Читать книгу Yuletide Fugitive Threat - Sandra Robbins - Страница 3


“Lucas, please, I need to talk to you.”

His hand tightened on the door. “We have nothing to talk about, Mia.”

She glanced over her shoulder as if checking to see who might be behind her and turned back to face him. Tears stood in her eyes. “I’m in trouble, Lucas, and I have no one to turn to. Just give me five minutes of your time. That’s all I’m asking.”

Against his better judgment, he stepped aside and nodded. “All right. Five minutes.”

He closed the door behind them and turned the thermostat up before ushering her into the living room. “Have a seat. I can see you’re upset about something. So tell me about it.”

Mia rubbed her hand across her eyes and sighed. “I hardly know where to start.” After a moment she took a deep breath. “Did you know that Kyle was murdered?”

Lucas exhaled a deep breath. “Yes. It’s been covered enough by the local media. I’m sorry, Mia. You have my condolences.”

She looked up at him, and he recoiled from the anger that lined her face. “I don’t need your pity, Lucas. Not now. I need help to find his killer. That’s what I want you to do.”

Yuletide Fugitive Threat

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