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Chapter Seven


‘What will you wear to the assembly tomorrow, Maria?’

Zelah was sitting in the drawing room with her sister. Dinner had been a quiet affair, just the two of them since Reginald had not yet returned from his meeting in Lesserton.

‘I thought my bronze silk with the matching turban. It has a train, but I will not be dancing, so that will not matter. What think you, Zelah? It is not new but good enough for the summer assembly, I think. After all, it is not a special occasion.’

Zelah sighed.

‘It will be very special to me. I do so love to dance, but it has been three years since I had the opportunity.’

‘Goodness me, yes. I suppose you did not go to the assemblies near Cardinham after … I mean—’

‘No, and I have added some new ribbons to my lemon silk for the occasion,’ Zelah broke in, speaking quickly to cover her sister’s confusion.

‘I am sure you will look charming,’ agreed Maria, thankful to follow a safer line of thought. ‘We will put your hair in rags in the morning to make it curl—’

‘No, no, Maria, I shall be at Rooks Tower.’

‘What? You cannot work on those horrid books tomorrow, you will have no time to prepare for the assembly.’

Zelah laughed at her sister’s horrified look.

‘I am not such a great lady, I need only enough time to change my gown.’

‘No, no, that will never do. Did you not tell Major Coale about the assembly?’

‘I did, but I do not think he attaches much importance to such things.’

‘Well, you must send a note over in the morning, telling him you cannot come.’

Zelah shook her head.

‘I have not seen him since the day Nicky came to the woods to meet me. I fear he was not best pleased with me then, so I would not wish to antagonise him further. He might turn me off.’

‘Oh dear, I never thought, when you decided to earn your own living, that it would come to this. It cannot be right.’

Maria’s voice wavered, she drew out her handkerchief to wipe her eyes and Zelah realised that she had scandalised her sister. In Maria’s world only her duty to her husband and family would take precedence over a social event. She said gently,

‘It is not so very bad, my love. If I was a governess already, I should not be able to dance at all.’

‘Oh, Zelah, if only it could be otherwise.’ Maria dabbed at her eyes. ‘If only you had not—’

Zelah jumped up. ‘Let us not think of it,’ she said quickly. ‘I have a lifetime to regret a moment’s madness, but tomorrow I shall go to the assembly, where no one knows my past, and dance to my heart’s content.’

Zelah went off to Rooks Tower the following day, promising Maria that she would return a little earlier to prepare for the assembly, but soon after she arrived Graddon came to inform her that the carter had brought more books for her.

‘Seems they were missed off his last consignment.’ They watched the crates being carried in and the butler shook his head. ‘Looks to me as if you’ll have to begin all your work again, miss.’

‘Nonsense,’ she replied bracingly. ‘All that is required is a little reorganisation … well, perhaps rather a lot! But it is not impossible. The first thing is to empty all these boxes.’

The afternoon was well advanced when Major Coale came in to find her surrounded by books.

‘You look to be in your element.’

‘I am.’ She smiled, relieved at his friendly tone. ‘This is the remainder of the books you purchased from Lydcombe Park and they are by far the most ancient. There are many more classical texts here—including some in the original Greek and Latin.’

‘Can you read them?’

‘I know a little, but not enough to work out all these. I shall have to take them to Mr Netherby to translate.’

‘Let me have a look …’

He pulled a chair up beside her at the desk and they began deciphering the texts. There was a great deal of hilarity when either of them made a mistake and they continued in perfect harmony until the chiming of the clock proclaimed the hour.

‘Goodness, I must go!’ cried Zelah. ‘It is the assembly this evening. Maria will be wondering where I am.’ She laughed. ‘Do you know, I almost think I would prefer to stay here, working on these texts?’ She added mischievously, ‘Is it something about this house that turns one into a recluse? No, no, Major, pray do not fire up, I was only teasing, when I should really thank you, sir, for helping me.’

‘So you will go away. You will become a lady for the night.’

She bridled at that.

‘I am no less a lady for working here, Major.’ She rose and began to move the books off the desk.

‘Of course not. So what will you wear and who will you dance with?’

She chuckled as she collected another armful of books from the desk. ‘I shall wear my lemon silk robe and as for dancing, why, I will dance with anyone who asks me!’

After Zelah left Rooks Tower the house seemed very quiet. Usually this did not worry Dominic, but for some reason this evening he was restless, unsettled. By God but the chit irked him, prattling on as she did about company, and society and his obligations to his neighbours. He grinned. She had had the nerve to tease him, too, calling him a recluse. It was impossible not to smile at her impertinence. He shut himself in his study and tried to read, but it was no good. He prowled about the room, too restless to sit down. Perhaps he should look in at the assembly. All the local people would be there, and there were a few things that needed to be discussed, small matters that could be dealt with in a moment. With his usual decisiveness he strode out of the room and soon set the household on its ears, calling for an early dinner and sending Graddon to search out his dancing pumps.

The Lesserton Assembly was crowded and good natured. Sir Oswald Evanshaw’s appearance had surprised some and dismayed even more of those gathered in the long room of the White Hart. There were plenty of resentful looks, but mostly everyone ignored him, not wishing to bring their disputes into the ballroom. Zelah was going down the line with a young farmer when his stifled exclamation brought her head up and she saw Major Coale in the doorway. Although he was not wearing regimentals his upright bearing proclaimed the soldier. He was looking grim, but Zelah knew that was merely his defence against the stares of the crowd. Mr Eldridge the MC was bowing, making him welcome, and as soon as the dance ended Zelah hurried over to her brother-in-law.

‘I wish you would go and greet Major Coale, Reginald,’ she urged him. ‘It cannot be easy for him, when he is so new to the area.’

Reginald was inclined to hang back.

‘Dash it all, Zelah, I barely know the man myself. If Coale wishes to be introduced, then Eldridge is the man to do it.’

Zelah gave him a little push.

‘But you are a relative, Reginald, albeit a distant one. And you are so well acquainted with everyone here that you are much better placed to introduce the major to his neighbours. Please, Reginald. I think it cost Major Coale a great deal to come here this evening. He is not likely to put himself forwards.’

‘No, with that hideous scar running down his face I suppose he is not,’ Reginald mused. ‘Very well, I’ll go and talk to him.’

With that Zelah had to be content. She went off to dance again, but found her attention returning constantly to the major. She saw him conversing with Reginald and was relieved when they were joined by several other gentlemen. With some satisfaction she watched the whole group stroll away to the card room and she felt at liberty to give herself up to the enjoyment of the dance.

Some of the young ladies present might bemoan the lack of eligible gentlemen at the Lesserton Assembly, but Zelah was not amongst their number. She wanted only to dance and her sister numbered sufficient married gentlemen amongst her acquaintance to provide Zelah with a partner for almost every set. She was therefore happily engaged on the dance floor for the best part of the evening. She was delighted to see Major Coale take to the floor, partnering Mrs Eldrige, and when the movement of the dance brought them together she gave him a wide smile.

‘You came.’


She wanted to ask him if he was enjoying himself, but there was no time before she was swept off by her next partner. She watched him lead out a couple more partners, both older matrons, and realised that he was avoiding the young ladies who cast surreptitious glances at him and giggled if he went near them. Their insensitive behaviour angered her, but there was little she could do, so when her brother-in-law swept her off to dance again she tried to push the matter from her mind as he whisked her around the floor in a lively jig.

Standing at the side of the room and watching the dancers, Dominic smiled to himself. Everyone was eager to improve their acquaintance with him, but not because he was the son of a viscount, that cut little ice here. They saw him as their landlord, or a fellow land-owner or even a farmer. Phillips, his gamekeeper, would be pleased to know Abraham Judd had trapped the fox that had been terrorising the local bird population and Giles Grundy had suggested digging out the culvert at Rooks Ford, which would benefit them both. All in all it was a successful evening. Not that he would want to make a habit of it, he had grown used to his own company, but Zelah was right, it was a good way to keep in touch with his neighbours. Sir Oswald Evanshaw came up and Dominic returned his bow with a nod.

‘Evening, Coale. Surprised to see you here, what with your …’ His eyes flickered over Dominic’s face and shifted away to the dance floor. ‘How are you enjoying the entertainment?’ Sir Oswald raised his quizzing glass and surveyed the room, his lip curling slightly. ‘A far cry from London, ain’t it? In fact it’s positively rustic, but it behoves us to make an appearance, what?’

Dominic felt the slight nudge in the ribs from Sir Oswald’s elbow and he moved away a little.

‘I saw you dancing, too. By Gad, but you are braver than me, Coale. I wouldn’t dare to approach any of the dragons lest they devour me!’

‘They are more like to refuse you,’ murmured Dominic.

Sir Oswald laughed.

‘You are right there, of course. It’s this demmed court case, they have set me up as the villain of the piece.’

‘Can you blame them? They have grazed those fields for years.’

‘I know.’ Sir Oswald shook his head. ‘They have got it into their heads that they can use my land, that it’s their right, but it ain’t, Coale, and the sooner they learn that the better. They have even paid for a London lawyer to come down to plead their cause at the hearing next week. I told ‘em to save their money, but what can you do? It’s ill advised, Major, and I hope you’ll support me in that.’

Dominic looked at him, surprised.

‘The legal wranglings over grazing rights and the ownership of Prickett Wood is none of my concern, Evanshaw.’

‘Not directly, perhaps, but you never know when they might turn on you and begin claiming your land, too. It would be helpful if they knew that you supported my case.’

Dominic regarded him in silence for a long moment. Sir Oswald was smiling, but there was no warmth in his pale eyes, just a cold, calculating look.

‘I know nothing of your case,’ he said at last, ‘and I do not see why you are so concerned, if you are sure the land is legally yours.’

Sir Oswald’s eyes snapped with impatience and he chewed his lip.

‘At least assure me you won’t join with the villagers. It’s bad enough that Buckland should lend them his support. The farmers, well, I can understand them fighting me, but Buckland—demme, he’s a gentleman! It makes the lower sort think they have a chance.’

Dominic did not answer and with a curt nod Sir Oswald lounged away, shouldering his way through the crowd until he disappeared into the card room. An unpleasant fellow, Dominic decided as he strolled around the edge of the room. He found himself hoping that Buckland and the villagers did find some legal loophole that would stop Evanshaw claiming the disputed land.

‘You are looking very serious, Major. I hope you are enjoying yourself.’

He looked down at Maria Buckland, sitting on a nearby bench, sipping at a glass of wine. Shaking off his thoughtful mood, he scooped a glass from the tray of a passing waiter and sat down beside her.

‘I am, ma’am. More than I expected to do.’

‘I am very glad of it. I have always found the society here most friendly. But we were surprised to see you this evening: I understood you had told Mr Eldridge you did not plan to attend.’

Dominic smiled.

‘That is correct, ma’am, but I was, er, persuaded to change my mind. By your sister.’

‘Oh dear, I hope she was not impertinent.’

With some difficulty Dominic prevented the smile from turning into a grin and he resisted the temptation to tell Mrs Buckland exactly what he thought of her sister.

‘No, no. Not at all.’

‘Do you know, Major, when I think of Zelah spending her life as a governess I am quite cast down.’

Dominic had heard that innocent tone in many a woman’s voice, and he was immediately on the alert.

‘Indeed?’ He sipped his wine, determined to empty the glass and move on as quickly as possible.

‘Zelah is extremely accomplished,’ Maria continued, still in that thoughtful tone. ‘Do you not agree, Major?’

‘She certainly seems to be well educated.’

‘Oh, she is and her birth is impeccable.’ Maria clasped her hands around her glass and gave a huge sigh. ‘It is the most tragic waste that her worth—and her charms—are not more widely appreciated. She would make some lucky gentleman the perfect wife.’

Dominic choked in the act of finishing his wine.

‘Madam, that is the most blatant propositioning—!’

‘Oh heavens, Major, you quite mistake me, I did not mean—’ Maria put her hand on his arm to prevent him from rising. ‘Oh, my dear sir, I do not mean that you should be that gentleman! I beg your pardon. It is just, well, you and Reginald are related, after all.’

‘A very distant connection,’ he flashed.

Her gracious smile did not falter.

‘But it was thanks to Reginald that you heard Rooks Tower was for sale, did you not? So we have been of use to you, I believe.’ She leaned a little closer. ‘Let me be frank with you.’

He eyed her with some misgiving.

‘I’m afraid you have been too frank already.’

‘No, no. Pray allow me to explain. Zelah is a charming girl, but this assembly is the nearest she will get to a come-out, and much as I value the local society, you must admit there is no one here worthy of her. It is not that there are not good families living nearby, but you will never find Sir Arthur Andrews, or the Conisbys or the Lulworths attending such an assembly as this. No, what Zelah needs is a benefactor. Someone to hold a ball for her. A splendid affair attended by the best families in the area, so that they may see just what a jewel she is. And so that Zelah might see that there is an alternative to becoming a governess.’ She gave another sigh. ‘I would happily hold a ball for her, if we were in a position to do so, but you have visited West Barton, Major, you know we have no reception rooms suitable for more than a very small gathering.’ She fixed her eyes, so like her sister’s, upon him. ‘I believe Rooks Tower has several excellent reception rooms.’

Despite himself, Dominic’s lips twitched.

‘Mrs Buckland, you have been very frank with me, let me be equally plain. I will happily acknowledge that your husband and I are related and that it was through our mutual relative that I heard about Rooks Tower. I am very grateful for that, but even so I have no intention of holding a ball, for Miss Pentewan or anyone else.’

She stared at him and he held her gaze unblinking, until finally she nodded.

‘Reginald warned me how it would be, that you would not countenance such a thing, but Zelah thinks so highly of you, I thought I might put it to the touch.’

The music had ended and Reginald Buckland was even now bringing Zelah across to them. Dominic rose.

‘Well, you have done so and you may now be easy.’

Laughing and breathless, Zelah took Reginald’s arm and tripped across the room to join her sister. She immediately noticed the tall figure of the major beside Maria as they left the dance floor. He was standing with his left side turned to the wall so that he was presenting the right, uninjured side of his face to the room. Zelah found herself staring at his profile, the smooth plane of his cheek and the strong, clean line of his jaw. There was just the hint of a smile on the sculpted lips, perhaps it was something Maria had said to him. She was struck again by how handsome he was—had been.

As if aware of her attention he turned to look at her and she saw again the cruel, jagged scar that distorted the left side of his face. She kept her eyes upon him, refusing to glance away. She would not betray any sign of pity, even by a flicker of an eyelid. Whatever happy thoughts he had shared with Maria had gone. There was no hint of a smile in his hard grey eyes. Beside her she could hear Reginald’s loud, cheerful banter.

‘By Gad, Zelah, you have worn me out! I think I must sit and rest my old bones beside Maria for a while. What say you, will you sit down or shall I find you another partner? Eh, who would you dance with next?’

Her gaze never wavered.

‘I will dance with the major, if he will have me.’

It was a bold statement. For a frightening moment she thought he would refuse. Then, unsmiling, he held out his hand. Triumphant, she put up her head and proudly accompanied him to the floor.

The musicians had decided that their audience needed some respite from the energetic dances and now began a slower, much more stately beat. Zelah had time to observe her partner and to be observed. Her own gaze dropped beneath his unwavering scrutiny and she felt herself blushing like any schoolgirl. She would have missed her step, if her partner had not been adept at leading her. His grip tightened and she gave him a little smile, grateful for his support.

‘You are a very good dancer, Major.’

‘Thank you. I was used to be so, but I am very much out of practice.’

‘Ah, but you have been used to dancing in the grandest ballrooms. Your idea of out of practice is polished perfection to our little assembly.’

‘You flatter me, ma’am.’

‘No, I do not.’ She met his look, suddenly serious. ‘You are not lame when you are dancing.’

‘Not when I am dancing with you.’

The sudden and unexpected heat of his glance seared Zelah and a flame of desire threatened to engulf her. She fought it back. That way led only to disaster.

‘Nonsense. You have danced several times this evening without any halting step.’

‘How can you know that?’

‘Because I was watching you.’

The corner of his mouth lifted slightly.

‘How very gratifying.’

Too late she realised he had tricked her. Triumph danced in his eyes and drew an answering gleam from her own. She sank her teeth into her bottom lip to prevent the smile that was trying to spill out.

‘I was dancing too, so you were often in my sight, I was not deliberately looking out for you.’ Her lofty response resulted in a chuckle and she tried to scowl at him. ‘Fie, sir, you twist my words to pander to your own vanity!’

‘You are twisting your own words. I have said very little.’

‘No, but you looked—’ She laughed. ‘You are making May-game of me, Major. Is this how one flirts in the highest circles? I fear I am a very unworthy opponent.’

The music came to an end and she sank into her curtsy. He reached out for her proffered hand to pull her up.

‘There is nothing at all unworthy about you, Miss Pentewan,’ he murmured and she watched, speechless, as he carried her fingers to his lips.

Once it was seen that Major Coale was no longer confining his attentions to the married ladies, those parents with daughters to marry off began to flock around him and he obliged them all by remaining on the floor for the rest of the night, but Zelah could not quell the little thrill of triumph when he led her out for the last dance of the evening.

‘You must be well practised by now, Major.’

‘You have done me a great disservice, madam. Since dancing with you I have been besieged with partners.’

‘Tell me you did not enjoy it.’

His smile was genuine, softening his face, and again she felt the ache of attraction.

‘I have not danced like that since … since I returned from the Peninsula.’

‘Then you should do so more often, Major. You look the better for it.’

His hand tightened on her fingers and her body cried out to respond to the warm invitation in his eyes, but she shook her head at him.

‘I will not allow you to flirt with me, or to tease me, Major. I have a serious point to make and will not be distracted. You see how everyone accepts you and you are much more at ease with them. I consider this a good night’s work.’

‘Have I become your charity? Your good cause?’

A quick glance assured her he was not offended and she smiled up at him

Regency Beauty: Beneath the Major's Scars / Behind the Rake's Wicked Wager

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