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Table of Contents

O Pan of the evergreen forest,

Protector of herds in the meadows,

Helper of men at their toiling—

Tillage and harvest and herding—

How many times to frail mortals 5

Hast thou not hearkened!

Now even I come before thee

With oil and honey and wheat-bread,

Praying for strength and fulfilment

Of human longing, with purpose 10

Ever to keep thy great worship

Pure and undarkened.

* * * * *

O Hermes, master of knowledge,

Measure and number and rhythm,

Worker of wonders in metal, 15

Moulder of malleable music,

So often the giver of secret

Learning to mortals!

Now even I, a fond woman,

Frail and of small understanding, 20

Yet with unslakable yearning

Greatly desiring wisdom,

Come to the threshold of reason

And the bright portals.

* * * * *

And thou, sea-born Aphrodite, 25

In whose beneficent keeping

Earth, with her infinite beauty,

Colour and fashion and fragrance,

Glows like a flower with fervour

Where woods are vernal! 30

Touch with thy lips and enkindle

This moon-white delicate body,

Drench with the dew of enchantment

This mortal one, that I also

Grow to the measure of beauty 35

Fleet yet eternal.

Sapphic Classics

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