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For this forth book, which you as well present as “This is the fourth work of a tetralogy, right now demanded, which gives birth to the pursuit of the Truth”, you sked me to be the author of the Preface once again.

It is with renewed strength and pride that I pursue the task you gave me.

Ausculting your shell, Odysseus, you embarked on your historical adventure to Knowledge. You observed and saw that despite the progress, as a matter of fact, the mistake made by Archimedes, by Stevin and by Galileo due to the lack of instinctive understanding, has been afterwards kept and exacerbated by others: Newton, Lagrange, Einstein and The Scientific Community.

From your ceaseless rowing and digging, culminating in your “new salt march”, may a new scientific confrontation begin and lead to the path of Knowledge, ultimately transcending the millennial mistake of considering the weight of the bodies unalterable.

You have already announced your fifth work, focused on new fronts, and not satisfied with sailing and digging, now you desire to fly, too?

May Dedalus and Prometheus be your companions.

Historical Reflections Of Physics: From Archimedes, ..., Einstein Till Present

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