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Dear Reader,

I can’t believe it’s time to leave Treasure Point! This fictional town will probably always be special to me, because it was the setting for my debut novel, and I have had a lot of fun with the characters there and the place itself. Thank you for reading my stories and being part of this fictional community with me.

When I was writing Kelsey and Sawyer’s story, I realized their spiritual thread was a little less obvious than in some of my other books. It took a while (as it sometimes does in my writing process) to figure out exactly what they were learning and then I realized (as usual) that they were learning what I have been learning lately. Right now, that’s the fact that God is not a convenient addition to our day, or an item on a checklist. He is God and He wants to have a relationship with us. That’s a huge truth that I don’t always live out the way I should, but I am glad I was reminded of it through this story.

I hope that reading this book encouraged you, or entertained you, or both, and I want to thank you again for being a reader, for loving stories. I love doing this job and am grateful for the opportunity to do it—something that couldn’t happen without you.

I love hearing from readers, and I’d love to hear from you! You can get in touch with me through email at sarahvarland@gmail.com, find me on Facebook at facebook.com/sarahvarlandauthor, or find me on my personal blog at espressoinalatteworld.blogspot.com.

Sarah Varland

Perilous Homecoming

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