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CONTACTS Régional du Tourism d’Alsace Tel: +33 3 88 25 01 66 Fax: +33 3 88 52 17 06 Email: crt@tourisme-alsace.com www.tourisme-alsace.com

Riquewihr’s medieval splendour draws involuntary gasps from first-time visitors as they approach on the gloriously vine-hemmed Rue de Vin. Nestled in a small valley in the foothills of the blue-green Vosges Mountains, Riquewihr remains an object of centuries-old wonderment, its narrow, cobbled streets brimming with charming buildings in a kaleidoscopic array of vivid hues. Unchanged since the Middle Ages, the half-timbered architecture has been painstakingly and sensitively preserved – and so, too, has the culture. Riquewihr’s fusion of Gallic-Germanic traditions continues to dominate local heritage, from language to food and festivals, with every aspect of daily life revolving around the grape.

To discover France’s most romantic town is to stroll its narrow alleys and uneven streets amidst a blaze of colour that positively glows from the building facades, from pale pink and faded blue to shades of violet, yellow and red. Leafy, paved courtyards, ancient stone wells and fresh-water fountains hide amongst the nooks and crannies.

Devoid of cars, bar the occasional delivery vehicle, it seems only fitting that Riquewihr’s genteel beauty is uninterrupted by engine noise. Few towns are as picture-postcard idyllic, framed by fine historic monuments, just a stone’s throw from Germany and the Rhine. Entwined couples meander slowly along the main street to retreat into secluded backstreets while others hold hands as they lift their eyes skyward to marvel at spires and clock towers. Climb up to the Dolder Tower, the town’s 700-year-old highest point, to enjoy spectacular views across a checkerboard landscape of vine terraces, forests and ruins dotted with picturesque Gothic steeples and turrets. Peruse the Upper Gateway from the 16th and 17th centuries, the focal point of the outer ramparts, with double gates, portcullis, drawbridge and loopholes. Choose a peaceful, shaded spot to share a heart-shaped cinnamon cookie in the fortifications of this romantic medieval settlement, or sip a crisp sparking Crément at the cosy Au Cep de Vigne under jutting gables and Princess-worthy towers.

Stroll narrow, storied streets in the medieval town of Riquewihr.

101 Romantic Weekends in Europe

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