Читать книгу Almost A Bride - Rula Sinara - Страница 8


“You’re the one who’s in a rush to sell your grandmother’s house.”

Mandi picked up a paint scraper from the bucket and slapped it gently against her palm.

“Gray, all I ever wanted was for you to be honest and open with me. If you can promise me that, then we’ll survive working together on this place.”

Something shifted in Gray’s face. He took the scraper from her and began clearing the cracked paint off the back railing.

“I’m an honest man, doing an honest day’s work. Trust me, Mandi. Nobody knows me better than you do. And nobody ever will.”

Was that an answer or a promise? A lump rose in her throat and she swallowed hard against it. Her heartstrings had tangled like wild, windblown hair the first day she’d met him, and it had taken her the past three years to loosen the knots. Grayson Zale was dangerous to her peace of mind. She wanted to believe him...but did she dare?

Almost A Bride

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