Читать книгу Every Serengeti Sunrise - Rula Sinara - Страница 4


Dear Reader,

After I wrote The Promise of Rain, many of you asked me if spunky little Pippa would ever have her own story. Pippa was only four at the time! Still, there was something about her and her friend Haki that I couldn’t let go of and, after the children in the following books, including introverted Maddie in After the Silence, endured the impossible and stole my heart, I simply couldn’t quiet their stories.

Every Serengeti Sunrise takes readers back to the wilds of Kenya about fifteen years after the third book, Through the Storm. I never imagined sweet little Pippa’s future involving a love triangle, but both love and a writer’s imagination work in mysterious ways. I also felt guilty writing this story because Maddie, Haki and Pippa are good, kind souls who deserve to find true love. It made me wonder about the many different kinds of love and the complexity of relationships. Love is priceless, but it opens the door to pain. Would you turn down the chance to grow old with your soul mate if it meant hurting someone else you loved? Is being true to your heart selfish? Or is it always the right thing to do?

The Kenyan Wildlife Service is a real organization dedicated to protecting Kenya’s unique and extraordinary wildlife. Its teams are on the front lines, fighting poaching and providing emergency veterinary care to wildlife, including elephants. Their conservation efforts, along with those of the smaller rescue and rehab groups they cooperate with, are critical in the fight against poaching.

My door is open at www.rulasinara.com, where you can sign up for my newsletter, get information on all of my books and find links to my social media hangouts.

Wishing you love, peace and courage in life,

Rula Sinara

Every Serengeti Sunrise

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