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Table of Contents


CHAPTER I. Newcastle and the Great Northern Coal-Field .

CHAPTER II. Wylam and Dewley Burn — George Stephenson’s Early Years .

CHAPTER III. Engineman at Willington Quay and Killingworth .

CHAPTER IV. The Stephensons at Killingworth — Education and Self-Education of Father and Son .

CHAPTER V. Early History of the Locomotive — George Stephenson begins its Improvement .

CHAPTER VI. Invention of the “ Geordy ” Safety-Lamp .

CHAPTER VII. George Stephenson’s further Improvements in the Locomotive — The Hetton Railway — Robert Stephenson as Viewer’s Apprentice and Student .

CHAPTER VIII. George Stephenson Engineer of the Stockton and Darlington Railway .

CHAPTER IX. The Liverpool and Manchester Railway projected .

CHAPTER X. Chat Moss — Construction of the Railway .

CHAPTER XI. Robert Stephenson’s Residence in Colombia , and Return — The Battle of the Locomotive —“ The Rocket .”

CHAPTER XII. Opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway , and Extension of the Railway System .

CHAPTER XIII. Robert Stephenson constructs the London and Birmingham Railway .

CHAPTER XIV. Manchester and Leeds , and Midland Railways — Stephenson’s Life at Alton — Visit to Belgium — General Extension of Railways and their Results .

CHAPTER XV. George Stephenson’s Coal Mines — Appears at Mechanics’ Institutes — His Opinion on Railway Speeds — Atmospheric System — Railway Mania — Visits to Belgium and Spain .

CHAPTER XVI. Robert Stephenson’s Career — The Stephensons and Brunel — East Coast Route to Scotland — Royal Border Bridge , Berwick — High Level Bridge , Newcastle .

CHAPTER XVII. Robert Stephenson’s Tubular Bridges at Menai and Conway .

CHAPTER XVIII. George Stephenson’s Closing Years — Illness and Death .

CHAPTER XIX. Robert Stephenson’s Victoria Bridge , Lower Canada — Illness and Death — Stephenson Characteristics .



Lives of the Engineers

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