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“BAR K DUDE RANCH, Toni Keene speaking.”

“Hi, Toni. It’s me, Jack. Is Dani around?” He’d expected her to answer and hoped his disappointment wasn’t obvious.

“Uh-uh, and neither is Niki. They’ve gone to town.”

“What for?”

She laughed; Lord, she really was nice. “Niki’s looking for a job and Dani’s going to put an ad in the newspaper.”

“What kind of ad?”

“A wrangler wanted ad. Heaven knows we need help around here, and when the guests start arriving…”

He practically heard her shrug. “It’s kinda late in the season to be hiring men,” he said. “That may be a problem.”

“I sure hope not.” But her worry came through loud and clear. “We’ve got so many other problems that we don’t need another one.” She sighed. “Whatever—Dani will think of something. She always does.”

Jack thought maybe he could “guide” Dani in the right direction, but what he said was, “What kind of job is Niki looking for?”

“Whatever she can find. Maybe waitressing? She’s very conscientious and could probably make good tips.”

She could probably make good tips if she just stood in the middle of a room and smiled, he thought. “I don’t doubt it for a minute,” he said.

“That’s why nobody’s here but me and Grandma. Is there anything I can do for you, Jack?”

“Not really. I just wanted to…know if I could give Dani a hand with…anything.”

“That’s real nice of you,” Toni said. “Guess you’ll have to ask her. All I can tell you is that we’re loving this place more every minute we’re here. Sure, we have a lot of work ahead of us, but we’re doing just fine.”

“Glad to hear it. Nice talkin’ to you, Toni.”

Jack hung up and stood there for a few minutes, considering. He had a lot of work to do today, including the movement of several longhorns into the holding pen for shipment to Colorado day after tomorrow. Work on the XOX was never done. Besides the ranching operation, they bred a number of exotic species for sale to other ranchers, to zoos and farms. Herding dudes was the least of their endeavors. He’d often thought they should just give it up entirely, but the facilities were there, the cabins and recreation room and the swimming pool—

The telephone rang and Jack picked up automatically.

“This is Dr. Coleman. I’d like to reserve a week in June for myself and my wife at your guest ranch again this year.”

“Howdy, Doc. This is Jack.”

“Jack! Good to speak to you.”

“Maybe not.” Grandpa will kill me for this, Jack thought. “I’m afraid we’re full up in June.”

“Damn! I told my wife to call sooner, but she—”

“Yeah, well, I might be able to help you out, anyway.” Jack switched the phone to the other ear and glanced around to make sure no one was listening. “There’s another dude ranch just a few miles away that might have room for you. It’s the Bar K, and I’m pretty sure you and the missus would really enjoy it….”

The Wrangler's Woman

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