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2.: Protestation of the Commons.


We, the knights, citizens and burgesses of the Commons’ House of Parliament, being the representative body of the whole Commons of this realm, abundantly comforted in His Majesty’s late gracious answer touching religion, and his message for the care of our healths, do solemnly protest and vow before God and the world, with one heart and voice, that we are all resolved and do hereby declare that we will ever continue most loyal and obedient subjects to our most gracious sovereign Lord, King Charles; and that we will be ready in a convenient time and in a parliamentary way freely and dutifully to do our utmost endeavours to discover and reform the abuses and grievances of the realm and state; and in like sort to afford all necessary supply to his most excellent Majesty upon his present and all other his just occasions and designs; most humbly beseeching our ever dear and dread sovereign in his princely wisdom and goodness, to rest assured of the true and hearty affections of his poor Commons, and to esteem the same (as we conceive it indeed) the greatest worldly reputation and security a just King can have, and to account all such as slanderers of the people’s affections and enemies to the Commonwealth, that shall dare to say the contrary.

The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution

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