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copyright © Sarah Burgoyne, 2021 first edition Published with the generous assistanceof the Canada Councilfor the Arts and the Ontario Arts Council. Coach House Booksalso acknowledges the support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund and the Government of Ontario through the Ontario Book Publishing Tax Credit.      Title: Because the sun / Sarah Burgoyne. Names: Burgoyne, Sarah, author. Description: Poems. Identifiers: Canadiana (print) 20210156740 | Canadiana (ebook) 20210156813 | 9781552454237 (socover)| 9781770566705 () |  9781770566712 () Classification:  8603.73715 43 2021 |  811/.6—dc23 Because the Sunisavailable as an ebook:978 1 77056 670 5 (); 978 1 77076 671 2 () Purchase of the print version of this book entitles you toa freedigital copy. Toclaim your ebook of this title, please email sales@chbooks.com with proof of purchase.(Coach House Booksreserves the right toterminate the free digital downloadoffer atany time.)

Because the Sun

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