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“What happened out there, Summer?” Clay demanded.

He kept his gaze steady on her. “Can you go over it for me so you’re ready with the details the police will need?”

“Who are you?”

“I told you. Clay Hitchcock, and I’m your brother’s friend.”

She shook her head. “I mean, who are you and why are you asking me questions like that?”

“I’m just someone who wants to help.” That was the truth now. He may have the heart of a cop, the mind of a cop, but he was a civilian. His choice, yes, but it was still taking some getting used to.

Her eyes narrowed but she took his answer. Not, Clay noticed, because he had done anything to convince her that he was trustworthy. No, the only reason she was willing to entertain trusting him at all was the fact that her brother liked him.

He made a mental note about her character—family was important.

Not that he necessarily needed to make notes about Summer Dawson’s character.

Still, his old habit of analyzing people, observing things about them, died hard. He might not have a badge, but he was still a cop inside.

Mountain Refuge

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