Читать книгу Fairy tale. Camel, Crocodile and Friday - Рза Рагимович Кафаров - Страница 2



Ali-kishi* – the oldest resident of Achmas (*Here Ali – is the name of the character; kishi-respectful prefix to the name)

Mamed-kishi – respected resident of Achmas

Director of the zoo in the capital city

Mayor of Achmas town

Vice Mayor of Achmas town

Rustam-muallim – a biology teacher in Achmas

Architect of Achmas town

Chief surgeon in the hospital of the of town Achmas and others,

and also the townsfolk and children of the town of Achmas.

The scene of action is the small southern town of Achmas, as well as the capital of a small southern country.

Fairy tale. Camel, Crocodile and Friday

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