Читать книгу High-Altitude Doctor - Sarah Morgan - Страница 2


Dear Reader,

I’m always happiest in the mountains. I like to walk in the Lake District and ski in the Alps, but the one place I’ve always yearned to visit is the Himalayas. I’m fascinated by the growing interest in high-altitude medicine and also by the drive that makes climbers risk their lives to tackle summits over eight thousand meters high.

As remote areas of the world become more accessible, more people are exposed to the effects of altitude, and I decided that this would make a different and interesting setting for a medical romance.

The research was extensive but stimulating, and I wrote this book during the period of time that the various teams were tackling Everest. Tracking their progress on a daily basis helped to bring the book to life for me.

My heroine, Juliet, has her own demons to beat. She knows that mountains are dangerous and she won’t give her heart to a man who risks his life. But love cannot always be easily set aside, and Finn McEwan isn’t a man to take no for an answer.

This is a book about bravery and determination, about grit and courage when life seems to demand the impossible.

If you have your own personal Everest to climb, then I wish you the strength and courage to make it to the top.



High-Altitude Doctor

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