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Chapter 1: Introduction to the Apostates


Defining the word apostates will help anyone see how we arrived at the current circus of social media affairs. Apostate: a disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or religion or political party or friend etc. Derived from the Greek word apostatēs ‘deserter’

This definition helps you see that at one time (most) of the vocal crusaders attempted to be part of the Scientology organization, and simply found it too hard to follow the code of honest people working for a better world.

A disloyal person can take on many forms. A friend you trusted can turn his back on you, a person you helped can feel no appreciation or reciprocation toward your efforts, and someone you took at face value can turn out to be there for the wrong reasons and have criminal intentions that lead to their personal gain, but your misfortune.

A deserter is obviously someone you expected was there for the same reasons as you. One sees the purpose of the group and the widespread help it delivers, but instead of supporting the effort decides to desert the cause. In some sense we all have the right to desert a cause (although there are responsible ways to leave a group rather than the cowardly practice of desertion) but you then wouldn’t expect them to spend their remaining time promoting lies and disparaging the group they left. If you’re out, then leave; get on with your life, good riddance, but when you look a little closer you see for yourself the true intentions of the cowardly and the insane.

After looking for myself at the operations of those are vested into the purpose of profiting off of false allegations and exaggerations towards Scientology, I decided to take it upon myself to write a few chapters for all of those interested and/or affected by this virus of information. This is only a high level attempt to at least expose what's really happening behind the scenes.

Throughout my apostate research I find these people have either pretended to be Scientologists and or are just employed by those who are against Scientology for what it is doing to their business. Specifically, the businesses who are being affected by Scientology are the American Psychiatric Association, American Medical Association, the marijuana industry, psychiatrists, psychologists, religious bigots, the mainstream media, and Big Pharma. Why is that?

Each of these organizations have a racket going where they profit from misleading the American people and the world at large. There short term profits do not out way the long term negative affects their ‘services’ have on people who trust them. There is a LOT of money involved with all of these groups, and for each you can find out for yourself how many stories there are of ‘treatment’ offered and ‘promises’ made for something better that is never delivered.

I’ve made some very major statements above and these are not going to be treated fairly or justly by those who are involved in the illegal and biased dealings against the Church of Scientology. But, that is why I am the one standing up and speaking out about it so those who are sane can fully understand it and the reasons why the apostates are doing what they are doing.

Also be sure and check out some of the links in my References section to back up my statements made here.

The Truth About Apostates

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