Читать книгу Exposed - Samantha Keith - Страница 12


Chapter 4

Her nerves vibrated along her muscles, matching the bass of the music near the stage. Her hand shook as she filled a glass with liquor. Carlos had been gone three days, and so far, every night a different man from his entourage had been watching her. Heat crept up her chest and her temper racked up a notch.

Tonight, it was Tony. And out of all three of them, he made her the most uneasy. His nearly black eyes never left her as she moved from table to table. She topped off the glass in her hand with soda and took a deep shaky breath. It took everything in her not to storm across the room and tell him to go fuck himself. But that wouldn’t go over well, and it would ruin the image she’d carefully painted of herself.

After Nate had left the previous night, she’d called Lieutenant Davis to notify him of the cruise she and Carlos were going on. He hadn’t been much happier than Nate about it, but he’d granted her clearance. Not like he could have stopped her anyway. Updating him while on the ship would be tough and risky, so he had agreed to settle for updates through the FBI.

“You okay?” Ginger leaned against the bar, an empty serving tray balanced on her hip. Her voice barely carried over the music, but her lips moved exaggeratedly. “You’ve been off tonight.” Her short red hair framed her jaw and her bright blue eyes focused sharply on Maddie. Ginger had been the only welcoming face since she’d started at GT’s, and pretending to be someone she wasn’t gnawed at her.

Maddie forced a smile. “I’m fine.” The urge to tell her that Tony creeped her out sat heavily on her tongue.

Don’t trust anyone. Nate’s warning rang through her.

“Just a little tired is all.”

Ginger set her tray down and folded her arms across her chest. “Look, I know it’s none of my business, but you need to stay far away from Carlos.” She stepped in front of Maddie, blocking Tony’s view. Her eyes darted around, and she leaned closer. “He’s dangerous, Maddie.” Deep, tense lines raked across her alabaster forehead. “Trust me, I know…” She picked up her tray, sided past Maddie, and returned to the floor.

The bottom of her stomach dropped out and a wave of dizziness washed over her. Lead weights clung to her feet, and kept her riveted to the spot. She didn’t need someone to tell her he was dangerous, everything about Carlos Santiago screamed that. Ginger had gotten involved with Carlos? The urge to chase her down and question her ripped through Maddie. But she couldn’t take the risk.

Heat burned the top of her head. He was watching her.

She lifted her chin, and met Tony’s glare across the dark, crowded room. His long, dark hair reached his shoulders. A dark five o’clock shadow covered his face, making the olive tones that much darker. His fingers moved up and down the beer bottle in front of him, his eyes never wavered from hers. She forced her lips into a smile, but her cheeks ached.

She tore her feet from the smooth laminate floor, picked up the drink, and sauntered to the table of men across the room from Tony. His gaze seared through her back as she moved. She forced him from her mind. She couldn’t let him see her apprehension. If she got on Tony’s radar, everything could blow up in her face.

“You’re still here? Didn’t your shift end at one?” Kiki caught her arm as she turned from the table, and lifted one exaggerated black eyebrow at her. Her platinum blond hair reached the top of her mostly exposed breasts.

Maddie flipped her wrist to glance at her watch. “Oh wow, I didn’t realize the time. I guess I’d better go. I’m off tomorrow, so I’ll see you Saturday.”

“All right, girl. See ya.”

Maddie moved across the floor to the back room. Her eyes burned as they adjusted to the bright fluorescent lights. Fatigue seeped into her muscles. She swung her purse over her shoulder, gripped her keys in her hand, and walked to the back exit. She pressed the long end of her house key through her ring and middle finger. Since Nate had jumped her in her car the other night, she’d been much more careful when leaving the bar.

The warm ocean air caressed her skin as the heavy metal door slammed behind her. She stepped onto the smooth concrete of the parking lot and strode toward her vehicle. It was a nice night, and the soft, earthy scent of rain hung in the air. She missed the rainy nights in Seattle.

A pebble skidded across the pavement. Her heart hurled into her throat. She whirled around, the keys braced in front of her. Tony moved out from behind a truck and closed the distance between them. The hair on the back of her neck stood on end.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he said. His voice was smooth and even, but her gut twisted violently. “You’re awfully jumpy.” The outside light caught the onyx in his coal-like eyes. She took a step back, and lowered her hand to her side.

Don’t let him see your fear.

“Tony, what’s up?” She pressed the unlock button on her key fob. His body stopped inches from hers. The sharp scent of vodka filled her nostrils. He wavered on his feet and pulled his hand from his pocket. His gaze dropped and slid down her body with the slimy texture of a snake’s tongue. His knuckles brushed down the side of her bare arm.

“I saw you looking at me inside. Figured you could use some company.” The edge of his wide mouth lifted, revealing his stained teeth. Revulsion coiled inside her. Cigarette smoke carried on a wave of his breath. She tilted her head out of harm’s way and gripped the door handle of her car. She swallowed to prevent the curdle of disgust from creeping up her throat.

“I’m not interested.” She gave him a tense smile, and opened the driver’s side door. A shadow crossed over his face. His palm slammed against the window, forcing the door shut. His hands pressed against the car on either side of her, closing her in. His face dipped low and his hot breath invaded her space.

“I have a deal for you,” he began. The smooth tone of his voice turned harsh and ragged. “I won’t tell Carlos that you came on to me if you treat me nice.”

Fire scorched up her back and burned her face. His palm dropped to the side of her bare thigh and slithered under her dress. His mouth crushed over hers and his teeth bit into her bottom lip. Rage coursed through her veins. She shot her leg up between his thighs. Her knee connected sharply with his manhood. He cried out and slumped against her, pinning her to the car. She shoved him off her and he stumbled back a few steps.

His hands opened and closed at his sides. “You fucking bitch,” he ground out. Her teeth gnashed. He charged at her.

The muscles in her body grew taut as she jabbed her closed fist into his Adam’s apple. Tony stopped short, air wheezed out of his lungs like a whoopee cushion, and he dropped to his knees. His hands grasped his throat, and his eyes bulged as he sucked in short, sharp breaths.

Satisfaction settled over her. Her chest rose and fell and her fingernails dug into her palms. His chest crumpled forward over his knees, and his palms rested on the pavement. She stepped closer to him and nudged his shoulder with her foot.

“If you ever come near me again, I’ll kill you. Got it?” She spoke through her teeth.

Tony’s head lifted and his eyes flashed. He shot his hand out and circled her ankle. Her foot tore out from under her, but she caught herself on the car before she hit the pavement. Tony got to his feet and his hands closed around her throat. He lifted her to her toes and pressed her back against the car.

“That was a lucky shot, and you’re going to pay for it.” Spit fired through the thin line of his lips. Fear tickled her spine. She clenched her jaw. As it stood, Tony thought she couldn’t fight. If she overpowered him and broke free, he’d know she was trained.

But she’d be damned if she’d let him touch her.

His knee slid between her legs and a smile slithered over his face. Her blood thundered through her veins with the force of a fire hose. With his leg between hers, her mobility was at a disadvantage.

Nate’s voice rang in her ears. If anything happens, forget the case.

A growl tore through her throat. She raised her right arm over both of his, threw her weight to the side, and broke his hold on her throat, trapping his wrists under her arm. She drove her elbow back and it crunched into his nose. Blood shot out and splattered her driver’s side window.

“Goddamn it!” he yelped. He backed away from her, tripped over his feet, and landed with a thud to the ground.

Her fingers traced her neck where his hold had been. She swallowed and moved her shaking hand to her side. Kicking his ass had put her in more danger. She bent and picked up her keys and purse from the ground and opened the driver’s side door.

“Save yourself the embarrassment and go home, Tony. Don’t worry, I won’t tell Carlos about this. I’m pretty sure he’d fire you, if only for the reason that I just kicked the shit out of you without breaking a sweat.”

She dropped into her seat, closed the door, and punched the lock button. She buckled her seatbelt and peeled out of the parking lot. Her gaze swung to her rear view mirror. Tony stood in the parking lot awash in shadows. His hands were clenched in fists at his sides, staring after her. She turned her eyes to the road and focused on her breath. Ever so slowly, her heartrate returned to normal.

She pressed her back against the cool leather seat and turned the air conditioning up. Her throat ached from where his hands had gripped her, and her back throbbed. The streets were dark and quiet. Her gaze flicked to the rear view mirror again. Dammit, what kind of car did he drive? Could he be following her? No. She’d gotten a good head start. If he were tailing her, he would’ve had to speed to catch up.

Dryness settled over her eyes, making every blink scratch like sandpaper. She wasn’t used to late nights. Her previous position with the Criminal Investigations Unit had been laid back—and it had been boring as hell. Years ago she’d tried out for the FBI, and had made the mistake of telling Ethan. At that time, he’d still been working as an agent and had pulled strings to get her off the list.

Back then, she’d been eager and ready to take on the world. She’d had her criminal justice bachelor’s degree behind her and nearly a year of experience with the Seattle police force… And after what she’d encountered in the last week, had she made it into the FBI then, her twenty-four-year-old self probably would have been killed by now. So maybe Ethan had been right to do what he’d done.

But now, four years later, he was wrong and she wouldn’t let him lord over her life.

After the heist against Carlos, she’d try out for the FBI again. Only this time, she’d have a hell of a record after bringing down a drug lord like Carlos Santiago. Excitement bubbled through her. Ethan and Nate would have to admit that they had been wrong about her. It would be quite the accomplishment, but that wasn’t the only thing that fueled her. Carlos was an evil man and his drug ring had taken the lives of many innocent people.

If it weren’t for Carlos, Leila would still be alive. Instead, her best friend’s little sister had died in an alleyway in Miami from a drug overdose—drugs Carlos had provided her. He was the scum of the earth and didn’t care about the young lives he’d stolen.

A few minutes later, she pulled into the parking stall at her apartment building. She darted her gaze around the dark lot. It was quiet. Too quiet. She shook her head. She was still on edge. She needed a tall glass of wine and a hot shower.

She stepped out of the car, closed the door, and pressed the lock button on her key fob.

Beep, beep, beep.

The soft noise carried on the wind and disappeared into the night. Her breath hitched along with her footsteps as she skirted the short distance to the well-lit front entrance.

Her fear fell away with the darkness as she used her key to get in the door and took the elevator up to the fifth floor. The door dinged open and once again, dead silence greeted her. She strode to the end of the hall, her keys braced in her hand. The apartment building was old, but newly renovated with soaring ceilings and spacious suites.

She stopped at her door and fit the key in the lock. Her spine stiffened and her shoulders tensed, ready to fight. Her hand gripped the smooth steel door handle and her gaze swept through the entryway of her apartment. A warm glow from the lamp on the end table in the living room cast shadows over the room.

Everything was how she’d left it. She took a deep, shaky breath, stepped inside, and closed the door behind her. Her fingers trembled on the lock as she snapped it shut. The weight on her chest spread to her shoulder blades.

She couldn’t keep this up much longer. Ever since Nate had found the GPS tracking device in her purse, her confidence had faltered. Tony’s encounter hadn’t helped.

She moved her shoulders around until the tension eased, and slid her shoes off. Her fingers still hung in tight fists at her sides. She wouldn’t be able to relax until she’d checked out the entire unit. She moved quickly through the small space, checking every nook and closet.

Nothing. Thank god. She didn’t have another fight in her. She weaved her way to the small kitchen and opened the fridge. Her stomach grumbled at the salad and eggs that stared back at her. That wouldn’t cut it. But ordering take out would take too long. She went to the cupboard, pulled out a bag of popcorn, and popped it in the microwave. The machine hummed as she poured herself a glass of water. She’d eat first, then shower and crash.

Bring, bring! Bring, bring!

She frowned and pulled her cellphone from her purse on the kitchen counter. Who the hell would be calling her at nearly two a.m.? She read the caller I.D.


Her senses prickled to life. Had Tony called him? She swallowed and swiped her finger across the screen.

“Hi, honey.” She sang into the phone. Her voice pitched and she cleared her throat to strengthen it.

“Where are you?” It wasn’t a demand, but his voice rang with question. Carlos was a very possessive man.

She bit her tongue to prevent saying anything she’d regret later. She needed to play the part and do as he expected of her until this was over. A soft pop started in the microwave, followed by dozens more and the bag quickly inflated.

“I just got home from work a few minutes ago. You’re calling late.” Her pulse tapped against her throat. Being at ease with Carlos was like doing your nails in the lion’s den. The microwave dinged and she opened the door and pulled out the bag.

The soft clink of a glass sounded over the phone. “It’s eleven here, and I miss you like crazy.” His rough voice dropped lower. “I’m still mad about what happened on the yacht.”

Her skin crawled. By some stroke of luck, Carlos had come down with a sudden stomach bug on Saturday. She’d been prepared to sleep with him and make the sacrifice to get closer… and then he’d run to the bathroom puking. Thankfully, he’d been too sick to notice her relief.

“I was so disappointed, but only a couple more days until you’re home.”

He groaned in her ear. “Sorry, honey. Something came up and I won’t be home until Monday.”

Her heart dropped to her stomach. No. He couldn’t change plans. Not now… not when Nate had his team lined up and stationed on the ship. Had Tony called him? Was he suspicious of her and calling off the exchange?

“We’re not going on the cruise?”

“Are you kidding? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” His tone was placating and gentle. If he weren’t such a scumbag, she’d almost be fooled by his charm. “I’m going straight to the boat as soon as my plane lands, so I’ll have to meet you aboard. Hector will pick you up at nine a.m. and take you there. He and Ricardo will be staying a few doors down from us.”

Maddie squeezed her eyes tight and pinched the bridge of her nose. God, she hadn’t even thought to find out if they were coming. But of course, they would be there. Carlos didn’t go anywhere without those bozos.

“Oh, I thought it would just be the two of us.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of alone time… I’ll make sure of it. But I have business to do in San Juan, so I need them around.”

She sighed. “All right. I guess I’ll catch some sun while you work,” she laughed, the sound brittle to her ears. “I can’t wait to see you,” she purred. She tore open the bag of popcorn and dumped it into the bowl, and then sprinkled some pink salt over it.

“Me too, honey. Have a good sleep and I’ll see you in a few days.”

“Good night.” She made a kiss noise into the phone, hung up, and dropped it to the counter. Any change in plans was a bad sign at this stage of the game. He could very well be telling the truth, after all, and it wasn’t as if he’d cancelled the whole trip. That would be a big red flag.

Dammit. Now she had to call Nate and let him know Carlos had changed the plans. She pulled the encrypted phone from her cleavage and her fingers moved quickly over the screen.

Change of plans. I’ll be picked up and taken to the ship on Monday morning. He will meet me there before departure.

She scooped up the bowl, crossed the kitchen to the living room, and dropped on the couch. Her phone dinged.

Christ. Did anything happen? Why would he change?

Her teeth bit down on a handful of popcorn. Shit. If she told him about Tony’s advance on her, he’d lose his shit. But she couldn’t keep that from him. If Tony was on to her, it was for everyone’s safety that he knew about it.

Kinda. Nothing serious. Hector and Ricardo will be checking in at the same time I will be, so I think all is well.

She set the phone down. Several minutes passed and her phone didn’t ding. She flicked through a few channels until she’d polished off the popcorn, and then got to her feet. She checked the phone again, and still no message from Nate. Maybe he’d fallen asleep. Fatigue weighed her body down. A hot shower and bed was exactly what she needed.

She stripped her clothes off on the way down the hall, yanked the tap to scorching hot, and got under the spray. Her head tilted back and water ran over her face. She closed her eyes and steam swarmed around her, melting her achy muscles.

Nate’s face filled her mind’s eye and her body pulsed in need. The memory of his hot, urgent lips pressed to hers made her skin burn. She lathered her hands in soap and let her fingers coast over her body.

The bathroom door squeaked and her eyes flew open. Her hands stilled on the small of her stomach, the pulsing desire still ebbed through her nerves.

“Jesus, what the hell are you doing in there? Hurry up, we need to talk.”

She shrieked and tore the curtain open. Nate leaned in the doorway, his tall, broad shoulders filling the doorframe. Her heart skidded to a stop and her blood churned.

“You scared the life out of me!” she cried. Her heart beat wildly in her chest and she closed the curtain. “And get the hell out,” she hissed.

“You have five minutes or I’m coming in to get you.” The door closed softly behind him and irritation gnawed at her. She rested her fingertips against her temples and took a deep breath.

Nate had nearly caught her about to get off at the memory of him.

And the bastard had interrupted her.


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