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Dear Reader,

One of my favorite poems is Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken.” We all know journeys through life tend to be circuitous with many difficult choices along the way. More often than not, our choice of path is complex and the driving force runs deep. I look back on my own life (hindsight is a great teacher) and can plainly see which of my choices were based on fear, insecurities or even expectations...and which were made because I followed my conscience, listened to my heart and had the courage to be true to myself.

When faced with divergent paths, are you a risk taker? Someone who takes the less-traveled road? The beautiful thing about life is that it allows for change. A journey through life, after all, is about self-discovery. It’s about learning from mistakes and righting the wrong. It’s about connecting with those who share or respect our passions, ethics and values. It’s about opening your heart to love in its many forms.

In this book, the hero and heroine are two very different people brought together by co-guardianship of their nephew. Mac is a risk taker...an adventurer who has convinced himself he’s better off alone. Tessa, on the other hand, craves security...a need that led her to a marriage and husband she’s determined to be loyal to. Yet both Mac and Tessa are facing internal and external battles between right and wrong. Both have made choices based on childhood experiences and both have now reached a crossroads where their choices will either drive them apart...or make them stronger.

I hope you enjoy this third story in my From Kenya, with Love series. My door is open at rulasinara.com, where you can sign up for my newsletter, get information on all my books and find links to my social media hangouts.

Wishing you love, peace and courage in life,

Rula Sinara

Through The Storm

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