeks ago.”

The accusation cut through Cole like a hot knife. Anna, bless his mother’s callous soul, hadn’t seen fit to let him know. Until he’d returned from Italy to a backlog of mail, he’d remained unaware he’d lost the person he loved most in the world. At first he’d been too shaken to even deal with the inheritance. Then one day about a month ago he’d received a note from the Yaqui Springs recreational committee, along with a petition asking that he build a golf course on his grandfather’s land. His land now.

Owning his own golf course was Cole’s “someday” dream. Gramps had taught him to play the game and love it. What better tribute to the old man’s memory?

Who was this woman? Cole shaded his eyes against the sun. And if the set of her shoulders and the twist of her lips were any indication, she didn’t like him.

“Hey, wait,” he called as she climbed into a woodsided station wagon and prepared to leave. “Have we met?”

“Blue moons ago, whiz kid. I’m Tibby Mack.” Slamming her door, she pushed the key into the ignition and gave it a twist. Tibby thanked her lucky stars that for once the wagon started without a sputter. “I hate to run, but I’m delivering May baskets to the residents. Then I have Pulaski’s dogs to feed and Mabel Sparks to take to the airport. Afraid you’ll have to get your caffeine fix elsewhere.”

Tibby Mack. Lara Mack’s granddaughter? Cole’s jaw nearly hit the asphalt. That skinny kid who wore pigtails and had braces on her teeth? Maybe the moss green eyes were familiar, but now they appeared in a whole different package. He hadn’t seen her for—what?—at least ten years. The summer he’d been a college sophomore. Hot stuff. Nineteen going on thirty. His friends had spent their spring break in Palm Springs. Gramps had wanted him to come to Yaqui Springs—and after all, Yale had paid for his education. If memory served Cole, his vacation hadn’t turned out half-bad. He’d met an “older woman” of twenty-five. A tennis instructor working the resort at Bogey Wells. She’d greatly enhanced his education—and not just in tennis.

Cole stared after the disappearing car. “Well, whaddaya know.” Though he hadn’t been back since, he’d spent most previous summers in Yaqui Springs. He remembered the year Tibby Mack had come to live with her grandmother. The kid had looked so lost and forlorn. Because Cole understood loneliness, he’d taken her fishing and given her rides on his moped—until she’d gotten one of her own.

Cole checked his watch. The store sign said she opened at eight. Was business so good she could take off on a whim? Not by the look of the big empty parking lot. It was all pretty much as Cole remembered, except for a new building Gramps must’ve put up. Even that needed a coat of paint. If Tibby’s eye was on progress, it didn’t show. Maybe she’d become the type to flit around living off inherited money because it was her due—like his mother, he thought bitterly. Old news, Cole reminded himself. No longer affecting him. Nor did anything about Tibby affect him.

Cole jerked his thoughts back to the mission that had brought him here—Joe Toliver’s letter. It’d come at the right time. Tired of traveling, he’d been giving serious thought to settling down and starting a family of his own. He even had a lady in mind. Cicely Brock, an actress. They got along well. Plus, when the two of them walked into a room, men stepped all over their tongues. A guy could do a lot worse.

Cole wasn’t going to let one rude woman deter his plans. He’d survey his grandfather’s property, then visit the committee who’d asked him here. Those old boys just might have themselves a first-class golf course.

BY THE TIME Tibby had finished delivering her fiftieth May basket, she’d nearly ground the enamel off her molars. If one more person brought up Cole O’Donnell’s name, she thought she’d scream. First of all, she didn’t see how anyone could forgive him for skipping his grandfather’s funeral, let alone roll out a red carpet for the man.

“Yoo-hoo, Tibby!” Henrietta Feeny came out onto her porch to collect the May basket hanging from her doorknob. “Tibby dear, have you heard the news?”

“What news, Henrietta?” Tibby fidgeted on the bottom step. She was afraid she knew exactly what Henrietta would say.

“Yale’s grandson is back in town.”

“Do tell. Amazing how fast bad news travels,” Tibby muttered.

“Bad? But he’s so handsome, dear.” The plump woman preened a bit. “Why, if I were thirty years younger…”

“Yes? And what about Fred?” Tibby knew that Henrietta and Fred had been married forty years. They still walked hand in hand when they came into the store.

“Oh, you know what I mean.”

“No, Henrietta, I don’t. Am I the only one who cares that Cole didn’t show up to pay his respects to his grandfather?”

“He couldn’t help it. The dear boy’s been working out of the country. Tibby, you have dirt on your dress. Will you have time to change before you open the store?”

“Change?” Tibby blinked. Her mind stalled on the information about Cole. How on earth did Henrietta know where he’d been? Was there a full moon or something? Her friends were acting very strange. Absently Tibby scrubbed at the spots on her skirt. “It’s honest dirt, as Gram used to say. I’ll put on a smock at the store. No one’ll notice.”

“Tibby, about those smocks. They were all right for Lara. But they make you look…frumpy.”

“Frumpy? Thanks a lot, and happy May Day, Henrietta. I wish I could stay for more hot fashion tips, but I’ve got a very full schedule today.”

“You shouldn’t do so much, Tibby. I’ll take Mabel into Palm Springs and get her to the airport.”

Tibby had almost reached the street, but the remark gave her pause. Henrietta’s eyes were so bad she had trouble telling red peppers from green; she certainly couldn’t identify traffic lights. And she probably hadn’t driven in five years. Far-fetched though it sounded, Cole O’Donnell had apparently cast a spell on the women of Yaqui Springs. Some of the women, Tibby corrected. She saw through him.

“I’m not doing too much, Henrietta,” Tibby said more gently, worried that the woman might truly take it upon herself to drive Mabel to the airport. “Maybe you should go in out of the sun. Drink a cup of chamomile tea.” Tibby checked over her shoulder after starting her car. Was Henrietta exhibiting some form of mild dementia? Ginkgo encouraged blood circulation to the brain. She made a mental note to bring her friend a supply at the earliest opportunity.

Before Tibby finished delivering the remaining baskets, she decided half the town needed ginkgo. Either that, or she needed the spring tonic. Men and women alike bubbled excitedly over Cole’s sudden appearance.

Tibby drove past the O’Donnell house on her way back to the store. She craned her neck and saw Cole surveying the property. At the funeral, she recalled, his mother had mentioned that he’d inherited virtually everything. Tibby’s stomach tumbled. Was he planning to sell Yale’s place?

To whom? she wondered. Since his land bordered hers, any sale concerned Tibby. If only she could swing buying twenty or so acres. Yaqui Springs expanded every year—it’d be nice to have space between the store and any new dwellings. Except for the nearby bird sanctuary and the state park, the smattering of retirement communities dotting the shores of the Salton Sea were loosely zoned. A few oldtimers like her grandmother and Yale had built permanent homes; most others lived in mobiles or prefab homes that had sprung up willy-nilly.

Tibby parked and got out. She didn’t understand how Cole could sell and never lay eyes on Yaqui Springs again. Everything that mattered to her was right here. Unlocking the door, she flipped the Closed sign around to read Open.

She stood there for a minute and drew in a deep breath. Thyme, rosemary and ripe oranges blended with the lemon oil Grandmother Mack had taught her to use lovingly on the old wood counters. To some the store with its many additions might look like a hodgepodge. To Tibby it was home—and had been since shortly after her tenth birthday, the spring her missionary parents died in a Brazilian mud slide. She loved every nook and cranny of the rambling house and the store. Both were solid structures. Safe.

Happy as she’d once been in Brazil, fond memories were overshadowed by the frightening pain of loss. People lived to a ripe old age in Yaqui Springs. As Tibby ran water for the coffee, she took comfort in that thought.

A group of coffee-bar regulars, townsmen who stopped to sample her special blend and her cardamon or poppyseed rolls before they went to play golf at Bogey Wells, arrived before the coffee finished perking. They seemed unusually ebullient—Cole O’Donnell again?—but Tibby was too busy catching up on her work to eavesdrop. Besides, the point of her newly installed tea-and-coffee bar was to run itself. Ideally people filled their own cups and bussed the tables afterward. She made fresh rolls and sandwiches daily, placing them in a refrigerated case for easy access. She’d installed a small microwave in the alcove for her patrons’ convenience. If she was busy in the office, pharmacy or beauty shop, folks were more or less left on the honor system. Lara Mack had operated on trust, and Tibby saw no reason to change.

Midway through the morning, after the men had gone, she busily wrapped tomato-and-sprout sandwiches for the lunch bunch. Justine Banks, Yaqui Springs’s resident artist, strolled in, passing through to what was once the store’s sunporch. Last year Tibby had made it a pharmacy of sorts. She carried Band-Aids, ointments and a number of simple holistic remedies.

“My hay fever’s acting up,” Justine called. “That elder-flower tea worked wonders. And Pete asked me to pick up another bottle of purple-sage mouthwash.”

“Really?” Tibby poked her head around the corner. “I thought you said he wouldn’t give up his commercial brand.”

Justine winked. “I said he didn’t want to give it up. There’s a difference. To convince a man, you have to work things around to where it appears to be his idea. Remember that advice, Tibby. Someday when you get married, you’ll find it useful.”

“Married?” Tibby wrinkled her nose. “Me? When would I find time for a husband? That’s supposing a candidate just dropped out of the sky.” Tibby stilled, recalling a time she’d dreamed of marrying Cole O’Donnell.

Justine plucked a few more items off the shelves and carried them to the counter. “Did you know the O’Donnell boy is back in town?” she asked casually.

Tibby rang up the purchases without comment “Your total is eight dollars and forty-nine cents, Justine.”

The older woman handed her a ten. “Yale’s house has been closed up for weeks. Did you leave a May basket there? Lilacs mixed with lemon balm would freshen musty rooms, say, if someone planned to stay at the house awhile.”

Crossing her arms, Tibby sent Justine a withering look. “Somehow I don’t picture Cole O’Donnell as the lilac sort. Lavender, to remind him of a French boudoir, maybe.”

“What’s gotten into you, Tibby? It’s unlike you not to be neighborly.”

“Yale was my neighbor. If you want to take Cole a bouquet, here’re the shears.”

Justine pouted. “I’m offering to watch the store while you take something over. It’ll do you good to get out more.”

Tibby stripped off her worn serviceable apron. “Thanks for the offer, Justine. Otherwise I’d have to close the store while I run Mabel to the airport. This way, I’ll have plenty of time to stop and feed Ariel’s hounds. I’ll be back to relieve you by three.”

“But, Tibby. That’s not what I—” Tibby moved very fast, and Justine was left looking bewildered.

All the way to the Pulaski house, Tibby fumed. A testament to how upset she was, she fed the hounds canned food, instead of the kibble Ariel had requested. Darn. Too late now. Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great licked their dishes clean and looked as if they’d start on her toes next. They wouldn’t, though; Tibby knew the dogs were lovable. “Good boys. Tonight we’ll run,” she promised, refilling both water bowls.

Every time she fed and exercised the hounds, Tibby thought about getting a pet for herself. Evenings, especially this past year, seemed unbearably lonely.

Escaping two large dogs who hadn’t laid eyes on a human all day wasn’t easy. Tibby tossed tennis balls across the yard and quickly ran out through the gate. Still panting, she started her car and drove the four blocks to Mabel’s neat double-wide mobile home. So help her, if Mabel mentioned Cole even once on this trip, no matter how innocently, she could darn well walk to the airport.

“Sorry I’m late.” Tibby hopped out and opened the back of the station wagon. She brushed aside flower petals before stowing Mabel’s suitcase.

“You’re not late, child. It’s sweet of you to do this. I don’t know what any of us would do without your selfless generosity.”

They buckled up and Tibby drove off. “Are you kidding? You set up my school curriculum and taught me how to read. Everyone in Yaqui Springs contributed to my education. If I gave back twenty-four hours a day, I could never repay half of what I owe.”

Mabel gazed at her with kind eyes. “It’s not a debt, Tibby. Don’t you know? You gave us purpose again. You needed skills we had that we thought no one would want again. Retirement isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Joe Toliver didn’t ask to quit the chemical-engineering firm he worked for. He was forced out. Teaching you math and chemistry was a boost his ego needed. Just ask Winnie. And Rosamond’s arthritis kept her from playing concert piano. Giving you music lessons made her feel worthwhile. The same with Justine. In teaching you art, she realized she still had enough talent to begin selling her work again.”

“I guess I always thought you did those things as a favor to my grandmother.”

“Lara did us a favor by sharing you, sweet Tibby.”

“I don’t know about that.” Embarrassed, Tibby stam-hered. “I…I was homely as a mud turtle and twice as awkward.” Quite suddenly she saw herself as Cole O’Donnell must have seen her.

“You were a duckling, all arms, legs and eyes.” Mabel smiled. “We knew some day you’d be a beautiful swan.”

“Pul-leez!” Never one to field compliments well, Tibby drove in silence for the remaining miles. While searching for a parking place, she brought up Mabel’s return trip. “If you stay past Sunday, call me. Otherwise I’ll be here at nine.”

“Then you aren’t planning a move to San Diego while I’m gone?”

Tibby gasped. “Whatever gave you that idea?”

“Someone saw you poring over college brochures.”

“I’m looking at correspondence courses in nutrition.” Tibby set Mabel’s case on the scale at the check-in counter. Idle chatter fell off as the reservations agent stamped Mabel’s ticket and gave her a boarding pass. During the short walk to the concourse, Tibby picked up where they’d left off. “Organic foods and fresh herbs are a start toward good health, Mabel, but I’d like to provide the residents with more. I want all of you to live to be a hundred.”

“You already take good care of us, Tibby. It’s time you gave some thought to taking care of yourself.”

Tibby blinked. “I do exercise and try to eat right.”

“Oh, dear, they’re calling my flight.” Mabel patted Tibby’s smooth hand with her wrinkled one. “Longevity stems from more than a healthy body, dear. How long has it been since you’ve enjoyed the company of anyone your own age? Someone like that nice-looking Cole O’Donnell, for instance.” She winked. “Goodness, last call already? Look after yourself, Tibby. I’ll see you Sunday. And Tibby? Don’t forget the two essentials of happiness—something to do and someone to love.”

Mabel’s words nagged at Tibby on the drive home. It seemed a curious statement for anyone who knew her to make. When had she ever had companions her own age? Occasionally, during the summers, if any of the residents’ grandchildren visited. Mostly the girls had been silly and giggly, the boys cocksure and pushy. All except Cole, who at four years her senior, had let her tag along sometimes. Him she’d worshipped. Then came the year she’d desperately wanted him to notice she’d grown up.

Which, of course, he never did.

Speaking of the boy wonder—as she passed Yale’s cedar ranch-style house, she saw him amid a cluster of colorful mopeds. The women of Yaqui Springs seemed entranced, watching Cole’s teeth flash white in the afternoon sun.

Tibby snorted in disgust. No wonder Henrietta, Mabel and Justine were smitten, watching him ooze charm. He seemed to be going out of his way to enchant them.

Why, Tibby wondered? It wasn’t as if he intended to join the community.

Her whole body was tense by the time she reached the store. Fortunately Justine was too busy to ask questions, and Tibby was soon able to forget Cole O’Donnell and Mabel’s provocative exit line. In between waiting on customers, the mail came. Tibby hefted the bags, dashed to the post office, sorted and tucked mail into the residents’ boxes. Justine had taken off shortly after Tibby returned.

Around four—still two hours to closing—she found a minute to sit down with a cup of blackberry tea. The aroma soothed her and the sweet flavor took the edge off her hunger. Normally she ate a piece of fruit for lunch. Today there simply hadn’t been time. Now it was too close to dinner.

She’d just taken a sip when the bell over the front door jingled. Tibby glanced up, then all but choked on the hot tea. Cole stood in the entryway shrugging into a T-shirt Her lungs threatening to collapse, Tibby caught a glimpse of bronzed corded muscles and a line of dark silky hair that disappeared under low-riding jeans.

Before he finished tucking the shirt into his jeans, Cole spoke. “I’ve just surveyed my grandfather’s land. Are you aware that your outbuilding—the post office I understand Lara had built—sits squarely on his property? Er…my property.”

Tibby saw him carelessly muss his sweat-damp hair. Heat pooled in her stomach. Obviously her tea needed more time to cool.

He stalked toward her. “Well, don’t you have anything to say?”

“Would you like a cup of blackberry tea?” she offered breathlessly.

Cole scowled. “I’d like to discuss this problem.”

“There isn’t any problem. Coffee’s around the corner if you’d rather have that. Soft drinks and water in the front case. Consider it my treat.”

Leaning both arms on the coffee bar, Cole forced her to look up. “When you have a structure a good twenty feet onto land belonging to me, I call it a problem.”

“Your grandfather donated the property to us—to my grandmother for the post office. I guess you don’t remember when residents had to drive all the way to Brawley to pick up mail. This is much nicer.”

He drummed his fingers on the wood. “Donated? Do you have that in writing?”

“Probably. Someplace. Yale was meticulous when it came to business.” There had been a letter. Tibby didn’t think it mentioned that she’d won the parcel in a golf wager. Yale loved to play. He’d taken over Tibby’s training after Joe Toliver taught her the rudiments. He bet outlandishly and rarely lost—except to her. The other golfers in town referred to her win as a fluke for Yale’s sake, but everyone knew the truth.

Cole waited, but she didn’t elaborate or offer him her copy. “Um…Gramps filed every receipt and every scrap of paper that ever crossed his desk,” he muttered. “There’s an entire room full of five-drawer file cabinets. I wouldn’t have the foggiest idea where to begin looking. It might take me weeks to find the documentation.”

“More like months,” Tibby said, averting her gaze. “I know. I frequently helped file his backlog.”

“Look, the burden of proof lies with you. His lawyer sent me copies of deeds, land grants and a plot plan. There was no reference to any donation. I need that section. You’ll have to tear the building down and relocate it on your own land.”

Tibby’s temper flared. “I don’t know who you’re selling to, but surely they won’t miss one worthless hill.” She folded her arms. “Besides, isn’t possession nine-tenths of the law?” she added flippantly.

“Says you. And for your information, I’m not selling. I’m planning to build an eighteen-hole golf course. That worthless hill is a prime location for my clubhouse.”

“A golf course?” Tibby blanched. “Why? Everyone plays at Bogey Wells.”

“Are you saying you aren’t aware that the people of Yaqui Springs want their own course? I find that hard to believe when your store seems to be the headquarters for gossip.”

So that’s why everyone was ecstatic when Cole showed up. Tibby couldn’t imagine why she’d been left out of the loop. That knowledge hurt. As possible reasons whirled through her head, she rose and watched Cole wander around the store, picking up a few food items. Bread, cheese, coffee, a selection of fruits and vegetables. Finally he threw in a six-pack of light beer.

“Anna must have cleaned out Gramps’s cupboards when she was here,” he said stiffly. “They’re bare as old Mother Hubbard’s.”

“Anna? Oh, your mother.” Tibby rang up items automatically. Her brain retraced what Cole had said about building a golf course. Even if he designed one, who would run it? Did that mean he intended to sell to a resort developer? Yaqui Springs would never be the same if he did.

“Regarding that so-called letter…” Cole said as Tibby bagged his groceries. “I’m staying at the house. If you turn up something, you can drop it off there.”

Tibby ignored that. “Talk to the people who invited you here. They know Yale contributed the land. In Brawley the post office never let any one person from here collect everyone’s mail. It placed a hardship on residents who didn’t drive. Having our own postal service was Gram’s dream. But unless she tore out the gardens or the orchard, her property wasn’t suitable. Yale’s land was the perfect solution. Why don’t you put your clubhouse someplace else?”

“I don’t expect you to understand the layout of a golf course. I’m afraid you’ll have to take my word for it. And time is money. I’d like to start excavation. If you need help tearing that shack down, I’ll be happy-to assist”

“Shack?” Tibby leaped out of her chair. “Take my word for this, O’Donnell—touch one stick of wood in that federal building, and I’ll contact the authorities.” Tibby lowered her voice as Winnie Toliver strolled through the front door. The pert woman eyed the two who stood rigidly, glaring at one another.

“Afternoon, Cole…Tibby,” she said, inclining her neatly cropped hair. “The Moped Mavericks rode past the cemetery today. The fresh flowers look beautiful, Tibby.”

Tibby relaxed. “Thanks. It didn’t seem right to decorate just my grandmother’s plot. Not when she gave May baskets to everyone.”

Cole, who’d reached the door, stopped. “I meant to ask who decorated the graves. This morning I paid my respects to Gramps. Your flowers brightened the place and made my visit easier,” he said, his voice rough with feeling.

Tibby hitched up a shoulder. “You’re welcome,” she mumbled, avoiding his eyes. “He needs a headstone, O’Donnell. The kind with a built-in vase. Your mother only authorized one of those cheapie markers.”

“Tibby.” There was a note of shock in Winnie’s tone.

Tibby frowned at Cole. “I can’t help it. The marker is tacky. It’s not like Yale was a pauper. He deserves better.”

Cole wrenched the door open. “Anna didn’t mention needing a stone. Actually she didn’t mention Gramps had died, either. Consider it done, Ms. Mack. The kind with the vase. Two damned vases if you’d like.”

Winnie jumped as the door banged sharply on his dramatic exit.

Tibby didn’t bat an eye. “Of all the arrogant, insufferable, overbearing—”

“Why, Tibby!” Winnie’s eyes widened. “This is so unlike you.”

Ashamed of letting her feelings show, Tibby closed her eyes and massaged her temples. “Sorry, Winnie. I don’t know what’s come over me.”

“I do. You’ve been working too hard. You were by our house at six this morning, and I’m sure you rose earlier to cut all those flowers. You probably stayed up half the night making baskets, too.” Her face softened. “They are pretty, though. Made out of wallpaper, aren’t they?”

Tibby nodded. “Last time I went to buy stakes for my tomatoes, one of the paint stores in Indio was selling sample books,” she said. “Wallpaper holds up better than construction paper for heavier flowers like lilac and jasmine. This year the trees are overloaded.”

“I noticed that the desert verbena’s beginning to bloom, too. And the smoke trees are starting to leaf. The Mavericks rode south toward El Centro today. I wish you’d been with us, Tibby. I remember how you used to love finding the first burroweed blossoms.”

“That was before Gram got so sick. I honestly don’t know how she managed the gardens, the orchard, the store, plus the housework. Especially at her age.”

“She devoted her whole life to this community after she lost Leo. It became her obsession after your parents were killed. But, Tibby, you’re too young to bury yourself in work. You haven’t lived yet.”

“This is certainly the day for everyone to lecture me. First Henrietta, then Mabel and now you. Have I turned into such a terrible grouch?”

“No, sweet Tibby. But all work and no play makes for a dull life.” Winnie left, giving Tibby no chance to respond.

Tibby wondered if Winnie had dropped by just to scold her. Was she working too hard? No. And right now she had better things to do than speculate. This week she was scheduled to print the newsletter. In addition to that, she had to find where Grandmother Mack had put Yale’s letter. Frankly, Tibby would’ve liked nothing better than to shove that document in Cole O’Donnell’s face, along with a copy of the scathing article she planned to write in the newsletter denouncing his golf course. Couldn’t the residents see that this was exactly the kind of development that’d make Cole a millionaire—and Yaqui Springs just another toilet bowl for the rich?

Sweet Tibby Mack

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