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Dear Reader,

Life isn’t always fair. Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and we could spend a lot of time questioning God’s will and arguing why, but in the end we still have choices. To put bad and evil behind us and move on with our lives...or to wallow in anger.

Josie Gallagher doesn’t wallow. She took charge of a bad situation, trying to act in the best interests of her daughter, but when she realizes her intentions were thwarted by another’s deceit, she has no choice but to check things out. In the end, she stays true to her King Solomon beliefs: A true mother will never pull her child apart.

Jacob Weatherly became a father by default, but he’s a good, God-fearing man, determined to tip his daughter’s life in happy, normal directions. His fear at losing her is palpable and understandable, and it isn’t until Josie and Jacob embrace the sacrificial nature of being a true parent that they realize God’s timing.

Have you ever faced cruel decisions, only to find out later things worked out for the best? God’s timing isn’t always clear to us...but as long as it’s clear to Him, we’re okay!

I love to hear from readers! Email me at loganherne@gmail.com or visit my website ruthloganherne.com, friend me on Facebook/Ruth Logan Herne or find me cooking at the Yankee Belle Café (www.yankeebellecafe.blogspot.com) with several other Love Inspired authors who love to share their joy of cooking, baking, God and romance with readers!

Thank you for taking the time to read Josie and Jacob’s beautiful story, and may God bless you!


Her Secret Daughter

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