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SARAH MAYBERRY has moved eight times in the past five years and is currently living in New Zealand – although that may change at the drop of a hat. When she’s not moving house or writing, she loves to read, go to the movies, buy shoes and travel (mostly to find more shoe shops). She has been happily partnered to her man for over fifteen years and plans to make it many more.

Bless you, Chris, for your enormous sympathy and patience with me as I grieved, anguished and swore over this book. I love you very much.

To Wanda, for being so calm and supportive and damned smart as always – every time you make me lift my game and this time you had your work cut out for you.

And to my friends and family who all made sympathetic noises and passed the chocolate at the right times. Where would I be without you?

Amorous Liaisons

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