Читать книгу Three Simple Rules for Christian Living - Rueben P. Job - Страница 8



When we moved into our current house, we realized our basement stairs weren't build to present-day code. Most of the treads were shorter than the average adult foot; and in the turn of the stairway, the treads were even shorter. In addition, the risers weren't built in correct proportion to the treads; and halfway down, anyone over six feet tall had to duck to avoid the ceiling. When we had guests, I'd put a sign on the door that said, "Beware! Weird stairs!"

A look through a daily newspaper will reveal all kinds of unintended harm. A driver hasn't kept her car in good repair, the brakes fail, and a pedestrian is injured. A distracted nurse gives a patient medicine intended for another, and the patient's condition worsens. A pet owner tells the neighbors that his dog won't bite, but the dog attacks a child.

The first rule, "do no harm," is easy enough to understand; but following it can be challenging. The builder of the weird stairs didn't intend to hurt anyone, but the potential for harm was there. The driver, the nurse, and the dog owner didn't intend harm; but people were hurt. Most of us most of the time don't intend to harm anyone, but we are often unaware of the harm we do. What does it mean to do no harm?

Three Simple Rules for Christian Living

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