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What do you most want to achieve in life?

Having a family? Retiring early? Expanding your business? Learning a foreign language? Living in the country? Running the country? Writing a book? Becoming an artist? Flying a plane? Establishing world peace? Creating financial security? De-cluttering your life?

Whatever you want – you are never more than one step away from commencing your journey towards realizing it. Every journey starts with a single step. And every dream or desire that you have in your life can become a goal where you take one step towards it, then another, then another, then another, until you get to where you want to be.

Goals really are a powerful tool for turning your visions into reality.

History is filled with people who started with a dream and ended with a reality. However, history is also filled with people who had a dream and never made it a reality. The difference is not actually in who the people who succeeded were and who the people who never succeeded were. The difference is in the fact that many of the people who succeeded did so through the process of setting and achieving goals.

Most surveys will tell you that between only 3% and 5% of people create and write down goals. That small percentage of people are usually more successful in any area of life than anyone who does not set and write down their goals.

In each part of our lives, be it health, relationships, money, hobbies, business, emotions, spiritual connection, home, or mental improvement, goals enable you to define what you want, create a plan, and take action to get results.

Unfortunately, most people have never put much effort into discovering what they really want their life to be about; what they want to achieve, what they want to attract into their life, or contribute back to those around them. It’s been said that we spend more time on balancing our bank accounts than we do on balancing our lives.

I believe that you bought this workbook because you want to make changes in your life, otherwise you wouldn’t bother with something like this. And since you do want to make changes, you are amongst the minority of people who want to seriously and proactively do something to improve their lives, the lives of those around them, or even the world.

So, the challenge for you in undertaking this program is to seriously use the information and tools offered to you in a consistent and determined manner in order to make real changes in your life.

You don’t have to do anything. Your involvement is up to you.

If you get involved and take part in the exercises, you will get a lot out; there is a great deal of information presented here. How much you learn depends on how much you’re prepared to be involved.

Don’t be afraid to rise to the challenge. I do want to stretch you with this program, as a little challenge will enable you to grow in the process of learning.

Goals are not simply just the completion of an activity. This is just a task. Unlike goals, tasks do not require us to be challenged or stretched or lead to growth. They merely require us to do something that we may have done many times before, or, at least, they are something that we have no concern or uncertainty about doing.

Instead, a goal requires us to push through our limits in order to achieve it. This will often require more planning, mental preparation and monitoring than a task. The level of challenge will change as you become more experienced with achieving goals, because you will build the discipline and mindset to take on greater challenges. I.e. you will stretch out your ability to stretch. For now, start small and work towards modest successes, building with each new goal.

Structure of this workbook

This ebook contains the framework for an integrated and thorough approach to successful goal setting and achievement.

The exercises are designed to bring you a better understanding of what your goals are actually about. They are also designed to build a better structure in your life for ensuring success.

Properly undertaken, the exercises will bring you clarity and structure in your goal. However, they do not replace the need for you to take real, physical actions to make the goal actually happen. Your taking action is the one element that cannot be produced in a book. You must act on your decisions or it is extremely unlikely that you will achieve your goals. Having the structure, clarity, focus and understanding obtained from doing this program will enable you to see the actions you need to take in order to succeed.

As this is an ebook, the exercises mentioned throughout here do not contain any writing spaces. My recommendation is that you grab a free copy of my Goals Action eBook Exercises Companion from my website. Click on the Goals Action eBook companion link. Using the following code, you can download the exercise companion free as a pdf.

Code: Aardvark93

As much as possible, ensure that you set up your physical environment so that you can complete each exercise without interruptions. And always try to keep your information private. This is about you. Sharing it with others can often bring surprising or disappointing reactions. Your desires don’t necessarily excite or motivate others and may, in fact, unsettle or confuse them. If you do want to share any part of this with anyone, try to find someone who also sets and works towards goals as they will, generally, have more of an objective appreciation for the efforts you are putting in to your own.

So, let’s begin and set you on your way towards setting and achieving your goals.

Go for it!

Russell McNair

November 2011.

Goals Action!

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