Читать книгу The Wedding Gift - Sandra Steffen - Страница 3


Dear Reader,

Writing this letter to you started me thinking about letters—letters, not e-mails or text messages. Letters like those our grandmothers wrote to our grandpas, mothers to daughters, and old college roommates to each other. They were lyrical and poignant, awaited, savored and treasured.

They were gifts from one heart to another. My newest book, The Wedding Gift, has something in common with those old-fashioned letters, for this story is a gift from my heart to yours.

I’m so pleased to be writing a wedding story, for our youngest and oldest sons were married recently, nine months apart. All four of our sons are married now, and each wedding is a poignant memory and each daughter-in-law a wonderful addition to our family. The babies are arriving, too—oh my, what blessings they are! I promise I won’t bring out their pictures, but don’t be surprised when babies are featured in my upcoming books.

But first things first: I hope you enjoy, no, I hope you savor The Wedding Gift. May reading it speak to your heart the way writing it spoke to mine.

Until next time and always,


The Wedding Gift

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