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The Magic Tunnel



edited by

Anita Miller

foreword by

Jon Dickman, MSW

Copyright 2013 Sandra Stephens,

All rights reserved.

Published in eBook format by eBookIt.com


ISBN-13: 978-1-4566-1911-4

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

In Memory


Pamela Joann

11/15/48- 5/7/86


In a world in which futuristic fiction is often foreboding and terrifying, it is refreshing to read Fables from the Magic Tunnel, a short trilogy in which the future is presented as a place in which people have developed a way of life grounded in compassion and a sacred respect for nature. Author Sandra Lee Stephens has presented, in the guise of a three-part fantasy, a guidebook for living soulfully.

As a teacher of young children, I find the values presented in this book to be essential ones to pass on to our next generations: self-confidence, loving-kindness, reverence for life, and the courage to stand up for oneself and one’s convictions. Further themes, lovingly and creatively explored by the author, include empathy, teamwork, peer pressure, and sibling rivalry.

Stories such as the ones weaved by Stephens provide for our children (and the rest of us) a profoundly valuable service of having us ponder ideas that can nourish our own inner wisdom . . . which in turn can lead to our nurturing others.

–Jon Dickman, MSW


"After reading the first four or five pages I could not put it down. It engulfed me to know what was going on.”

-Penney Cooley, Yachats, OR

“As a grandmother, I was delighted to watch my granddaughter become absorbed in this soul-searching, coming of age novel. She knew exactly what the message was and related to me that it was good for her and would be beneficial to her friends to help them find themselves and their walk in life. Bravo Sandra!”

-Noel Tocco, Waldport, OR

"I have just finished reading your book, and want you to know how very much I enjoyed it. I love it. It's clever, fun, and very insightful. And, it's truly not only for children; I think it's for all ages. I will pass it around in my spiritual discussion group. Thanks for such a good read."

-Dee Cuenod, Otis, OR

"I believe, at some point, this will be required reading in schools for the evolution of a student's education.”

-Kris Little,

Teacher Associate,

The Portal Center, Lincoln City, OR

“This book really helps you to believe in yourself and to never give up on your dreams. Neg will always be there to try to ruin your dreams. Don't ever let him! Because in your heart you will always be stronger than any Neg or Gen. My favorite character is Caterpillar Sam because he never gave up his dream of becoming a butterfly. Of course, he had his doubts about it, but he knew in his heart that it was going to come true. The Tree Magic Fable really showed me that everyone and everything has feelings and emotions. This is one of the best and most thoughtful books I have ever read. It made me love my dream even more! And I would recommend this to everyone."

-Alexia N. Mattila, age eleven, Yachats, OR (posted with parental permission)

About the Author

Despite life events of divorce, homelessness, loss of jobs and the deaths of immediate family members, Sandra found solace by continue to write and finish the Magic Tunnel Trilogies, which took twenty-six years to complete.

Sandra ran the local newspaper office, the South Lincoln County News, for five years as a reporter, photojournalist and compiling stories for community events, and a monthly school news insert.

Born in Portland, Oregon, Sandra moved to the Oregon Coast in 1986 and now resides in Yachats, Oregon with her awesome dog "Zen".

“Living on the Oregon Coast has spectacular beauty everyday. However, my heart belongs to being in the forest, of which I joyfully visit every day…rain or shine.”

You can read more about Sandra on her website and blog at: www.themagictunnel.com

E-mail her @ Sandra@themagictunnel.com


So many people have been a part of this journey. Without their input, support and patience, this book would not have been completed.

Thanks to Anita Miller, for her tireless work of editing, and monumental time spent with revisions.

Anita Jones, for her input and design of the book cover.

Heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Jorrie Ciotti, Julia Clark, Nila Conrad, Rosemarie DeSola, Jon Dickman, Fred DeLapp, Debbie DeLapp, Jeanetta and Gary Hodges, Anthony Jennings, Hayley Jennings, Doti Leu, Carol Reed, Rose Reed and staff, and Robert Wilson.

In addition, sincere thanks to all the writer groups, classes and on-line discussion boards providing valuable assistance over the years.


Dedicated to Mother Earth who sustains all that resides on this precious jewel.

Thank you Mother for all that you provide our human family: be it medicinal plants, food, air, water, shelter, precious metals and jewels and infinite beauty to behold.

Fables from the Magic Tunnel

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