Title Page
1. Questions of Conveyance
2. The Dreamer
3. The Feathered Lizard
4. What To Do?
5. The Prodigal Son’s Welcome
6. The Rosewood Staff
7. The Emperor’s Horses
8. Towards Cauldron Lake
9. Cauldron Lake
10. The Crystal Forest
11. GhostTree Camp
12. The Hawkchilds
13. The Waiting Stars
14. In the Chamber of the Enemy
15. Hidden Conversations
16. Destruction Accepted
17. The Donkeys’ Tantrum
18. Shade
19. The SunSoar Curse
20. Sicarius
21. Why? Why? Why?
22. Arrival at the Minaret Peaks
23. The Arcness Plains
24. The Dark Trap
25. Askam
26. The Hall of the Stars
27. Drago’s Ancient Relics
28. Sunken Castles
29. The Mountain Trails
30. Home Safe
31. The Fun of the Blooding
32. A Seal Hunt … of Sorts
33. Of Sundry Travellers
34. Poor, Useless Fool
35. Andeis Voyagers
36. Gorkenfort
37. The Lesson of the Sparrow
38. The Sunken Keep
39. The Mother of Races
40. Murkle Mines
41. An Angry Foam of Stars
42. The Lake of Life
43. The Bridges of Tencendor
44. Aftermath
45. The Twenty Thousand
46. The Secret in the Basement
47. StarSon
48. Companionship and Respect
49. Sigholt’s Gift
50. Sanctuary
51. A SunSoar Reunion … of Sorts
52. Of What Can’t Be Rescued
53. The Enchanted Song Book
54. The Cruelty of Love
55. An Enchantment Made Visible
56. The Field of Flowers
57. Gorken Pass
58. The Deep Blue Cloak of Betrayal
59. A Fate Deserved?
60. Of Salvation
61. The Bloodied Rose Wind
62. A Song of Innocence
63. The Fields of Resurrection … and the Streets of Death
64. The Doorways
65. Evacuation
66. Cats in the Corridor!
67. The Emptying
68. Mountain, Forest and Marsh
69. The Dark Tower
70. The Rape of Tencendor
71. The Hunt
About the Author
Author’s Note
Also by Sara Douglass
About the Publisher