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We will now consider the pelvis collectively or as a whole; its relation to the rest of the body; its magnitude, axis, etc. It is connected with the trunk by the articulation of the sacrum with the last lumber vertebra, effected in the same manner as the junction of the vertebra with each other; with the lower extremities it is connected by means of the hip joints. When the pelvis is in situ, the brim is neither horizontal nor perpendicular. It represents a cone, slightly flattened from before backwards, the base of which being above, while the apex is directed downwards.

When the body is erect the upper part of the sacrum and the acetabula are nearly on the same descending line, the point of the os coccygis being a little above the arch of the pubis, and the sacro-vertebral angle three inches and nine lines higher than the pubis. Were it not for the obliquity owing to the upright position of the human female, the womb would gravitate low in the pelvis, and produce most injurious pressure on the contained viscera. The lower or true pelvis is the part involved in parturition, and its size and shape demands our attention.

Mother, Nurse and Infant

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