Читать книгу The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648 - Samuel Rawson Gardiner - Страница 4

Section I.Political Institutions of Germany (1440-1517).
National institutions of Germany defective 1
(a) As regarded the Emperor 1
(b) As regarded the great vassals 3
Attempts made to introduce order by giving a regular form to the Diet 5
These, though only partially successful, are not altogether useless 6
Constitution of the Diet 6
Section II.Protestantism in Germany (1517-1570).
Protestantism acceptable to the majority of the nation, but rejected by the Emperor and the Diet 8
The result is a civil war, resulting in a compromise, called the Peace of Augsburg (1555). Its terms being ambiguous on some important points, give rise to controversy 10
But as Protestantism is on the increase, the ambiguous points are, at first, construed by the Protestants in their own favour 11
The main points at issue relate to the right of Protestants to hold bishoprics, and to the right of Protestant princes to secularize church lands 12
Section III.Reaction against Protestantism (1570-1596).
Theological controversies are carried on with bitterness amongst the Protestants 13
The Catholics, accordingly, begin to gain ground 14
And having the Emperor and Diet on their side, are able to use force as well as persuasion 14
Want of any popular representation prevents any fair settlement of the dispute 15
Section IV.Three Parties and Three Leaders (1596-1612).
Catholics, Lutherans, and Calvinists are respectively guided by Maximilian Duke of Bavaria, John George Elector of Saxony, and Christian of Anhalt 15
Character and policy of Maximilian dangerous to the Protestants 15
The Protestants of the south more alive to the danger than the Protestants of the north 17
Spread of Calvinism, especially in the south, accounted for by the greater danger from Catholic States 17
Character and policy of Christian of Anhalt 18
1603 Accession of James I. of England
1605 Gunpowder Plot
1607 Donauwörth occupied by Maximilian 19
1608 Formation of the Protestant Union and the Catholic League 21
1609 The quarrel for the succession of Cleves does not result in open war 21
1612 John George fruitlessly attempts to mediate between the Catholics and the Calvinists 22
1613 Marriage of Frederick V., Elector Palatine, to Elizabeth, daughter of James I. of England
Section I.The House of Austria and its Subjects (1600-1618).
Political and religious dissensions between the rulers and their subjects 24
1609 The Emperor Rudolph, as King of Bohemia, grants the Royal Charter to Bohemia 25
1611 He is succeeded by Matthias in spite of the intrigues of Christian of Anhalt 26
Matthias evades the charter 27
1617 Ferdinand accepted by the Bohemian Diet as King by hereditary right 28
1618 The Protestant churches on ecclesiastical lands declared illegal by the government of Matthias; one at Braunau shut up, one at Klostergrab pulled down 29
Section II.The Revolution at Prague (March-May 1618).
Mar. 5. Meeting of the Protestant Estates of Bohemia 29
May 23. Attack headed by Thurn upon the Regents at Prague. Martinitz and Slawata thrown out of window. Beginning of the Thirty Years' War 30
Appointment of Thirty Directors as a Revolutionary Government in Bohemia 31
Section III.The War in Bohemia (May 1618-February 1619).
Aug. 13. Bohemia invaded by the Emperor's general, Bucquoi.
The Bohemians look abroad for help. Mansfeld brings troops to them. He besieges Pilsen, whilst Thurn makes head against Bucquoi 33
Nov. 21. Pilsen surrenders 34
Christian of Anhalt urges Frederick V., Elector Palatine, to intervene on behalf of the Bohemians, and asks the Duke of Savoy to help them 34
1619 Feb. The Duke of Savoy talks of dividing the Austrian dominions with Frederick 35
Section IV.Ferdinand on his Defence (March-November 1619).
Mar. 20. Death of Matthias 36
June 5. Vienna besieged by Thurn. Ferdinand threatened by a deputation from the Estates of Lower Austria 36
He is delivered by a regiment of horse, and Thurn raises the siege 37
Aug. 28. Ferdinand II. elected Emperor 38
Aug. 26. Frederick, Elector Palatine, elected King of Bohemia, Ferdinand having been previously deposed 38
Nov. 4. Frederick Crowned at Prague 39
Section I.The Attack upon Frederick (November 1619-January 1621).
1619 Maximilian of Bavaria prepares for war 39
Vienna fruitlessly attacked by Bethlen Gabor 40
Frederick finds no support in the Union 41
1620 Mar. The North German Princes agree to neutrality at Mühlhausen 42
June 3. Spinola, the Spanish General, prepares to attack the Palatinate, and the Union, being frightened, signs the treaty of Ulm, by which it agrees to observe neutrality towards the League 42
June 23. Maximilian, with Tilly in command of his army, enters Austria and compels the Austrian Estates to submit, whilst Spinola reduces the Western Palatinate 42
Maximilian joins Bucquoi, and enters Bohemia 43
Sep. 28. Frederick, having failed to organize resistance, joins the Bohemian army 44
Nov. 8. Defeat of Frederick at the Battle of the White Hill, 1619 and submission of Bohemia to the Emperor 45
Jan. 22. Frederick put to the Ban of the Empire 46
Section II.The War in the Upper Palatinate (January-October 1621).
1621 Jan. Frederick does not abandon hope of regaining Bohemia 47
Ap. 12. The Treaty of Mentz dissolves the Union 47
Bad character of Mansfeld's Army 48
May. Mansfeld takes the offensive 49
Aug. Recommencement of the War in the Lower Palatinate 50
Oct. Mansfeld unable to hold out in the Upper Palatinate 50
Oct. 10. Signs an engagement to disband his forces, but escapes with them to Alsace 50
Section III.Frederick's Allies (October 1621-May 1622).
1621 James I. of England proposes to take Mansfeld into his pay, but he cannot agree with the House of Commons, and is therefore in want of money 50
1622 He then tries to obtain a settlement of the German disputes with the aid of Spain 51
May. A conference for the pacification of Germany held at Brussels 52
Frederick prepares for War, with the help of Mansfeld, the Margrave of Baden, and Christian of Brunswick, the latter being a Protestant Administrator of the Bishopric of Halberstadt 53
He ravages the diocese of Paderborn 55
Section IV.The Fight for the Lower Palatinate (April-July 1622).
Ap. 12. May 6. Frederick joins Mansfeld. Tilly defeats the Margrave of Baden at Wimpfen 57
June. Frederick, hopeful of success, refuses to consent to a treaty, and seizes the Landgrave of Darmstadt 58
But is driven by Tilly to retreat 59
June 30. Defeat of Christian of Brunswick at Höchst 59
July. Mansfeld abandons the Palatinate, and Frederick, after taking refuge at Sedan, retires to the Hague 60
Section I.Mansfeld's March into the Netherlands (July-November 1622).
1622 Tilly proceeds to reduce the fortified places in the Lower Palatinate 60
1623 Feb. 13 The Electorate transferred from Frederick to Maximilian 61
1622 Change of feeling in North Germany 61
Aug. Mansfeld and Christian establish themselves in Lorraine, and then try to cut their way through the Spanish Netherlands to join the Duke 63
Aug. 28. Battle of Fleurus. Christian loses his arm 63
Nov. Mansfeld establishes himself in East Friesland 64
Section II.Christian of Brunswick in Lower Saxony (November 1622-August 1623).
1622 The Lower Saxon Circle urged by Tilly to join him against Mansfeld, and by Christian of Brunswick to join him against Tilly 64
1623 Feb. Warlike preparations of the Circle 65
Aug. 6. Christian expelled from the Circle, and defeated by Tilly at Stadtlohn 66
Section III.Danger of the Lower Saxon Circle (August-December 1623).
1623 The North German Protestant Bishoprics in danger 66
Aug. Alarm in the Lower Saxon Circle 68
Dec. But nothing is done, and its troops are disbanded 68
Section IV.England and France (October 1623-August 1624).
Oct. Foreign Powers ready to interfere 69
Return of the Prince of Wales from Madrid 70
1624 Feb.‑May Divergence between the English House of Commons and James I. upon the mode of recovering the Palatinate 70
Position of the Huguenots in France 72
Section V.Rise of Richelieu (August 1624-September 1625).
Aug. Lewis XIII. makes Richelieu his chief minister. He is divided between a desire to combat Spain and a desire to reduce the Huguenots to submission 72
Richelieu's position less strong than it afterwards became. He has to make great allowances for the King's humour 74
Dec. French attack upon the Spanish garrisons in the Valtelline 75
1625 Jan.‑June Failure of Mansfeld's expedition intended by James to recover the Palatinate 76
Jan. Richelieu's plans for engaging more deeply in the war frustrated by the rising of the Huguenots of Rochelle 77
Sept. The Huguenot fleet is defeated, but Rochelle holds out 77
Section I.Christian IV. and Gustavus Adolphus (1624).
Character and position of Christian IV., King of Denmark 78
Genius of Gustavus Adolphus 79
Sketch of the earlier part of his reign 80
His interest in German affairs 82
Section II.English Diplomacy (August 1624-July 1625).
1624 Aug. The Kings of Denmark and Sweden asked by James I. to join him in recovering the Palatinate 84
1625 Jan. The English Government, thinking the demands of Gustavus exorbitant, forms an alliance with Christian IV. 85
June. Meeting of the first Parliament of Charles I.
June Gustavus directs his forces against Poland 86
Mar. 27. Death of James I. Accession of Charles I. 86
July 18. Christian IV., at the head of the Circle of Lower Saxony, enters upon war with the army of the League commanded by Tilly 87
Aug. Dissolution of the first Parliament of Charles I.
Section III.Wallenstein's Armament (July 1625-February 1626).
The Emperor needs more forces 87
Wallenstein offers to raise an army for him. Account of Wallenstein's early life 89
The system by which the army is to be supported is to be one of forced contributions 90
Oppressive burdens laid thereby on the country 91
Wallenstein enters the dioceses of Magdeburg and Halberstadt, and lies quietly there during the winter 92
1626 Feb. Failure of negotiations for peace 93
Section IV.Defeat of Mansfeld and Christian IV. (February-August 1626).
1626 Feb. Numerical superiority on the side of the King of Denmark, but the Imperialists are superior in other respects 94
Failure of the supplies promised to Christian by Charles I. 95
Feb. Meeting of the second Parliament of Charles I.—Impeachment of Buckingham
Ap. 25. Mansfeld defeated by Wallenstein at the Bridge of Dessau 96
June. Dissolution of the second Parliament of Charles I.
Aug. 27. Christian IV. defeated by Tilly at Lutter 97
Wallenstein pursues Mansfeld into Hungary 97
Section I.Fresh Successes of Wallenstein (August 1626-October 1627).
1626 Divergence between the League and Wallenstein 98
Nov. Wallenstein advocates religious equality and the predominance of the army 98
1627 Jan. He persuades Ferdinand to increase his army, and is created Duke of Friedland, in spite of the growing dissatisfaction with his proceedings 100
May‑Aug. The King of Denmark hopes to resist Tilly, but Wallenstein returns from Hungary, and gains possession of Silesia 101
Sept. 20. Defeat of the Margrave of Baden at Heiligenhafen 102
Oct. Christian IV. flies to the Island of Fünen, leaving Jutland to Wallenstein 102
Section II.Resistance to Wallenstein in the Empire (October 1627-February 1628).
1627 Oct. Meeting of the Electors at Mühlhausen. They complain of Wallenstein 103
1628 The commercial towns of North Germany jealous of Wallenstein 105
Feb. The Emperor declares the Dukes of Mecklenburg to have forfeited their lands and titles, and pledges the territory to Wallenstein 106
Wallenstein tries in vain to gain over the Hanse Towns 106
He attempts to establish himself on the coast of the Baltic by getting possession of the towns 108
Section III.The Siege of Stralsund (August-February 1628).
Feb. As Stralsund refuses to admit a garrison, it is attacked by Wallenstein's orders 108
May It is succoured by Denmark and Sweden 109
Aug. 3. The siege is raised 110
Section IV.The Siege of Rochelle (1625-1628).
1625 Richelieu would have made peace with the Huguenots if he had been able 112
1626 An agreement is effected, but comes to nothing through the jealousy of Charles I. 112
1627 War between France and England, Buckingham's expedition to Rhé 113
Nov. Richelieu besieges Rochelle 114
1628 Mar Meeting of the third Parliament of Charles I.
May Failure of an English fleet to succour Rochelle 115
June The Petition of Right granted
Aug. Murder of the Duke of Buckingham 115
Nov. 1. Surrender of Rochelle 115
Contrast between France and Germany. Toleration granted to the Huguenots 116
Section I.Oppression of the Protestants (March 1628-May 1629).
1628 Mar. Surrender of Stade to Tilly 117
1629 Jan. Wallenstein fails to take Glückstadt 117
Mar. Dissolution of the third Parliament of Charles I.
May 22. Peace of Lübeck between Christian IV. and the Emperor 118
Wallenstein invested with the Duchy of Mecklenburg 118
1628 The Protestants oppressed in the South of Germany 119
1629 Mar. 29. Issue of the Edict of Restitution 120
Section II.French Intervention in Italy (1628-1630).
1628 War in Italy for the succession to the Duchy of Mantua 121
1629 Mar. Richelieu enters Italy, and compels the Spaniards to raise the siege of Casale 122
Rebellion of Rohan in the south of France 123
1629 Richelieu again enters Italy, seizes Pignerol and Saluces, and again forces the Spaniards to raise the siege of Casale 123
1630 Negotiations between France and Sweden 124
Section III.Wallenstein deprived of his Command (March 1629-September 1630).
1629 Wallenstein increases his forces 125
Jealousy between him and the Catholic Electors 126
1630 Assembly at Ratisbon 127
July 3. It demands that Wallenstein be deprived of his command 127
July 4. Landing of Gustavus Adolphus in Germany 128
Sept. Dismissal of Wallenstein 129
Tilly in command 130
Section IV.The Swedes establish themselves on the Coast of the Baltic (July 1630-January 1631).
July. Discipline in the Swedish Army 130
The Duke of Pomerania submits to him, but the Elector of Brandenburg declares himself neutral 130
1651 The treaty of Bärwalde between France and Sweden 132
Section V.The Fall of Magdeburg (January-May 1631).
Jan. Success of Gustavus on the Baltic coast 133
March. The Electors of Saxony hold a Protestant Assembly at Leipzig 133
Tilly attacks the Swedes, but is driven to retreat 134
Ap. 26. Treaty of Cherasco between France and the English 135
May 15. Convention between Gustavus and the Elector of Brandenburg 136
May 20. Magdeburg stormed, plundered, and burnt 136
The Emperor refuses to cancel the Edict of Restitution 137
Section I.Alliance between the Swedes and the Saxons (June-September 1631).
June 21. Gustavus compels the Elector of Brandenburg to an alliance 138
July. Gustavus at the Camp of Werben 138
Aug. Tilly summons the Elector of Saxony to submit 139
Sept. He attacks Saxony, upon which the Elector forms an alliance with Gustavus 139
Gustavus joins the Saxons 140
Section II.Battle of Breitenfeld (September 1631).
Sept. 17. Victory of Gustavus over Tilly at Breitenfeld 141
Wallenstein's intrigues with Gustavus 142
Wallenstein and Gustavus unlikely to agree 143
Political and military designs of Gustavus 144
He looks for a basis of operations on the Rhine 146
Section III.March of Gustavus into South Germany (October 1631-May 1632).
Oct. March of Gustavus to Mentz 148
1632 In spite of the objections of the French, he attacks Bavaria 149
Ap. 14. Tilly defeated and mortally wounded at the passage of the Lech 149
May 17. Gustavus enters Munich 150
Section IV.Wallenstein's Restoration to command (September 1631-June 1632).
Sept. Wallenstein breaks off all intercourse with Gustavus 151
Nov. Attempts to reconcile the Elector of Saxony with the Emperor 152
Dec. Is reinstated temporarily in the command of the Imperial Army 153
1632 Character of that Army 153
April Wallenstein permanently appointed Commander 155
May Offers peace to the Saxons, and drives them out of Bohemia 155
June Gustavus does not approve of the terms of peace offered by Wallenstein 156
Section V.Struggle between Gustavus and Wallenstein (June-October 1632).
June Gustavus and Wallenstein opposed to one another at Nüremberg 157
Efforts of Gustavus to maintain discipline 159
Sept. 4. Fails to storm Wallenstein's lines 160
Sept. 18. Gustavus leaves Nüremberg 160
Oct. Wallenstein marches into Saxony 160
Section VI.The Battle of Lützen (October-November 1632).
Oct. Gustavus follows Wallenstein into Saxony 161
Nov. 16. Battle of Lützen 162
Death of Gustavus 163
Victory of the Swedes 164
Irreparable loss by the death of Gustavus to the Protestants 164
Section I.French Influence in Germany (November 1632-April 1633).
1633 Differences between Bernhard and Oxenstjerna 166
Ap. 23. The League of Heilbronn signed 167
Firm establishment of Richelieu's authority in France 168
Richelieu's interposition in German affairs 169
Section II.Wallenstein's Attempt to dictate Peace (April-December 1633).
1633 Wallenstein's peace negotiations with the Swedes and Saxons 170
Oct. He drives the Saxons out of Silesia 172
Nov. Ratisbon taken by Bernhard 173
Spanish opposition to a peace which would leave Spain exposed to French attacks 173
Dec. Wallenstein thinks of making peace, whether the Emperor consents or not 175
Section III.Resistance to Wallenstein's Plans (January-February 1634).
1634 Jan. Oñate, the Spanish Ambassador, persuades the Emperor that Wallenstein is a traitor 175
Ferdinand determines to displace Wallenstein 176
Feb. 19. Wallenstein engages the Colonels to support him 177
Section IV.Assassination of Wallenstein (February 1634).
Feb. 18. Wallenstein declared a traitor 179
Feb. 21. The garrison of Prague declares against him 179
Feb. 24. Wallenstein at Eger 179
Feb. 25. He is assassinated 181
Comparison between Gustavus and Wallenstein 181
Section V.Imperialist Victories and the Treaty of Prague (February 1634-May 1635).
1634 Feb. The King of Hungary reorganizes the imperial army 181
Sept. 6. In conjunction with the Cardinal-Infant, he defeats Bernhard at Nördlingen 183
Consequent necessity of an increased French intervention 184
1635 Peace of Prague 184
May 30. It is not universally accepted 185
Miserable condition of Germany. Notes of an English traveller 187
Section I.Open Intervention of France (May 1635).
1635 Protestantism not out of danger 189
May. Close alliance of some of the Princes with France 190
Importance of the possession of Alsace and Lorraine 191
May 19. France declares war against Spain 192
Section II.Spanish Successes (May 1635-December 1637).
1635 Failure of the French attack on the Spanish Netherlands 192
1636 Spanish invasion of France 193
Oct. 4. Baner's victory at Wittstock 194
1637 Feb. 15. Death of Ferdinand II. Accession of Ferdinand III. 194
Imperialist success in Germany 195
Section III.The Struggle for Alsace (January 1638-July 1639).
1638 Bernhard's victories in the Breisgau and Alsace 195
July 8. Death of Bernhard 196
Section IV.French Successes (July 1639-Dec. 1642).
French maritime successes 197
1639 Spanish fleet taking refuge in the Downs 198
It is destroyed by the Dutch 198
1640 Insurrection of Catalonia 199
Nov. Independence of Portugal 200
1641 Defeat of the Imperialists at Wolfenbüttel 201
1642 Defeat of the Imperialists at Kempten 201
Aug. Charles I. sets up his standard. Beginning of the English Civil War
Dec. 4. Death of Richelieu 201
Section V.Aims and Character of Richelieu (December 1642-May 1643).
Richelieu's domestic policy 201
Contrast between France and England 202
Richelieu's foreign policy 203
Moderation of his aims 204
1643 May 14. Death of Lewis XIII 205
Section VI.More French Victories (May 1643—August 1645).
1643 Rule of Cardinal Mazarin 205
May 19. Enghien defeats the Spaniards at Rocroy 206
The French kept in check in Germany 207
1644 Enghien and Turenne. Battle of Freiburg 208
July Battle of Marston Moor
1645 Aug. 3. Second Battle of Nördlingen 208
Mar. 6. Swedish victory at Jankow 209
Section I.Turenne's Strategy (June 1645-October 1648).
1645 Negotiations for peace begun 209
June. Battle of Naseby
Aims of the Emperor and the Duke of Bavaria 210
1646 Turenne outmanœuvres the Imperialists 212
1647 May‑Sept. Truce between the French and the Bavarians 213
1648 May 17. Defeat of the Bavarians at Zusmarshausen 213
Section II.The Treaty of Westphalia (Oct. 1648).
1648 Terms of the peace 213
Oct. 24. How far was toleration effected by it 214
General desire for peace 217
Section III.Condition of Germany.
Debasing effects of the war 217
Decrease of the population 218
Moral and intellectual decadence 218
Disintegration of Germany 220
Protestantism saved, and with it the future culture of Germany 220
Section IV.Continuance of the War between France and Spain (1648-1660).
1648 Recognition of the independence of the Dutch Republic 221
1649 Execution of Charles I.
The Fronde 222
Continuance of the war with Spain 223
Alliance between France and Cromwell 223
1660 Treaty of Pyrenees 224
French greatness based on Tolerance 225
Intolerance of Lewis XIV. and downfall of the French monarchy 226
The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648

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