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Scene 7
ОглавлениеThe domain of spirit: a scene of various coloured crystal rocks and a few trees. Maria, Philia, Astrid, Luna; the child; Johannes, first at a distance, then coming nearer; Theodora; lastly Benedictus.
Ye sisters, who so often proved of old
My helpers, help me also in this hour;
That I may cause to vibrate in itself
The ether of the worlds. Let it resound
In harmony, and thus resounding reach
And permeate a soul with knowledge true.
Signs can I see which guide us to our work;
For your work must unite itself with mine.
Johannes, he who strives, by our designs
To real existence shall be lifted up.
The brethren in the temple counsel took
How they should guide him to the heights of light
Out of the depths, and they expect of us
To fill his soul with power for such high flight.
Thou shalt absorb for me, my Philia,
The light’s clear essence from the breadths of space;
And fill thyself with all the charm of sound,
Which wells from out the soul’s creative power;
That thou mayst then impart to me the gifts
Which thou dost gather from the spirit’s depths.
Then can I weave their perfect harmonies
In the soul-stirring rhythmic dance of spheres.
Thou, Astrid, too, loved mirror of my soul,
Thou shalt produce within the flowing light,
The power of shade that colours may shine forth;
Thou shalt give shape to formless harmonies,
That as world-substance weaveth to and fro
It may sound forth upon its living way.
So am I able to entrust to man,
When he doth seek, a spirit-consciousness.
And thou, strong Luna, firm in thine own self,
E’en like the living marrow, which doth grow
Within the centre of the tree, do thou
Unite unto thy sisters’ gifts thine own;
Impress thereon thy personality,
That he who seeks may wisdom’s surety find.
With clearest essence of the light will I
From world-wide breadths of space myself imbue;
From distant ether-bounds will I breathe deep
Living sound-substance that such things may cause
Thy work, beloved sister, to succeed.
I will weave through the beaming web of light
Subduing darkness, and I will condense
The living sounds, that, sounding, they may glow,
And glowing, sound; that thou mayst thus direct,
Beloved sister, soul-life’s radiant beam.
Soul-substance will I warm; and will make hard
The living ether; that they may condense,
And feel themselves as living entities
With active power to fashion their own life;
That thou, beloved sister, mayst create
True wisdom’s surety in man’s seeking soul.
From Philia’s realm shall stream forth conscious joy;
And water nymphs with their transforming power
Shall then unfold receptiveness of soul;
That the awakened one may undergo
And live the mirth and sorrow of the world.
From Astrid’s web shall grow the joy of love;
And sylphs, that live in air, shall then incite
The soul’s desire to willing sacrifice;
That thus the consecrated one may give
New life to sorrow-laden souls of men,
And comfort those who crave for happiness.
From Luna’s power shall stream forth solid strength;
And salamanders with their fiery breath
Shall then create security of soul;
That he who knows may find himself again
In weaving soul-streams and the life of worlds.
I shall implore the spirits of the world
That their own being’s light may so enchant
The senses of the soul; and their words’ sound
So fill with happiness the spirit ears;
That he, whose wakening nears, may thus ascend
The path of souls unto celestial heights.
The streams of love, which warm the worlds, will I
Direct unto his consecrated heart;
That he may bring into his work on earth
The grace of heaven, and create desire
For consecration in the hearts of men.
From earth’s primeval powers will I implore
Courage and strength, that may lay them deep
Within the seeker’s heart; that confidence
In his own Self may guide him through his life.
Then shall he feel secure in his own soul
And pluck each moment’s ripened fruit, and draw
The seeds therefrom to found eternities.
With you, my sisters, joined in noble work
I shall succeed in what I long to do.
But hark! There rises to our world of light
The cry of him who hath been sorely tried.
(Johannes appears.)
’Tis thou, Maria! Then my suffering
Hath at the last born richest fruit for me.
It hath withdrawn me from the phantom shape
Which I at first did make out of myself,
And which then held me fast, a prisoner.
Pain do I thank for thus enabling me
To reach thee o’er the pathways of the soul.
And what then was the path that led thee here?
I felt myself from bonds of sense released:
My sight was freed from that close barrier,
Which hid all but the present from mine eyes.
Quite otherwise I viewed the life of one
I knew on earth, and looked beyond the space
Bound by the present moment’s narrow ring.
Capesius, who in his older years
Hath but employed the sight of sense—this man
The spirit placed before my soul a youth,
As first he entered on life’s thorny path
Full of those dreams of hope, which ofttimes brought
A group of faithful hearers to his feet.
And Strader, also could I see e’en thus
As he appeared in earthly life when young,
E’er he had full outgrown his cloistered youth:
And I could see what he might once have been,
If he had followed out in that same way
The goal he set before himself of old.
And only those who in their earthly life
Are filled already with the spirit’s power
Appear unchanged within the spirit-realms.
Both Dame Felicia and good Felix too
Had kept the forms in which they lived on earth,
When I beheld them with my spirit’s sight.
And then my guides showed kindness unto me,
And spake of gifts which shall one day be mine
When I can reach to wisdom’s lofty heights.
And many things besides have I beheld
With spirit-organs which sense-sight at first
Had shown to me in its own narrow way.
For judgment’s all-illuminating light
Irradiated this new world of mine.
But whether I lived in some shadowy dream,
Or whether spirit-truth surrounded me
Already, I could not as yet decide.
Whether my spirit-sight was really stirred
By other things, or whether mine own self
Expanded into some world of its own,
I knew not. Then didst thou appear thyself;
Not as thou seemest at the present time,
Nor as the past beheld thee; nay—I saw
Thee as thou art in spirit evermore.
Not human was thy nature: in thy soul
Clear could I recognize the spirit-light,
Which worked not as man clothed in flesh doth work.
As spirit did it act, that strives to do
Such work as in eternity hath root.
And only now, when I dare stand complete
In spirit nigh thee, doth the full light glow.
In thee my sight of sense already grasped
Reality so fast, that certainty
Doth meet me even here in spirit-realms;
And well I know that now before me stands
No phantom shape. ’Tis thy true character
In which I met thee yonder, and in which
’Tis now permitted me to meet thee here.
I feel compelled to speak. A glow of light
From out thy brow, Maria, upward mounts.
This glow takes shape, and grows to human form.
It is a man with spirit deep imbued,
And other men do gather round his feet.
I gaze into dim times, long passed away
On that good man who rose from out thy head:
His eyes do shine with perfect peace of soul;
And deep true feeling glows in every line
And feature of his noble countenance.
A woman facing him mine eye doth see,
Who listens with devotion to the words
Proceeding from his mouth; which words I hear,
And thus they sound: ‘Ye have unto your gods
Looked up with awed devotion until now.
These gods I love, as ye love them yourselves.
They did present unto your thought its power,
And planted courage in your heart; but yet
Their gifts spring from a higher spirit still.’
I see how rage doth spread amongst the throng
At this man’s words. I hear their mad wild cries:
‘Kill him; for he desires to take from us
The gifts the gods have given to our race.’
But unconcernedly the man speaks on.
He tells now of that God in human form,
Who did descend to earth and conquer death.
He tells of Christ; and as his words flow on
The souls around grow calm and pacified.
One only of the heathen hearts resists,
And swears it will wreak vengeance on the man.
I recognize this heart; it beats again
In yonder child, that nestles at thy side.
The messenger of Christ speaks to it thus:
‘Thy fate doth not permit thee to draw nigh
In this life; but I shall wait patiently,
For thy path leads thee to me in the end.’
The woman who doth stand before the man
Falls at his feet and feels herself transformed.
A soul prays to the God in human form;
A heart doth love God’s messenger on earth.
(Johannes sinks upon his knees before Maria.)
Johannes, that which dawneth in thy mind
Thou shalt awaken to full consciousness.
E’en now within thee hath thy memory
Wrenched itself free from fetterings of sense.
Thou hast found me, and thou hast felt myself,
As we were joined in former life on earth.
Thou wast the woman whom the seeress saw,
For so didst thou lie prostrate at my feet,
When I as messenger of Christ did come
Unto thy tribe in days long since gone by.
What in Hibernia’s consecrated shrines
Was then entrusted to me by that God,
Who dwelt in human form, and did become
A conqueror o’er all the powers of death,
I had to bring to tribes, in whom still lived
A soul that brought a willing sacrifice,
To mighty Odin, and with sorrow thought
Upon the death of Balder, god of light.
The power, which from that message grew in thee,
Attracted thee to me from the first day
Thine eyes of sense beheld me in this life.
And since it strove so mightily in us,
And yet remained unrecognized by both,
It wove into our life those sufferings,
Which we o’ercame. Yet in that pain itself
There lay the power to guide us on our way
To spirit-realms, where we might recognize
And know in very truth each other’s soul.
Intolerably did thy pain increase
Through all the men who thronged thee round about,
With whom by fate’s decree thou art conjoined.
Hence was the revelation of their selves
Able so fiercely to convulse thine heart.
These men hath Karma gathered round thee now,
To wake in thee the power that once did urge
Thee on the path of life, which selfsame power
Hath thus far roused thee, that, from body freed,
Thou couldst ascend into the spirit-world.
Thou standest nearest to my soul, since thou
Hast kept through pain thy steadfast faith in me.
And therefore hath it fallen to my lot
That consecration to complete in thee,
To which thou owest this thy spirit-light.
The brethren, who within the temple serve,
Have wakened sight in thee; yet canst thou know
That what thou seest is very truth indeed,
Only when thou dost find in spirit-realms
A being, unto whom in worlds of sense
Thou wast united in thine inmost soul.
And that this being might thus meet thee here,
Before thee did the brethren send me out.
And this did prove the hardest of thy tests,
When I was summoned here to wait for thee.
Our leader, Benedictus, did I ask
To solve for me the riddle of my life,
That seemed to be so cruel and unkind;
And blessedness streamed from his every word,
Telling of his own mission and of mine.
He told me of the spirit I must serve
With all the power which I have found in me.
And at his words it seemed to me as though,
All in a moment clearest spirit-light
Streamed through and through my soul, and suffering
Was changed to joyous blessedness; one thought
Alone then filled my soul;—he gave me light,
Yea, light, that gave to me the power of sight;—
It was the will that lived within the thought
Wholly to give myself to spirit-life,
To make me ready for the sacrifice
Which would unto our leader draw me near.
This thought did generate the highest power:
It gave wings to my soul and wafted me
Into that realm where thou hast found me now.
In that same moment when I felt released
From my sense body, I was free to turn
My spirit’s eye upon thee, and I saw
Not only thee, Johannes, standing there;
I saw the woman too, that followed me
In ancient times; and had bound close to mine
Her destiny. E’en thus was spirit-truth
Revealed to me in spirit-realms through thee,
Who in the world of sense already wast
Made one with me in inmost consciousness.
So did I gain this spirit-certainty
And was endowed to give it unto thee.
Sending a ray of highest, tenderest love
To Benedictus, I went on before;
And he hath given unto thee the power
To follow me into the spirit-spheres.
(Benedictus appears.)
Ye here have found yourselves in spirit-realms
And so it is permitted unto me
To stand once more beside you in these realms.
I could confer the power that urged you here,
But I could not conduct you here myself.
Thus read the law, which I must needs obey:—
Ye must through your own selves first gain the eye
Of spirit, which doth here make visible
My spirit to you. Ye have just begun
E’en now the path of spirit-pilgrimage.
Henceforth indeed upon the plane of sense
Endowed with novel powers shall ye both stand,
And with the spirit in your hearts unsealed
The cause of human progress shall ye serve,
For Fate itself hath so united you,
That ye together may unfold the powers
Which needs must serve divine creative work.
And as ye journey on the path of souls
Wisdom herself will teach you that the heights
May only be obtained by souls of men,
Who have gained spirit-certainty, when they
Unite in faith to do salvation’s work.
My spirit-guidance hath united you
To realize each other: now do ye
Unite yourselves to do the spirit’s work.
May powers that dwell within this realm confer
On you through these my lips this Word of strength:—
‘The weaving essence of the light streams forth
From man to man to fill all worlds with truth.
The grace of love spreads warmth from soul to soul
To work out bliss eternal for all worlds.
And spirit-messengers come forth to wed
Man’s works of love and grace to cosmic aims.
And when a man who dwells amongst mankind
Can wed these twain, there doth stream forth on earth
True spirit-light from his warm loving soul.’