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[For the King’s own account of his escape dictated to Pepys, see

“Boscobel” (Bohn’s “Standard Library”).]

where it made me ready to weep to hear the stories that he told of his difficulties that he had passed through, as his travelling four days and three nights on foot, every step up to his knees in dirt, with nothing but a green coat and a pair of country breeches on, and a pair of country shoes that made him so sore all over his feet, that he could scarce stir. Yet he was forced to run away from a miller and other company, that took them for rogues. His sitting at table at one place, where the master of the house, that had not seen him in eight years, did know him, but kept it private; when at the same table there was one that had been of his own regiment at Worcester, could not know him, but made him drink the King’s health, and said that the King was at least four fingers higher than he. At another place he was by some servants of the house made to drink, that they might know him not to be a Roundhead, which they swore he was. In another place at his inn, the master of the house,

[This was at Brighton. The inn was the “George,” and the innkeeper

was named Smith. Charles related this circumstance again to Pepys

in October, 1680. He then said, “And here also I ran into another

very great danger, as being confident I was known by the master of

the inn; for, as I was standing after supper by the fireside,

leaning my hand upon a chair, and all the rest of the company being

gone into another room, the master of the inn came in and fell a-

talking with me, and just as he was looking about, and saw there was

nobody in the room, he upon a sudden kissed my hand that was upon

the back of the chair, and said to me, ‘God bless you wheresoever

you go! I do not doubt before I die, but to be a lord, and my wife

a lady.’ So I laughed, and went away into the next room.”]

as the King was standing with his hands upon the back of a chair by the fire-side, kneeled down and kissed his hand, privately, saying, that he would not ask him who he was, but bid God bless him whither he was going. Then the difficulty of getting a boat to get into France, where he was fain to plot with the master thereof to keep his design from the four men and a boy (which was all his ship’s company), and so got to Fecamp in France.

[On Saturday, October 11th, 1651, Colonel Gunter made an agreement

at Chichester with Nicholas Tettersell, through Francis Mansell (a

French merchant), to have Tettersell’s vessel ready at an hour’s

warning. Charles II., in his narrative dictated to Pepys in 1680,

said, “We went to a place, four miles off Shoreham, called

Brighthelmstone, where we were to meet with the master of the ship,

as thinking it more convenient to meet there than just at Shoreham,

where the ship was. So when we came to the inn at Brighthelmstone

we met with one, the merchant Francis Mansell] who had hired the

vessel, in company with her master [Tettersell], the merchant only

knowing me, as having hired her only to carry over a person of

quality that was escaped from the battle of Worcester without naming


The boat was supposed to be bound for Poole, but Charles says in his

narrative: “As we were sailing the master came to me, and desired me

that I would persuade his men to use their best endeavours with him

to get him to set us on shore in France, the better to cover him

from any suspicion thereof, upon which I went to the men, which were

four and a boy.”

After the Restoration Mansell was granted a pension of £200 a year,

and Tettersell one of £100 a year. (See “Captain Nicholas

Tettersell and the Escape of Charles II.,” by F. E. Sawyer, F.S.A.,

“Sussex Archaeological Collections,” vol. xxxii. pp. 81–104).)

At Rouen he looked so poorly, that the people went into the rooms before he went away to see whether he had not stole something or other. In the evening I went up to my Lord to write letters for England, which we sent away with word of our coming, by Mr. Edw. Pickering. The King supped alone in the coach; after that I got a dish, and we four supped in my cabin, as at noon. About bed-time my Lord Bartlett

[A mistake for Lord Berkeley of Berkeley, who had been deputed, with

Lord Middlesex and four other Peers, by the House of Lords to

present an address of congratulation to the King.—B.]

(who I had offered my service to before) sent for me to get him a bed, who with much ado I did get to bed to my Lord Middlesex in the great cabin below, but I was cruelly troubled before I could dispose of him, and quit myself of him. So to my cabin again, where the company still was, and were talking more of the King’s difficulties; as how he was fain to eat a piece of bread and cheese out of a poor boy’s pocket; how, at a Catholique house, he was fain to lie in the priest’s hole a good while in the house for his privacy. After that our company broke up, and the Doctor and I to bed. We have all the Lords Commissioners on board us, and many others. Under sail all night, and most glorious weather.

24th. Up, and made myself as fine as I could, with the Tinning stockings on and wide canons—[“Cannions, boot hose tops; an old-fashioned ornament for the legs.” That is to say, a particular addition to breeches.]—that I bought the other day at Hague. Extraordinary press of noble company, and great mirth all the day. There dined with me in my cabin (that is, the carpenter’s) Dr. Earle

[John Earle, born about 1601; appointed in 1643 one of the

Westminster Assembly of Divines, but his principles did not allow

him to act. He accompanied Charles II. when he was obliged to fly

from England. Dean of Westminster at the Restoration, Bishop of

Worcester, November 30th, 1662, and translated to Salisbury,

September 28th, 1663. He was tender to the Nonconformists, and

Baxter wrote of him, “O that they were all such!” Author of

“Microcosmography.” Died November 17th, 1665, and was buried in the

chapel of Merton College, of which he had been a Fellow. Charles

II. had the highest esteem for him.]

and Mr. Hollis,

[Denzil Holles, second son of John, first Earl of Clare, born at

Houghton, Notts, in 1597. He was one of the five members charged

with high treason by Charles I. in 1641. He was a Presbyterian, and

one of the Commissioners sent by Parliament to wait on Charles II.

at the Hague. Sir William Lower, in his “Relation,” 1660, writes:

“All agreed that never person spake with more affection nor

expressed himself in better terms than Mr. Denzil Hollis, who was

orator for the Deputies of the Lower House, to whom those of London

were joined.” He was created Baron Holles on April 20th, 1661, on

the occasion of the coronation of Charles II.]

the King’s Chaplins, Dr. Scarborough,

[Charles Scarburgh, M.D., an eminent physician who suffered for the

royal cause during the Civil Wars. He was born in London, and

educated at St. Paul’s School and Caius College, Cambridge. He was

ejected from his fellowship at Caius, and withdrew to Oxford. He

entered himself at Merton College, then presided over by Harvey,

with whom he formed a lifelong friendship. He was knighted by

Charles II. in 1669, and attended the King in his last illness. He

was also physician to James II. and to William III., and died

February 26th, 1693–4.]

Dr. Quarterman, and Dr. Clerke, Physicians, Mr. Darcy, and Mr. Fox

[Stephen Fox, born 1627, and said to have been a choir-boy in

Salisbury Cathedral. He was the first person to announce the death

of Cromwell to Charles II., and at the Restoration he was made Clerk

of the Green Cloth, and afterwards Paymaster of the Forces. He was

knighted in 1665. He married Elizabeth, daughter of William Whittle

of Lancashire. (See June 25th, 1660.) Fox died in 1716. His sons

Stephen and Henry were created respectively Earl of Ilchester and

Lord Holland.]

(both very fine gentlemen), the King’s servants, where we had brave discourse. Walking upon the decks, where persons of honour all the afternoon, among others, Thomas Killigrew (a merry droll, but a gentleman of great esteem with the King), who told us many merry stories: one, how he wrote a letter three or four days ago to the Princess Royal, about a Queen Dowager of Judaea and Palestine, that was at the Hague incognita, that made love to the King, &c., which was Mr. Cary (a courtier’s) wife that had been a nun, who are all married to Jesus. At supper the three Drs. of Physic again at my cabin; where I put Dr. Scarborough in mind of what I heard him say about the use of the eyes, which he owned, that children do, in every day’s experience, look several ways with both their eyes, till custom teaches them otherwise. And that we do now see but with one eye, our eyes looking in parallel lines. After this discourse I was called to write a pass for my Lord Mandeville to take up horses to London, which I wrote in the King’s name—[This right of purveyance was abolished in Charles’s reign.]—and carried it to him to sign, which was the first and only one that ever he signed in the ship Charles. To bed, coming in sight of land a little before night.

25th. By the morning we were come close to the land, and every body made ready to get on shore. The King and the two Dukes did eat their breakfast before they went, and there being set some ship’s diet before them, only to show them the manner of the ship’s diet, they eat of nothing else but pease and pork, and boiled beef. I had Mr. Darcy in my cabin and Dr. Clerke, who eat with me, told me how the King had given £50 to Mr. Sheply for my Lord’s servants, and £500 among the officers and common men of the ship. I spoke with the Duke of York about business, who called me Pepys by name, and upon my desire did promise me his future favour. Great expectation of the King’s making some Knights, but there was none. About noon (though the brigantine that Beale made was there ready to carry him) yet he would go in my Lord’s barge with the two Dukes. Our Captain steered, and my Lord went along bare with him. I went, and Mr. Mansell, and one of the King’s footmen, with a dog that the King loved,

[Charles II.‘s love of dogs is well known, but it is not so well

known that his dogs were continually being stolen from him. In the

“Mercurius Publicus,” June 28-July 5, 1660, is the following

advertisement, apparently drawn up by the King himself: “We must

call upon you again for a Black Dog between a greyhound and a

spaniel, no white about him, onely a streak on his brest, and his

tayl a little bobbed. It is His Majesties own Dog, and doubtless

was stoln, for the dog was not born nor bred in England, and would

never forsake His master. Whoesoever findes him may acquaint any at

Whitehal for the Dog was better known at Court, than those who stole

him. Will they never leave robbing his Majesty! Must he not keep a

Dog? This dog’s place (though better than some imagine) is the only

place which nobody offers to beg.” (Quoted in “Notes and Queries,”

7th S., vii. 26, where are printed two other advertisements of

Charles’s lost dogs.)]

(which [dirted] the boat, which made us laugh, and me think that a King and all that belong to him are but just as others are), in a boat by ourselves, and so got on shore when the King did, who was received by General Monk with all imaginable love and respect at his entrance upon the land of Dover. Infinite the crowd of people and the horsemen, citizens, and noblemen of all sorts. The Mayor of the town came and gave him his white staff, the badge of his place, which the King did give him again. The Mayor also presented him from the town a very rich Bible, which he took and said it was the thing that he loved above all things in the world. A canopy was provided for him to stand under, which he did, and talked awhile with General Monk and others, and so into a stately coach there set for him, and so away through the town towards Canterbury, without making any stay at Dover. The shouting and joy expressed by all is past imagination. Seeing that my Lord did not stir out of his barge, I got into a boat, and so into his barge, whither Mr. John Crew stepped, and spoke a word or two to my Lord, and so returned, we back to the ship, and going did see a man almost drowned that fell out of his boat into the sea, but with much ado was got out. My Lord almost transported with joy that he had done all this without any the least blur or obstruction in the world, that could give an offence to any, and with the great honour he thought it would be to him. Being overtook by the brigantine, my Lord and we went out of our barge into it, and so went on board with Sir W. Batten,

[Clarendon describes William Batten as an obscure fellow, and,

although unknown to the service, a good seaman, who was in 1642 made

Surveyor to the Navy; in which employ he evinced great animosity

against the King. The following year, while Vice-Admiral to the

Earl of Warwick, he chased a Dutch man-of-war into Burlington Bay,

knowing that Queen Henrietta Maria was on board; and then, learning

that she had landed and was lodged on the quay, he fired above a

hundred shot upon the house, some of which passing through her

majesty’s chamber, she was obliged, though indisposed, to retire for

safety into the open fields. This act, brutal as it was, found

favour with the Parliament. But Batten became afterwards

discontented; and, when a portion of the fleet revolted, he carried

the “Constant Warwick,” one of the best ships in the Parliament

navy, over into Holland, with several seamen of note. For this act

of treachery he was knighted and made a Rear-Admiral by Prince

Charles. We hear no more of Batten till the Restoration, when he

became a Commissioner of the Navy, and was soon after M.P. for

Rochester. See an account of his second wife, in note to November

24th, 1660, and of his illness and death, October 5th, 1667. He had

a son, Benjamin, and a daughter, Martha, by his first wife.—B.]

and the Vice and Rear-Admirals. At night my Lord supped and Mr. Thomas Crew with Captain Stoakes, I supped with the Captain, who told me what the King had given us. My Lord returned late, and at his coming did give me order to cause the marke to be gilded, and a Crown and C. R. to be made at the head of the coach table, where the King to-day with his own hand did mark his height, which accordingly I caused the painter to do, and is now done as is to be seen.

26th. Thanks to God I got to bed in my own poor cabin, and slept well till 9 o’clock this morning. Mr. North and Dr. Clerke and all the great company being gone, I found myself very uncouth all this day for want thereof. My Lord dined with the Vice-Admiral to-day (who is as officious, poor man! as any spaniel can be; but I believe all to no purpose, for I believe he will not hold his place), so I dined commander at the coach table to-day, and all the officers of the ship with me, and Mr. White of Dover. After a game or two at nine-pins, to work all the afternoon, making above twenty orders. In the evening my Lord having been a-shore, the first time that he hath been a-shore since he came out of the Hope (having resolved not to go till he had brought his Majesty into England), returned on board with a great deal of pleasure. I supped with the Captain in his cabin with young Captain Cuttance, and afterwards a messenger from the King came with a letter, and to go into France, and by that means we supped again with him at 12 o’clock at night. This night the Captain told me that my Lord had appointed me £30 out of the 1000 ducats which the King had given to the ship, at which my heart was very much joyed. To bed.

27th (Lord’s day). Called up by John Goods to see the Garter and Heralds coat, which lay in the coach, brought by Sir Edward Walker,

[Edward Walker was knighted February 2nd, 1644–5, and on the 24th of

the same month was sworn in as Garter King at Arms. He adhered to

the cause of the king, and published “Iter Carolinum”, being a

succinct account of the necessitated marches, retreats, and

sufferings of his Majesty King Charles I., from Jan. 10, 1641, to

the time of his death in 1648, collected by a daily attendant upon

his sacred Majesty during all that time: He joined Charles II. in

exile, and received the reward of his loyalty at the Restoration.

He died at Whitehall, February 19th, 1676–7, and was buried at

Stratford-on-Avon, his daughter having married Sir John Clepton of

that place.]

King at Arms, this morning, for my Lord. My Lord hath summoned all the Commanders on board him, to see the ceremony, which was thus: Sir Edward putting on his coat, and having laid the George and Garter, and the King’s letter to my Lord, upon a crimson cushion (in the coach, all the Commanders standing by), makes three congees to him, holding the cushion in his arms. Then laying it down with the things upon it upon a chair, he takes the letter, and delivers it to my Lord, which my Lord breaks open and gives him to read. It was directed to our trusty and well beloved Sir Edward Montagu, Knight, one of our Generals at sea, and our Companion elect of our Noble Order of the Garter. The contents of the letter is to show that the Kings of England have for many years made use of this honour, as a special mark of favour, to persons of good extraction and virtue (and that many Emperors, Kings and Princes of other countries have borne this honour), and that whereas my Lord is of a noble family, and hath now done the King such service by sea, at this time, as he hath done; he do send him this George and Garter to wear as Knight of the Order, with a dispensation for the other ceremonies of the habit of the Order, and other things, till hereafter, when it can be done. So the herald putting the ribbon about his neck, and the Garter about his left leg, he salutes him with joy as Knight of the Garter, and that was all. After that was done, and the Captain and I had breakfasted with Sir Edward while my Lord was writing of a letter, he took his leave of my Lord, and so to shore again to the King at Canterbury, where he yesterday gave the like honour to General Monk,

[“His Majesty put the George on his Excellency, and the two Dukes

put on the Garter. The Princes thus honoured the Lord-General for

the restoration of that lawful family.”—Rugge’s Diurnal.]

who are the only two for many years that have had the Garter given them, before they had other honours of Earldom, or the like, excepting only the Duke of Buckingham, who was only Sir George Villiers when he was made Knight of the Garter. A while after Mr. Thos. Crew and Mr. J. Pickering (who had staid long enough to make all the world see him to be a fool), took ship for London. So there now remain no strangers with my Lord but Mr. Hetley, who had been with us a day before the King went from us. My Lord and the ship’s company down to sermon. I staid above to write and look over my new song book, which came last night to me from London in lieu of that that my Lord had of me. The officers being all on board, there was not room for me at table, so I dined in my cabin, where, among other things, Mr. Drum brought me a lobster and a bottle of oil, instead of a bottle of vinegar, whereby I spoiled my dinner. Many orders in the ordering of ships this afternoon. Late to a sermon. After that up to the Lieutenant’s cabin, where Mr. Sheply, I, and the Minister supped, and after that I went down to W. Howe’s cabin, and there, with a great deal of pleasure, singing till it was late. After that to bed.

28th. Called up at two in the morning for letters for my Lord from the Duke of York, but I went to bed again till 5. Trimmed early this morning. This morning the Captain did call over all the men in the ship (not the boys), and give every one of them a ducat of the King’s money that he gave the ship, and the officers according to their quality. I received in the Captain’s cabin, for my share, sixty ducats. The rest of the morning busy writing letters. So was my Lord that he would not come to dinner. After dinner to write again in order to sending to London, but my Lord did not finish his, so we did not send to London to-day. A great part of the afternoon at nine-pins with my Lord and Mr. Hetley. I lost about 4s. Supped with my Lord, and after that to bed. At night I had a strange dream of—myself, which I really did, and having kicked my clothes off, I got cold; and found myself all much wet in the morning, and had a great deal of pain … which made me very melancholy.

29th. The King’s birthday. Busy all the morning writing letters to London, among the rest one to Mr. Chetwind to give me an account of the fees due to the Herald for the Order of the Garter, which my Lord desires to know. After dinner got all ready and sent away Mr. Cook to London with a letter and token to my wife. After that abroad to shore with my Lord (which he offered me of himself, saying that I had a great deal of work to do this month, which was very true). On shore we took horses, my Lord and Mr. Edward, Mr. Hetly and I, and three or four servants, and had a great deal of pleasure in riding. Among other things my Lord showed me a house that cost a great deal of money, and is built in so barren and inconvenient a place that my Lord calls it the fool’s house. At last we came upon a very high cliff by the sea-side, and rode under it, we having laid great wagers, I and Dr. Mathews, that it was not so high as Paul’s; my Lord and Mr. Hetly, that it was. But we riding under it, my Lord made a pretty good measure of it with two sticks, and found it to be not above thirty-five yards high, and Paul’s is reckoned to be about ninety. From thence toward the barge again, and in our way found the people at Deal going to make a bonfire for joy of the day, it being the King’s birthday, and had some guns which they did fire at my Lord’s coming by. For which I did give twenty shillings among them to drink. While we were on the top of the cliffe, we saw and heard our guns in the fleet go off for the same joy. And it being a pretty fair day we could see above twenty miles into France. Being returned on board, my Lord called for Mr. Sheply’s book of Paul’s, by which we were confirmed in our wager. After that to supper and then to musique, and so to bed. The pain that I have got last night by cold is not yet gone, but troubles me at the time of. … This day, it is thought, the King do enter the city of London.

[“Divers maidens, in behalf of themselves and others, presented a

petition to the Lord Mayor of London, wherein they pray his Lordship

to grant them leave and liberty to meet His Majesty on the day of

his passing through the city; and if their petition be granted, that

they will all be clad in white waistcoats and crimson petticoats,

and other ornaments of triumph and rejoicing.”--Rugge’s Diurnal, May,


30th. About eight o’clock in the morning the lieutenant came to me to know whether I would eat a dish of mackerel, newly catched, for my breakfast, which the Captain and we did in the coach. All yesterday and to-day I had a great deal of pain … and in my back, which made me afeard. But it proved nothing but cold, which I took yesterday night. All this morning making up my accounts, in which I counted that I had made myself now worth about £80, at which my heart was glad, and blessed God. Many Dover men come and dine with my Lord. My Lord at ninepins in the afternoon. In the afternoon Mr. Sheply told me how my Lord had put me down for 70 guilders among the money which was given to my Lord’s servants, which my heart did much rejoice at. My Lord supped alone in his chamber. Sir R. Stayner supped with us, and among other things told us how some of his men did grumble that no more of the Duke’s money come to their share and so would not receive any; whereupon he called up those that had taken it, and gives them three shares apiece more, which was very good, and made good sport among the seamen. To bed.

31st. This day my Lord took physic, and came not out of his chamber.

All the morning making orders. After dinner a great while below in the great cabin trying with W. Howe some of Mr. Laws’ songs,’ particularly that of “What is a kiss,” with which we had a great deal of pleasure. After that to making of orders again. Captain Sparling of the Assistance brought me a pair of silk stockings of a light blue, which I was much pleased with. The Captain and I to supper, and after that a most pleasant walk till to at night with him upon the deck, it being a fine evening. My pain was gone again that I had yesterday, blessed be God. This day the month ends, I in very good health, and all the world in a merry mood because of the King’s coming. This day I began to teach Mr. Edward; who I find to have a very good foundation laid for his Latin by Mr. Fuller. I expect every minute to hear how my poor wife do. I find myself in all things well as to body and mind, but troubled for the absence of my wife.

Diary of Samuel Pepys

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