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“Almost there.” Every step they took, Kate grew more cautious.

“Where will we come out?”

“At the main trailhead.”

Micah nodded. “Okay, that works. You have a car there?”

“Yes. Not much farther.”

They moved into another area thick with trees that Micah recognized from years ago. Another couple hundred yards and they’d be to the trailhead. They just had to navigate this last section, steep with rocks littering the dirt pathway.

Kate slipped at the top of an incline, kicked one of the bigger rocks. Micah caught her, alarmed at the way he reacted to the feeling of her in his arms, even for a second.

He stayed still for a minute, with Kate, waiting for the rock to finish crashing down the hill, on edge and alert in case someone heard the sound and attacked them.

But the attack didn’t come in the form he was ready for.

Instead a concussive blast shook the mountain beneath them, loosening more rock.

Kate screamed as the pieces fell together in Micah’s mind.

Someone had set a trip wire for them.

Alaskan Ambush

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