Читать книгу Mother, Nurse and Infant - S. P. Sackett - Страница 29



The uterine or Fallopian tubes are two canals, about four inches long, placed in the superior border of the broad ligaments of the uterus. They extend for about three inches and a half, when they expand and terminate with a fringed process called the fimbria, which is applied to the ovary after impregnation. The Fallopian tubes serve the double purpose of a canal for transmitting the fecundating principle of the male and for carrying the germ furnished by the female to the uterus—in fact they are excretory ducts of the ovary.

Injections into the uterus may pass into the peritoneal cavity, through the Fallopian tubes, and cause peritonitis.

At each menstrual period an ovula passes along with the serum current in the Fallopian tubes to the uterus.

Mother, Nurse and Infant

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