Читать книгу Where Wildflowers Bloom - Sabrina E McAlister - Страница 13



I was born with gifts

That I've never been able to explain

I've kept them under lock and key

its a part of me I don't know that I want to share

its what makes me me

its been a lifetime trying to make sense of it

never quite fitting in

not really being understood

like a fish out of water

speaking a different language

my understanding of myself

and my acceptance did not come overnight

its been a long road

i walk between worlds

I embrace every part of me

My saving grace has been my loving heart

and knowing that every secret is not for me to tell

If you are ready I will unveil all that has been hidden from you and let you reveal it to yourself through my reflection that shields me

it sends you an echo of awareness to wake up and heal all that was hidden.

Where Wildflowers Bloom

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