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Chapter Twenty-Seven 1989 Hayes residence


Wednesday 12th July – 1 week before

Auntie Tina made the best banana cake. It was one of the highlights of going over to Jonie’s after school.

‘You’re lucky there’s still some left – Miss Gannet Guts over there had almost half of it for breakfast!’ Tina said.

Bella laughed as she shovelled the slab of cake into her mouth, causing her to cough and send crumbs flying, making them all laugh harder.

‘Careful, don’t choke. How would I explain that to your mum?’

Jonie gave Bella a hard slap on the back even though she wasn’t coughing anymore. She moved away from her, saying she was fine. There had been no need for that. Bella thought it was just an excuse to whack her. She thought Auntie Tina noticed too, because she stopped laughing and stood in between them both, draping one arm over each of their shoulders.

‘You looking forward to the school holidays?’ Tina asked in a falsely bright way.

‘Um, hell yeah,’ Jonie said.

‘Watch your language,’ Tina said. But Jonie just rolled her eyes.

‘I’m not that bothered, really.’ Bella’s words drew a shocked glance from Tina and Jonie.

‘What? Are you for real?’ Jonie’s frown made her eyes go dark.

‘I don’t mind school – I like learning stuff.’

‘You’re such a square, Bella!’

‘No she isn’t, Jonie – don’t say things like that.’ Auntie Tina gave Bella a big smile. ‘It’s good to want to learn. Don’t let anyone put you off, love. Knowledge is power,’ she said, adding more quietly as she released her arms from them, ‘and your ticket out of this place.’

Before Bella could ask what she meant, the back door opened and a man’s head popped around.

‘Hello, ladies. How are you all on this fine afternoon?’

The girls giggled, as did Tina. ‘We’re good, Pat – what brings you here?’

Bella watched as the policeman emerged from behind the door, closed it and wiped his feet on the doormat. Everyone knew Officer Vern. He ‘kept an eye’ on Mapledon because he had lived in the village all his life; the place was too small to have its own police station. Bella thought it must be a boring job because nothing interesting ever happened. It seemed the most he’d ever had to do was tell kids off. And if she heard her dad say: ‘In my day, coppers could give you a clip around the ear and you’d behave yourself,’ one more time she’d puke.

As he leant back against the kitchen sink, she noted his tummy bulged slightly over the top of his black trousers. Bella concluded he hadn’t ever run after any baddies; he didn’t look like he got much exercise at all. He smiled, then glanced at Auntie Tina; he hadn’t answered her question, but he seemed to be waiting for something.

‘Girls, why don’t you both go and watch some TV, or play outside for a bit?’ Tina said, her smile vanishing.

Jonie grabbed Bella’s arm. ‘Come on, let’s go have some fun. See you later, Mum.’

Bella eyed Auntie Tina as she was being dragged out the back door. She thought she looked worried. What did the policeman want? Her tummy lurched. What if it was to do with Creepy Cawley? Had he called the police about the Knock, Knock games the kids were always playing? She’d only been to his bungalow a few times after school with Jonie, but if he’d seen them, would he have known who they were? Her mum would kill her if she found out they’d been ‘terrorising’ him.

Bella wished she could hear what was being said in Auntie Tina’s kitchen right now …

I Dare You

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