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Chapter Three

“Hey you two. Sooo, how’s it going?” Pip’s enthusiasm was contagious as she pulled up a spare chair and plonked her drink on the table and looked between the two of them like she was watching a tennis match. “Oh, sorry did I interrupt something?”

Matt was impressed that Pip had even noticed. Most of the time he loved his sister’s glass half full, fly by the seat of your pants, blasé attitude to life but right now… he wished she’d just shove off, which surprised him. After she’d abandoned Ana with him he’d silently cursed her and thought about the pro’s and con’s of locking her back in that cupboard in the attic. Would it be worth Mrs H’s wrath again?

“So, are you single Ana?”

“Pip, leave it.” Matt snapped. He’d only lock her in it for a short time…

“What?” Pip asked innocently, raising her shoulders and eyebrows before carrying on unperturbed. “Right,” she clapped her hands together, “now that Matt has probably bored you to tears talking about bloody horses, you up for some fun, karaoke style?” Her eyes sparkled and her smile was wide as she wiggled her shoulders.

“Oh I don’t think so Pip.”

But the disappointed look on Pip’s face was enough to change Ana’s mind..

“Okay. Okay, you win,” she said, holding her hands up in mock surrender. “Let’s go before I change my mind. Thanks for keeping me company Matt.” She said quickly finishing her brandy before following Pip to the far end of the bar. Matt tracked her as she walked away, hypnotised by the sway of her hips.

As she vanished into the games room he bent down and stroked George, nursing the rest of his own brandy, ignoring the fact he was already missing Ana’s company and warm smile. He reflected on her earlier comment about rescuing him from Phyliss. He’d been momentarily stunned by her comment and that she’d actually remembered what he’d said earlier in the car and had acted in order to protect him; even though it was the worst thing she could have done. But she barely knew him.

She was like a breath of fresh air but he’d noticed the sad look in her eyes at the mention of her mother. He lent back, closed his eyes as images of a certain feisty redhead came to mind wearing a tight corset…where had she said he could find out her bra size??


Matt’s peaceful relaxation was shattered by ear-splitting, tuneless warbling coming from the far end of the pub. Even George woke up, pricked his ears, and whined.

“Good grief lad, we better go and put them out of their misery before they clear the pub.”

Matt walked into the games room at the far end and decided that he’d obviously snoozed for a while in front of the fire. Ana and Pip had empty shot glasses lined up in front of them and had their arms around each other holding a microphone in the middle; the height difference was comical. Matt couldn’t be sure but thought he detected the tortured sounds of the Bee Gee’s’ “You Should Be Dancing”. At least, that was the tune in the background, but Ana and Pip were too busy giggling and improvising to be bothered with actual lyrics… or tone.

He hoped she didn’t have plans to be a pop singer.

The girls had attracted an audience of the young village males who seemed keen to keep the girls supplied with alcohol.

Okay, enough fun.

“Yay, Matt’s here!”

His name was shouted by them both and echoed around the room through the speakers, which complained loudly with shrill reverb.

Matt winced. “Okay you two, time to let someone else have some fun. Share the lime light.”

Matt heard the grumblings from the lads who had congregated towards the back of the room. He silenced them with an arctic stare. Intelligent lads that they were, they recognised his alpha status in the room, dropped their eyes, and busied themselves with a game of pool.

“Boo boring!” Pip chanted. “We’re just having some fun Matt. Come on Matt, sing with your ’lil sister purrlleeeaasse…”

“I think Matt’s right Pip, too much fun for me. I’m shattered and… oops, possibly slightly inebriated.”

Matt noticed the slight slurring of her words right before she stumbled off the stage. He sprung forward to catch her.

“Whoops, falling off the stage, thank God that’s never happened to me before. Career suicide, Naomi never fully recovered. Thank you my—" She hiccupped. “Hero.”

“You’re welcome, now let’s get you home.” He placed his arm around Ana’s waist to help her. “You coming Pip?”

“No, not yet. James texted before and he’s on his way. He’ll bring me home later.”

“Fine, not too late though. If you’re not back before twelve I’ll be coming back for you.”

“Alright, alright, I’ve got it. Byyyeee Ana!!”

Matt turned back to Ana. “Ready?”

“You have beautiful eyes.”

Or at least that’s what he thought she slurred, before she added, “even with the bags underneath. I know a beauty trick for that.” She hiccupped again and giggled.

Oh great. This was going to be a long walk home!

He manoeuvred them out of the games room and towards the exit. “Come on George. Night Bob, thanks.”

“Night Matt, see ya at the Ball. Oh and tell ya lass she’s welcome t’ come and see me ferret anytime she likes.”

Ana lifted her head slightly and giggled whilst slapping an open palm against Matt’s chest. “Naughty Barman Bob.”

Matt rolled his eyes and huffed. “He’s not propositioning you Ana. He really does have a ferret – and before you ask no, I don’t.”


Despite a lull in the snowfall, a cold blast of air hit them as they left the warmth of the pub and Matt was taken aback as Ana immediately snuggled into his chest in protest and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist. The unexpected action had him frozen like the children’s snowman: standing proudly in the village square. He was completely out of his depth here. Did he put his arm around her or keep his distance? Although, untangling her from his body might be a bit tricky. The woman’s grip rivalled that of an octopus.

She mumbled into his chest."urghmattitsbloomfreezingoutereletsgobackinsidecozitsniceandwarm.”

Matt had to smile. Miss Harper was drunk and, evidently, she was an affectionate drunk. So much better than an aggressive or loud drunk.

“Hmmmyousmellsoooogood,” she slurred, and then giggled for absolutely no reason he could determine. Odd woman.

“Hmm hm, you do too.”

It was taking them forever to walk down the street. For every step forward, Ana seemed to force them to the side but in actual fact Matt was beginning to enjoy the excuse for the close contact that he didn’t have to think too much about. He eventually gave up trying to keep any distance between their bodies and brought his left arm around her shoulder, the other covering her clasped hands.


It took a moment for him to translate her meaning.

“No way Ana, we’re sticking to the road,” he said sternly, shaking his head. He would not be moved on this.

Ana stopped abruptly and turned to face him, sulking as she put her hands on her hips. Or at least he thought that was the look she was going for. It rather missed its objective when her hands slipped forward off her hips and she started to fall forward. Matt stopped her by placing his hand on her forehead and pushing her back gently.

He arched a brow. “I see the stroppy two year old is back again, Miss Harper,” he said in a mocking yet light tone.

She stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry at him. He was relatively sure she hadn’t meant to cover his face in spittle.

Matt wiped his face and didn’t try to hide the smile creeping suspiciously to his lips. “Nice, Miss Harper. Very refined.”

“Ah there’s ya smile; see ya do have one farm boy.” She chucked at her own joke and dropped her head back onto his coat. “Dowhateveryoozewantimgoingoveryonderhill.”

Nope, not a clue this time.

Matt sighed. If this was what having a child would be like maybe he should re-think his desire to have lots of the little blighters.

“Right then come along Jill, over the hill we go. Let’s just hope it doesn’t end as badly for us.” He looked up at the stars as if seeking guidance.

“Whooohoo!” Ana jumped up and down like a child.

Matt steered them off towards the relatively small hill over which Melville House stood. It was usually a much quicker way into the village but tonight, with the snow and Miss Harper, he wasn’t so sure.

Ana snuggled towards him and linked her arm through his as they strolled along the end of the high street in anything but a straight line.

The snow was about a foot deep making the trudge over the hill take twice as long as usual, but thankfully the light cast by the full moon and the torch he had brought with him was enough to guide them.

Eventually they came to a sty and Matt helped Ana up from behind and guided her foot over. Wow, her bottom looked mighty fine in his jeans. Unfortunately as she brought her other foot over she caught it on the top of the wooden post and tumbled forward, face planting into the snow. She didn’t even have time to put her hands up in front of her face. Matt rolled his eyes knowing that she hadn’t hurt herself; the snow was too deep and had cushioned her impact. He jumped over the sty to help her turn over but couldn’t hold back the short laugh. Such an alien sound to him, but she was covered head to foot in snow including her face, her eyelashes, her hair.

“You look like the abominable snowman Ana.” He tried to help brush off the snow and hold back the fits of laughter he could sense were about to burst free. Ana squealed as George tried to lick her face.

Eventually she opened her mouth and spat out snow. That pushed him over the edge and he couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t want to stop; it had been a long time since he’d laughed at anything.

“Youfinditfunnymisserdarlin?” she asked, as she continued to clear her mask of snow.

“What was that? I couldn’t hear you with all that snow in your mouth.” He bent over to hold his sides which now ached through laughter until a snowball hit him directly on his head.

He stopped laughing abruptly. “Oh, no you didn’t,” he lectured, trying to keep a straight face as he shook his head free of the snow. George barked excitedly and bounced through the snow like Tigger.

Ana squealed and gathered more snow and an impromptu snowball fight ensued, the winner of which was never declared.

Eventually, exhaustion had them collapsing in the snow, and Ana giggling again at the imprint of her body where she’d fallen. They made snow angels; Ana not taking no for an answer when Matt had originally refused. He glanced over at her as she stared at the stars in the clear sky, their fingertips just touching. An owl screeched from somewhere in the small copse.

“Itssobeautiful,” she said, softly. “When I was a kid I really did think there was a man in it.”

It took him another moment to translate her slightly slurred words and catch on that she was talking about the moon. He followed her gaze to the full moon sitting impressively low in the sky, a couple of wispy clouds silhouetted against it. Pip would call it a “creepy, Scooby-Doo moon”.

“’Course then my mother told me the truth, along with the fact that there was no Santa.”

He closed his eyes tightly. Christ, he’d never meet this woman’s mother but he already wanted to throttle her neck. His strong reaction shocked him as he wasn’t a violent man. He decided to blame it on the alcohol.

Their fingertips were still touching on top of the snow and he turned his head to the side. Her eyes were now closed and he had an uncomfortable desire to touch her face. She looked ethereal, a stunning Sleeping Beauty with her now dark, damp, auburn curls spread out in the snow around her like a halo. An uncontrollable force brought his hand to her face, delicately brushing the snow from her hair and reddened cheeks. Her eyes remained closed but he thought he felt her turn her cheek into his hand as if seeking his touch. Swallowing, he was losing the battle against his body’s growing desire as his eyes traced over her face. Her ruby red lips looked soft and inviting and he could almost imagine leaning over to kiss them. He’d start with her cheeks and nose before touching those lips. Would she encourage him or push him away?

The owl screeched again and brought sanity back to his thoughts. He noticed her body shiver and decided it was time to head indoors.

“Okay, time to go before we become popsicles.” He stood and held out his hand to help her up.

“Ouch,” she giggled and then hiccupped. “IthinkIvehurtoohoutchankle.” Another hiccup followed by a giggle as she clasped her hand over those lips.

“Can you put weight on it?” Ana took a tentative step forward and he saw her wince in pain.

“Oh. Okay, up you go.” Matt swiftly lifted her into his arms and started down the hillside. Ana once again snuggled into his neck and he felt her hot breath on his skin. Her cold nose tickled him as he felt the soft curves of her body beneath his hands. He tightened his hold and felt her relax in his arms and thought she might have drifted off to sleep.

Forever His Darling

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