Читать книгу We Were Young and at War: The first-hand story of young lives lived and lost in World War Two - Sarah Wallis - Страница 36

5 June 1940


Dear Trudie,

Please excuse my writing as I have broken my finger, the one next to my little finger on my right hand. We were camping and the scout master woke us up at five in the morning to say that 2,500 of the BEF were arriving that morning [from Dunkirk] at a certain place 5 miles away. Of course, we were only too glad to put up tents, 400 in number. It was misty and we raced down the road, a steep hill with a bend in it, I did not pull out quick enough, hit the curb, did a headlong dive over my [bicycle] handlebars and crashed.

I’ll never forget those men all my life. All smiling not a grumble, some had only the clothes they stood up in. I talked to some of them. I am enclosing a French coin which was in a soldier’s pocket in the most successful retreat in history.

We are all now resolved to give the Germans Hell!!! And we’ll fight like that too. I’m feeling okay at present. I’ve just heard from a friend who was in Belgium. I was getting very worried about him.

Your letter arrived today. The snaps are very good. You look very good in your new frock. I’ll get my snap done quickly.

Food. I like plenty. I am very fond of fried potatoes, so have plenty.

We Were Young and at War: The first-hand story of young lives lived and lost in World War Two

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