Читать книгу Battleaxe: Book One of the Axis Trilogy - Sara Douglass - Страница 13

4 At the Foot of the Fortress Ranges


The two women sat closely together in the cold air, their plain woollen wraps tight about their shoulders, watching the sky begin to lighten over the Fortress Ranges. They had been sitting talking most of the night, and each knew they would have to move soon so that the younger could be back in her bed undiscovered by dawn.

The older woman turned her eyes from the sky. She had fine features, and such incredibly thick and wavy hair that it threatened to break free of the pins holding it protesting in its coil. From the widow’s peak on her forehead a startling swathe of gold, two-fingers wide, ran back through her silvery hair. She smiled gently at the younger woman, who had risked a lot to meet her here tonight.

“You are very generous to offer to help us, my dear.”

The younger woman looked at her companion. “You still do not trust me.”

The older woman’s eyes were as sooty-grey as the smoke from a damp wood fire. They held as many sparks, too. “You understand the reasons for that, surely.”

The young woman sighed and rubbed her arms. “Yes. I do. But what can I do to make you trust me? What?”

“Trust cannot be bought, or hurried. It always takes time.”

“But you do not have time.”

The silver-haired woman paused. “We’ve never had enough time, Azhure. We have never had enough space. We have never had enough respect. And though we need the help of people like you, we must remain wary.”

Disappointed at the rebuff, Azhure turned and waved her hand towards the distant village. “They hate anything they do not understand. It is the Way of the Plough.”

The older woman rested a hand on Azhure’s arm comfortingly and said, her voice filled with sadness, “I know, Azhure, I know.”

“GoldFeather, you must trust me. Please! You desperately need help with the children.”

GoldFeather shook her head slowly, resigned. “No, Azhure. It is too late. The only one that can save us from the Destroyer is lost and cannot be found. The Sentinels do not yet walk the land and Tree Friend has yet to be found. Soon winter comes. Ice will come to claim us. Tencendor cannot fight divided.”

Her eyes glittered with tears. “You must return to your home before it is too late. Sing well and fly high, Azhure, and may you find some kind of peace in this most treeless of lands.” She leaned forward and kissed Azhure’s pale cheek.

Battleaxe: Book One of the Axis Trilogy

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