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Table of Contents

1. AIWOHI-KUPUA. A young chief of Kauai, suitor to Laie-i-ka-wai.

2. AKIKEEHIALE. The turnstone, messenger of Aiwohikupua.

3. AWAKEA. "Noonday." The bird that guards the doors of the sun.

4. HALA-ANIANI. A young rascal of Puna.

5. HALULU-I-KE-KIHE-O-KA-MALAMA. The bird who bears the visitors to the doors of the sun.

6. HATUA-I-LIKI. "Strike-in-beating." A young chief of Kauai, suitor to Laie-i-ka-wai.

7. HAUNAKA. A champion boxer of Kohala.

8. HINA-I-KA-MALAMA. A chiefess of Maui.

9. HULU-MANIANI. "Waving feather." A seer of Kauai.

10. IHU-ANU. "Cold-nose." A champion boxer of Kohala.

11. KA-ELO-I-KA-MALAMA. The "mother's brother" who guards the land of Nuumealani.

12. KA-HALA-O-MAPU-ANA. "The sweet-scented hala." The youngest sister of Aiwohikupua.

13. KAHAU-O-KAPAKA. The chief of Koolau, Oahu, father of Laie-i-ka-wai.

14. KAHOUPO 'KANE. Attendant upon Poliahu.

15. KA-ILI-O-KA-LAU-O-KE-KOA. "The-skin-of-the-leaf-of-the-koa (tree)." The wife of Kauakahialii.

16. KALAHUMOKU. The fighting dog of Aiwohikupua.

17. KA-OHU-KULO-KIALEA. "The-moving-cloud-of-Kaialea." Guard of the shade at the taboo house of Kahiki.

18. KA-ONOHI-O-KA-LA. "The-eyeball-of-the-sun." A high taboo chief, who lives in Kahiki.

19. KAPUKAI-HAOA. A priest, grandfather of Laie-i-ka-wai.

20. KAUA-KAHI-ALII. The high chief of Kauai.

21. KAULAAI-LEHUA. A beautiful princess of Molokai.

22. KE-KALUKALU-O-KE-WA. Successor to Kauakahi-alii and suitor to Laie-i-ka-wai.

23. KIHA-NUI-LULU-MOKU. "Great-convulsion-shaking-the-island." A guardian spirit of Pali-uli.

24. KOAE. The tropic bird. Messenger of Aiwohikupua.

25. LAIE-I-KA-WAI. A species of the ieie vine. (?) The beauty of Pali-uli.

26. LAIE-LOHELOHE. Another species of the ieie vine. (?) Twin sister of Laie-i-ka-wai.

27. LANALANA-NUI-AI-MAKUA. "Great-ancestral-spider." The one who lets down the pathway to the heavens.

28. LAU-KIELE-ULA. "Red-kiele-leaf." The mother who attends the young chief in the taboo house at Kahiki.

29. LILI-NOE. "Fine-fog." Attendant to Poliahu.

30. MAHINA-NUI-KONANE. "Big-bright-moon." Guard of the shade at the taboo house at Kahiki.

31. MAILE-HAIWALE. "Brittle-leafed-maile-vine." Sister of Aiwohikupua.

32. MAILE-KALUHEA. "Big-leafed-maile-vine." Sister of Aiwohikupua.

33. MAILE-LAULII. "Fine-leaf ed-maile-vine." Sister of Aiwohikupua.

34. MAILE-PAKAHA. "Common-maile-vine." Sister of Aiwohikupua.

35. MAKA-WELI. "Terrible-eyes." A young chief of Kauai.

36. MALAEKAHANA. The mother of Laie-i-ka-wai.

37. MALIO. A sorceress, sister of the Puna rascal,

38. MOANALIHA-I-KA-WAOKELE. A powerful chief in Kahiki.

39. MOKU-KELE-KAHIKI. "Island-sailing-to-Kahiki." The mother's brother who guards the land of Ke-alohi-lani.

40. POLI-AHU. "Cold-bosom." A high chiefess who dwells on Maunakea.

41. POLOULA. A chief at Wailua, Kauai.

42. ULILI. The snipe. Messenger to Aiwohikupua.

43. WAI-AIE. "Water-mist." Attendant of Poliahu.

44. WAKA. A sorceress, grandmother of Laie-i-ka-wai.

The chief counsellor of Aiwohikupua.

The humpbacked attendant of Laie-i-ka-wai.

A canoe owner of Molokai.

A chief of Molokai, father of Kaulaailehua.

A countrywoman of Hana.

Paddlers, soldiers, and country people.

The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai

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