Читать книгу Texas Got It Right! - Sam Wyly - Страница 19


As new jobs and prosperity have driven population

growth in the state, Texas’s legislative and electoral

oomph have grown right along with it. In fact, the

Lone Star State is at the center of a slow, steady

shift in the political landscape of the United States.

Since 1940, seventy-nine congressional seats have

drifted from the Midwest and the Northeast to the

South and the West—and about 18 percent of those

seats now belong to Texas, whose congressional

delegation has grown for the past seven consecutive

decades. The picture in the Electoral College,

whose delegates send a candidate to the White

House every four years, is similarly striking. The

2010 Census awarded Texas 38 electors, four more

than it possessed after the 2000 count, and the most

gained by any state. Meanwhile, the electoral clout

of Rust Belt and Northeast power centers like

Illinois, New York, and Pennsylvania is declining,

and California has flatlined.



Texas Got It Right!

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