Читать книгу Fatal Flaw - Sandy Curtis - Страница 4



Writing might be a solitary job, and the internet a valuable research tool, but when it comes to sourcing obscure information that a writer needs for authentic plot details, nothing beats talking with people who work in those areas.

So my thanks go to pharmacist Debbie Sunners for information on prescription drug use and abuse; Station Officer Queensland Fire and Rescue Service Bundaberg Andrew McCracken for house fire details; Neil Eccles for mechanical advice (my friends will start worrying about driving with me soon); Chris Spearman for help with Asian details; Terry Byrne for the pitfalls of property development and dealing with the EPA; Dr Stephanie Shaw-Binns for medical details (I'm glad my characters can't come alive and pay me back for all the damage I inflict on them). Any inaccuracies are mine, not theirs.

My wonderful writing friends, Diane Esmond, David Russell, Cherie Curtis and Kris Sheather, deserve my heartfelt thanks for reading the manuscript and giving me their honest and insightful opinions. Diane also came up with the brilliant cover concept that Daryl Lindquist has brought to life so well.

Rob, my darling husband, you show great patience with a wife whose fingers are so often glued to a keyboard. I know you are not a book reader, but I love it that you make the effort to read mine (though I'm sure you only do so for the action and the sexy bits ;-)).

Very big thanks go to Lindy Cameron, the brains and energy behind Clan Destine Press, for her miracle of getting this book from first read of the manuscript to the bookstore shelves in only thirteen weeks, and to editor Liz Filleul for picking up the mistakes that authors make because they're too close to the story.

To my readers, thank you for your support. It's wonderful to get your feedback and to know you've enjoyed reading my characters and their stories as much as I've enjoyed creating them. Without you, my flame of enthusiasm for storytelling would not blaze as brightly.

Fatal Flaw

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