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Chapter Nine


The invitation from Edgar Fane arrived two days later. Thea read the lazy scrawl of words, with every breath a dull spike lodging deeper in her chest. So. Her wish had come true at last, but the fulfillment was tinged with the taste of gall: Dinner at Mr. Canfield’s Casino was not the scenario she had envisioned.

The Casino might enjoy a reputation for first-class cuisine, and it might be patronized by the country’s wealthiest and most powerful personages. But for Thea the dignified red brick building also housed a glittering palace of iniquity, a den of vice, preying upon weak minds with more money than common sense. From local gossip she’d learned that reformers had managed to close down the gambling there for a couple of years, but like the racecourse it had reopened for this summer’s season.

She should have known a wretch like Edgar Fane would entertain guests at a gambling palace.

Her father loved gambling more than anything else on earth, including his family. He’d been playing roulette the night he’d met Thea’s mother. After winning a small fortune, he convinced himself, and her, that together they’d change the course of each other’s lives. In a way, he was right. The unwelcome appearance of a baby nine months later introduced an equally unwelcome dose of reality.

Her father dumped Theodora with a letter of apology on her grandparents’ doorstep, then disappeared for three years. Only the infrequent postcards reassured the family that he was alive. Charles and Mathilda Langston loved her as their own; until she died Mathilda never gave up believing the prodigal son would see the error of his ways. But some of Thea’s earliest lessons, learned snuggled in Grandfather’s lap, included the evils of gambling.

Apparently she had shed that particular lesson along with her conscience. Life, she reminded herself defiantly, was an uncertain stew of happenstance.

So for thirty-six hours Thea suffered a Coney Island roller-coaster ride of elation, fear, guilt and determination. Now the time was at hand, and she would not, would not permit the shy, morally upstanding little girl she used to be to dominate her thoughts. Tonight she planned to practice every feminine wile she’d gleaned from years of reading literature and talking to many of the authors of it who enjoyed “rusticating” on Staten Island. By the end of the meal Edgar Fane would…he would—

Mrs. Chudd poked her head through the door to Thea’s room. “Bellhop’s here. A Mr. Simpson is waiting for you in the lobby,” she announced in her flat nasal voice.

“Have the bellhop tell Mr. Simpson I’ll be right down.” Nerves cramped her stomach and chilled her skin.

“Mrs. Chudd? Won’t you come along? It would be more appropriate.”

“Got no use for rich food.” She skimmed a long look at Thea, her pale eyes briefly flickering with curiosity. “You been fine all month, ferdiddling on your own. So I’ll stay here, same as usual.” Jaw jutting, she nodded twice, started to turn away. “Not having a spell, are you?”

“No.” Thea forced her lips to stretch in a rubbery smile, and beneath the satin-and-lace evening gown locked her knees. “I’m fine.”

“Humph. Then I’ll fetch my knitting, finish this sweater for my grandnephew. You might want to be careful what you eat.”

“Ah, Miss Pickford. You’re a vision to behold,” Mr. Fane declared upon meeting her and Mr. Simpson at the entrance to the Casino’s dining room. He himself looked very much the wealthy gentleman in his black evening suit and blinding white waistcoat. “Quite a dramatic change from the intrepid angler who reeled in a shoe.” Mischievous brown eyes twinkled; to avoid looking at him Thea glanced around the crowded dining room.

“I’ve ordered us filet of sole for the entrée,” he continued easily, a secret laugh embedded in the words. “I hope you approve.”

Thea finally managed to tear her awestruck gaze away from the rows of stained glass ceiling panels, and the equally glittering rows of tables full of guests, all of them staring at Thea and Edgar Fane. Either win him now, or justice will be denied forever. She squared her shoulders, lifted a hand to lightly brush her grandmother’s cameo brooch, a steadying touch to bolster her resolve. “I trust all the laces have been removed from my catch so they don’t get caught between our teeth,” she replied.

Mr. Fane threw back his head and laughed out loud. “I think I’m going to like you very much, Miss Pickford. Who knows? You might turn out to be the catch of the day.”

“Mr. Fane, I might say the same about you.”

He laughed again, then led her between rows of circular tables to the back of the room, where a party of ten—six ladies, four gentlemen—watched their approach with the intensity of a pack of jackals about to tear into the carcass. “I’ve asked some friends to join us,” Mr. Fane explained. “Less…intimate, and safer for you at this stage of our acquaintance.” With a flourishing bow he pulled out one of the empty chairs. A folded card with “Miss Pickford” written in formal script sent an oily shiver down Thea’s spine. He gestured to the woman seated beside her place.

“This is a very dear friend, Mrs. Cynthia Gorman.” As Thea gingerly sat down he leaned close enough for his breath to stir the fine hairs on the back of her neck. “If she takes a liking to you, you’ll be able to learn anything about me good manners prohibit you from asking.” He straightened. “Mrs. Gorman, Miss Theodora Pickford.” Thea angled her head toward Mrs. Gorman, away from Edgar Fane.

“I asked Simpson to find out everything he could about you,” Edgar next informed Thea without a shred of remorse. “I have to be careful, I’m afraid. Women can be fortune hunters, the same as men. Can’t they, Mrs. Gorman?”

“As you can see, Edgar loves to torment, and call it teasing,” Cynthia said. With her long narrow face, worldly green eyes and golden hair, she reminded Thea of a beautiful but restless lioness. “I understand your fiancé is a British earl. Lovely engagement ring—antique, is it? I adore jewelry. We can talk about your fiancé and jewelry if you like, Miss Pickford. Or the charms of a season at Saratoga. Edgar of course will want to confine the conversation to himself. But whatever you do, please refrain from asking about his paintings.”

“Paintings? I’ve heard he enjoys working with oils and watercolors. Why wouldn’t I ask about them?” Thea returned, artfully lifting one eyebrow.

“Dearest Cynthia, is your nose still out of joint?” Edgar sat down on Thea’s other side, and without a word the waiters began to serve crystal compotes full of fresh peaches, strawberries and grapes. “She wanted my latest work of art, but I gave it to a lonely old gentleman who owns a couple of quaint old bookstores in Baltimore. He was most appreciative.”

“So appreciative he checked out of his room at the United States Hotel the next day,” a round-cheeked man with a spade-shaped beard chimed in. “Last I heard, he was planning to auction your landscape to the highest bidder, to avoid the bank foreclosing on his stores.”

“What must he be thinking?” Edgar popped a strawberry in his mouth and chewed it with unselfconscious enthusiasm. “I’m no Rembrandt. But if someone’s foolish enough to spend their well-earned dollars on dabbling I give away for free, I’ll not put a crimp in their style.”

Everyone laughed, and as the rhythm of the courses moved in watchlike precision from fruit to oysters on a bed of crushed ice, to a delicate clear soup, Thea’s nerves settled into quiet determination. Mrs. Gorman spent several moments deliberately prying, but when Thea remained charming but vague the other woman turned to the man seated on her right. Conversations swirled over and around them; Edgar Fane, she discovered reluctantly, made for a thoughtful, entertaining host. By the time the fish was served—and she laughed with everyone else when the waiter presented her with an exquisitely prepared filet of sole—Thea was almost enjoying herself. The vertigo remained in abeyance, and beneath the table her knees had finally quit shaking.

But she had not forgotten her mission.

Find a weakness. Find evidence. Expose Edgar Fane as a liar and a thief.

“Is Saratoga Springs your favorite destination for the summer season?” she asked Mr. Fane during a conversational lull.

“Certainly has been a wise choice this year,” he replied, smiling at her. “When I heard the prim-mouthed do-gooders had failed in their attempts to keep the Casino closed, I decided to signal my support by spending the season here at Saratoga. I’ve rented a cottage a few blocks away. When not entertaining friends there, I invite them to superlative suppers here at the Casino, to help Mr. Canfield keep his coffers full.” Something in the way he studied Thea set warning bells to clanging. “A lot of my friends enjoy the game room upstairs. In fact, several acquaintances have won and lost considerable fortunes. You look disapproving. Tell me your opinion toward gambling, Miss Pickford. Is it a tool of evil, or the engine that keeps not only Canfield Casino but this little community from sinking into oblivion?”

A Most Unusual Match

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