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“Who broke it off?”

He did not just ask that, did he? As if it was his business? Because it wasn’t. Remembering the price tag on this gig made her play nice when she longed to tell Drew Slade to mind his own business. She couldn’t do that so she shrugged lightly. “He did.”

Drew studied her for long, thick seconds, long enough for her heart to do that step-toe dance again. Then he leaned closer. “He’s a moron, Kimber, but I might just send him a thank-you note.”

Kimberly was pretty sure her breathing paused as their eyes met. “What for?”

He winked.

Her heart stuttered. Because Drew Slade had just flirted with her. Sure, he was just trying to ease an awkward moment, but that one brief exchange was enough to stir up those old schoolgirl feelings.

But that was then and this was now, and a whole lot of ugly had passed under their respective bridges.

An Unexpected Groom

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