Читать книгу The Innocent's Shameful Secret - Сара Крейвен, Sara Craven - Страница 3


There was a violent flash of eerie green light and then, almost at once and right above their heads, an ominous rumble, building slowly and inexorably to a roaring, deafening crash as if the cave was collapsing on top of them.

Selena cried out, her voice lost in the uproar, and stumbled forward, her hands reaching out to Alexis, who caught her and held her until the last terrifying echoes of the thunder died away and all she could hear was the tumultuous thud of her own heartbeat.

And beneath her cheek his—like the relentless rhythm of a drum.

His hand moved down, impelling her silently to look up at him. To read his intention in the sudden flare of his gaze as he bent and his mouth found hers, gently, sensuously, coaxing her lips to part for him.

She leaned into the heat and strength of his body, welcoming his kiss, responding with bewildered ardour as it deepened and a shiver of pleasure feathered enticingly across her skin.

When, at last, he took his lips slowly from hers she made a small, lost sound in her throat that never became an actual word—even if she’d been able to think of one.

She registered that the crackle of the lightning had become less frequent and the answering thunder had become a sullen mumble in the distance.

‘The storm is over.’

There was an odd silence, then he said quietly, ‘On the contrary, Selena mou, I think it is just beginning.’

The Innocent's Shameful Secret

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