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Jewelers working with wood don’t always use it as a main medium, but as part of a mixed-media approach to their work. Often they will use whatever materials they feel convey a certain idea or feeling that is appropriate for a particular design. Many of the practical challenges of constructing pieces from materials without heating them, as you would solder metals to make attachments, apply to many non-precious materials.

Mixed-media necklace by Katy Hackney in wood, metal, colorcore, and nylon cord.

Some plastics such as acrylic sheet can be sawn, drilled, and filed in a similar way to wood. For example, Emily Kidson uses laminating to attach Formica to wood and then adds the findings into the wood underneath. Care needs to be given not to damage the surface of plastics, but some can be polished on a motor polisher just by changing the mop and type of polish. Methods o: construction such as riveting, glued pegs, plaque and claw settings, and threading would also be suitable to use for a wide range of materials. There are many contemporary jewelers who use a mixedmedia approach, like Lucy Sarneel and Lisa Walker.

Creating Wooden Jewelry

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