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Saturday morning, sunshine streamed into Ashley’s bedroom and she rolled over. She had one serene moment and then remembered all she had to do. She tossed aside the covers and got up to shower.

Shopping for a dress took only two hours. As she stood in front of the mirror, looking at the strapless white silk gown with a long straight skirt and removable train, she knew it was the one she wanted. While she stared at her reflection, she ran her hand over her tummy, which was still amazingly flat. She credited that fact to her height of five feet nine.

All during the morning as she shopped, made calls and planned, a gamut of emotions plagued her. One minute she would be apprehensive about a loveless union, and the next excited over the prospect of marrying Ryan.

At noon, while she dressed to go to the farm, another huge bouquet of mixed flowers arrived. She stared at the card and shook her head. The blossoms were beautiful, but they really held no meaning and couldn’t calm her jitters about her future with Ryan. Far more meaningful had been his phone calls while he was in Chicago. They had talked long hours into the night, and each minute spent that way was a plus.

At two o’clock, when she swung open her door and Ryan stepped inside, her pulse gave its usual lurch. Dressed in a black knit shirt and black slacks, he radiated vitality. His gaze reflected his approval of her jeans and pink knit shirt. She wore her hair in one long braid. He placed his hands on her hips and studied her, turning her first one way and then another.

“Look at you in those tight jeans. Are you sure you’re pregnant?”

“Very sure,” she answered dryly.

He shook his head. “You don’t look it in the least.”

“I’ve decided it’s because I’m tall,” she said, while he continued to inspect her.

“You’re beautiful, Ashley, and I’d rather stay here.”

“Thank you. However, we’re going to meet my family, who are waiting,” she reminded him.

“I know, but you’re too enticing in those jeans.”

“Want me to find something baggy?”

“And spoil my day? Never! Let’s go meet the family.”

As they drove out of the city, Ryan glanced at her. “One topic we didn’t settle. When do we announce that you’re expecting a baby?”

“I’ve been thinking about it, and I’d just as soon tell the family now. I see no reason to announce it to others yet, but our families might as well know. And know why you’re marrying me.”

“Right there is a reason to wait to tell them.”

She shook her head. “Now’s the time, Ryan. When they find out why, your family will try to talk you out of this marriage, and that’s okay.”

“No, they won’t. They’ll know I’m doing what I want, and they know me well enough to realize that I wouldn’t marry you simply because of the pregnancy.”

She gave him an annoyed look of disbelief.

“You’ll see, Ashley. I still say we’ll have a good marriage.”

“Without love, I don’t see how.”

“Every time you declare this union hopeless, I have to insist that I think love will come.”

She bit her lip and looked out the window, knowing the futility of their continual dispute over the future. If only he would give love a chance to come, and then ask her to marry him!—then it would be a joyous event.

“I made arrangements with the church, and it’s reserved when we wanted it,” Ryan said. “I booked the country club and the band for the reception.”

“We’re moving right along, because I’ve arranged for the musicians for the wedding. I have the florist and have told him what I want. My dress is selected, along with what I’d like for the bridesmaids, and I’ve started my guest list. I need yours as soon as possible.”

“I’ll get it to you Monday afternoon. I can have my secretary pull one together, and I’ll add to it.”

“I’ve ordered cakes. Being a wedding planner cut days off making the arrangements, because I know what I want without having to pour through pictures and listen to descriptions. I could get a caterer for the reception, but I imagine the club will handle the food.”

“They will. I told them you’d call to make arrangements,” he said.

“And you don’t care what I choose?”

“Not at all, and expense is no problem.”

“Then it should be simple to arrange,” she said. “As soon as we get the attendants confirmed, and the invitations in the mail, we’ll be ready.”

“I’ve reserved a private room at the club for the rehearsal dinner the night before and you can call them about the menu for that, too.”

“Fine. Someday we’ll have to think about baby names, but not this soon.”

“I’ll make a list of names I like and you do the same.”

“And my guess is there won’t be one name on your list that’s on mine.”

He smiled, glancing at her. “You think we’re that different?”

“Absolutely,” she declared.

He reached over to take her hand and place it on his warm thigh. Instantly, she thrilled to the intimate contact. “I’m eager for the wedding,” he said in a husky voice. “And even more excited over the wedding night and loving you again.”

She licked her lower lip, drawing her palm slowly along his thigh until she heard him inhale.

“Just a little more of that, Ashley, and I’m pulling off the road,” he said hoarsely.

She withdrew her hand and returned it to her lap, gazing at the changing countryside as they sped east. Before long, the highway was lined with tall pines and thick woods.

When they approached the two-story, white farmhouse, she told him about its history. “Each family has built onto the place, but the original structure dates back to the late 1800s. The flood last year took some of the outbuildings and crops, but the house has never been in water.”

“No regrets about leaving here?”

“Absolutely none. Farming is hard work. You’re constantly fighting the elements. Maybe I still resent the farm for taking away my mother.”

“Yeah, the way I blame hard times for robbing me of mine,” he said gruffly. He took Ashley’s hand. “Our baby is going to have opportunities, Ashley, and endless love.”

For the first time she felt a bond with Ryan that had nothing to do with sex. A glimmer of hope flared as they shared feelings for the rough times in their pasts. She brushed a light kiss on his knuckles. “I hope you’re right,” she said. “I’ll have to admit, we’re alike about wanting to be in control.”

Flashing a wicked grin, he chuckled. “So, you’ll admit you like control just as much as I do.”

“I suppose,” she said, smiling at him.

When her father swung open the door, his blue eyes were filled with curiosity. “Ashley,” he said, taking her into his arms for a hug. When he released her, she turned. “Dad, this is Ryan Warner. Ryan, please meet my dad, Ben Smith.”

They shook hands and her father stepped back. “Come in. This is my mother, Ashley’s grandmother, Laura Smith.”

An attractive gray-haired woman in black slacks and a white cotton shirt stood behind him and smiled at them, causing crinkles around her large, blue eyes. Beside her was Ashley’s brother, Jeff, who was also blue eyed and tall.

After introductions, they settled in the family room, with its high ceilings, braided rugs, family pictures and shelves of books.

Curiosity filled her father’s eyes, but soon everyone was chatting, and her dad told tales about the farm and when Ashley and Jeff had been kids.

Looking relaxed and as if he had known her family for years instead of just an afternoon, Ryan relayed stories of his two-month stint on a horse ranch and his one attempt at bull riding, which had everyone chuckling. His stories were amusing, but Ashley realized that if he had done what he was telling them he had, he had a streak of a daredevil in him.

Over dinner, Ashley passed bowls of steaming mashed potatoes, thick brown gravy, slices of pot roast and hot biscuits. Ryan consumed a large enough amount of food to delight her grandmother, who liked serving guests and relatives.

As they relaxed after dessert, Ashley caught Ryan’s attention and gave him a long look. “Folks, we have something to tell you,” she said, pausing as all her family turned to her. “Ryan has asked me to marry him, and I’ve accepted.”

Her grandmother gave a cry of joy and came around the table to give Ashley a hug, while her father and brother stood to shake Ryan’s hand.

“Congrats, sis,” Jeff said, grinning at her. “I didn’t think this would ever happen.”

She laughed, because she knew he was teasing her, and she was relieved to have made the announcement. When she turned to her father, she was surprised to see a solemn expression on his face, a searching look in his eyes.

Her first thought was that he knew she didn’t want to marry Ryan, but he congratulated her, hugged her and gave her best wishes. They all adjourned to the family room, while she and Ryan answered questions and let everyone know the plans made so far.

Again she knew that if they were aware of all the circumstances, they would try to talk her out of it. Her father might not, because of the financial help Ryan would provide the baby.

She didn’t want to wait until the end of their visit to tell them that news, but they wanted to hear wedding details and mark calendars. Finally, she thought there was a good moment, and she crossed the room to sit on the arm of her dad’s chair. “We have another announcement that right now is for our families only,” she said, gazing at Ryan, feeling as if she were in a dream. “We’re going to have a baby.”

Ashley’s grandmother shrieked and hugged Ashley once more, while Ben shook hands with Ryan, congratulating him, before he turned to Ashley to hug her. He gazed at her again with a somber perusal. “That’s the most wonderful news possible! I’ll be a grandfather!”

His words contradicted his expression, but she was relieved anyway.

“Congrats, sis,” Jeff said. “I’m going to be an uncle! That’s sweet!”

They talked about the baby and the wedding, and then moved on to other topics.

Finally Ashley stood. “Anyone want a glass of water?” she asked. When no one did, she went to the kitchen. Jeff had discovered that Ryan played football, as he had. They both shared an interest in pro teams, and she left them talking avidly.

As she drank her water, she was surprised to see her father enter the kitchen and close the door.

Crossing the room to her, he placed his hands on her shoulders. “You’re marrying Ryan because of the baby, aren’t you?”

“I suppose I have to answer yes,” she said quietly, not wanting to worry her dad, but finding it impossible to tell him anything except the truth.

“If there’s no deep love between the two of you, think about what you’re doing, Ashley. We’re here for you. We’ll help you with the baby, and you don’t have to have Ryan Warner or his money in your life to get along.”

“Oh, Dad!” she said, hearing the concern in his voice, and grateful for his support. She hugged him tightly, and he patted her back before she stepped away. “I hope we will learn to love each other,” she said in a low voice.

“That’s not much basis for marriage, Ashley. Think about it. It’s good that he wants to marry you, but marriage is a relationship that takes a lot of strong bonding and cooperation on both parts. If you don’t have that, you may be headed for disaster. Rethink this marriage. He’s not the man for you. You’re not glowing with happiness and love.”

“I will think about it, Dad. And I have been. Ryan and I have discussed the situation at length,” she replied cautiously, wondering how her father would react when he discovered Ryan was paying off the mortgage on the farm and would send Jeff to college. She patted her dad’s arm. “Don’t worry. I’ll try to do what I think will be best for me and my baby.”

He studied her intently before nodding. “I hope so, Ashley. I want to tell Ryan that I’d like to talk to him soon. Just the two of us.”

“Oh, Dad, don’t start a war with Ryan.”

“I have no intention of doing any such thing. I just want him to know that he better not hurt you.”

“He’s not going to hurt me, and you’re not going to intimidate him, either.”

“I still want to talk to him. It won’t hurt him to know how important you are to us.”

She shook her head in exasperation, wondering why her life was filled with such strong-willed males. “Let’s join the others,” she said.

When she entered the family room again, she saw Ryan’s questioning gaze. But he looked relaxed and had her brother and grandmother laughing at some story he was telling.

It was almost ten o’clock when they finally told everyone goodbye and got away, even though Ashley’s dad kept urging them to stay the night and drive back the next morning.

“You have a great family,” Ryan said in the car as they sped through the darkness. “The feeling may not be mutual, though. Your dad wants to see me, which is fine, but I don’t think he’s happy about our upcoming nuptials.”

“No, he’s not, but he’ll change.”

“He isn’t prone to carrying a shotgun, is he?” Ryan asked lightly, and she smiled.

“No, he isn’t. He’s strong willed.”

“Aah, now I know where you get it.”

“That is really the pot calling the kettle black,” she exclaimed.

“I’ll be back to see your Dad Monday morning. He’ll probably warn me not to hurt you, and I’ll tell him that I’m paying off the mortgage on the farm.”

“He may refuse you,” she said.

“He won’t. He’s sensible, and it’s been a hardship on you to help him. Your brother’s sharp,” Ryan continued. “I’d give him a job in a minute if he ever wants to leave the farm.”

“Jeff is bright, and it’s nice to know you’d hire him, but Dad’s planning on Jeff taking over the farm. Jeff loves that farm more than anything on earth.”

“I’m glad you don’t,” Ryan said, clasping her hand again.

They talked as they drove to Dallas, and as they approached her neighborhood, he glanced at her. “We could just go straight to my place,” he murmured.

“No. It won’t take you long to drop me off at home.”

By the time they reached the door of her place, her desire for him was almost out of control, caused by his flirting, by spending the day and evening with him, by his touches and light kisses on her hand and cheek.

“Well, tomorrow morning I’ll see your church. One thing at a time—”

He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hard, his tongue plunging into her mouth. Ashley’s heart thudded and she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him back. She moaned softly, wanting his lovemaking, aching for him in spite of all he’d done and his high-handed ways. She trembled in his arms and arched her hips against him, feeling his erection press against her, knowing he was ready for her.

Finally, she pushed against him and he released her. Both of them gasped for breath as she stepped away. “I’ll see you in the morning,” she said, and hurried inside, afraid that in another moment she might relent and invite him in.

She closed and locked the door, burning up with longing. She would be more than ready for the wedding night. What about all the honeymoon nights to follow? Was she going to toss aside her demands and give in to him?

Would love ever come for them? A deep, true love? Ashley suspected she was falling in love with Ryan, in spite of his arrogance and demands. Could he love her?

Wondering about her future, she switched off the light and went to bed.

Sunday evening, Ashley sat beside Ryan in his car again and looked at the residential area they drove through.

His father’s condo was nestled in a gated area in a Dallas suburb. The place overlooked a large pond with fountains and elegant landscaping of willows and water birch.

“This is beautiful, Ryan.”

“Dad seems to like it, which makes me happy,” he said. “I’m happy to do things for your family, too, Ashley.”

She studied him, wondering if she would ever figure him out. He glanced at her and his eyebrows arched. “What? Why the puzzled scrutiny?”

“You can be so determined and cavalier, and then turn around and be so kind and generous.”

“Makes life interesting, doesn’t it?” he teased. There was a twinkle in his eyes, and she shook her head.

As they walked to the door, she hoped any nervousness she felt didn’t show.

When the door swung open, she was surprised. Ryan’s father was five inches shorter than his son. He was broad shouldered, barrel chested and had a deeply tanned face that was creased with wrinkles. His smile appeared genuine, and curiosity lit his thickly lashed green eyes as he took Ashley’s hand and shook it.

“Ashley, meet my father, Zach Warner. Dad, this is Ashley Smith.”

“Come in. I’m happy to meet you, Miss Smith.”

“Please, just call me Ashley,” she said, although she knew she couldn’t address him as anything except Mr. Warner.

“For once your brothers are here ahead of you. I suppose you’ve got them curious to meet your friend,” Zach said.

They walked through the entryway, with its polished hardwood floor, into a large family room with leather furniture and a wide-screen television. Two men stood and she knew she wouldn’t have picked them out to be Ryan’s relatives, either.

“Brett, this is Ashley Smith,” Ryan said, as a tall, thin man with blond hair came forward to shake her hand. The shared family characteristic was their green eyes. Ryan turned to a brown-haired man, who was much shorter and stocky. “This is my baby brother, Cal.”

“Welcome, Ashley. We’re already impressed, because you’re the first woman Ryan has brought home to meet us. We’ve never figured out whether he’s embarrassed about us or embarrassed about the women in his life.”

“I’m going to be embarrassed about you if you don’t stop,” Ryan joked, and they all laughed.

“Please have a seat,” Zach said, and then Brett offered drinks. Ashley requested her usual glass of water.

After they politely asked about her family and job for a while, Brett crossed the room to her. “Well, lookie here,” he said, taking her hand, with the engagement ring. He glanced at her and then at Ryan, who shifted closer to her on the sofa and draped his arm around her shoulders.

“You’re as observant as your brother,” Ashley said, smiling at Brett.

“Dad, y’all, we’re engaged. Ashley is going to marry me,” Ryan announced, and from his tone and manner, she didn’t think anyone would guess their true situation.

Ryan’s dad let out a whoop and came to hug her. “Welcome to the family!” he exclaimed, with so much warmth, she hurt. Everything that happened made her yearn for true love. This sham marriage was a cheat, robbing Ryan, as well as her. Why couldn’t he see that?

“That’s the best news I’ve had in years,” Zach declared.

The brothers congratulated Ryan, good-naturedly gave her condolences, and their mood became more festive.

Finally, everyone sat down again and they talked about the wedding, then moved on to other topics.

As she listened to the brothers chatting, Ashley felt more reassured about Ryan. He had a good relationship with his father and siblings, with a lot of light bantering going on. Yet they included her in the conversation. She enjoyed them all and knew she had one less worry, one less blank spot about her fiancé.

Finally, Ryan glanced at his watch, stood and reached for her hand.

“Before we leave, folks, we have one more announcement that, at this time, is for family only.” Ryan looked down at her and his green eyes were warm, surprisingly filled with pride. His expression would convince anyone that he was happy over the announcement he was going to make.

“Dad, you’re going to be a grandfather! You guys will be uncles.”

Chaos ensued with the brothers whooping and congratulating them, and Ryan’s father giving Ashley another hug. He had tears in his eyes as he gazed at her. “I can’t tell you what this means, Ashley. I had given up on these guys and resigned myself to never having grandkids. I can’t tell you how happy this makes me.”

“I’m so glad,” she said, smiling at him. “We’re excited about it, too.”

Cal and Brett slapped their brother on the back, thanking him for getting them off the hook with their father, while Ryan beamed with such convincing joy that she felt another pang, wishing they were truly in love, wondering what his family would think if they knew this marriage was taking place because Ryan had coerced and bribed her. As she watched him with his family, it was difficult to reconcile the friendly, relaxed son and brother with the determined, arrogant male who would go to such lengths to get his way.

It was another two hours before they got away, and as they drove off, all the men stood in the yard, waving at them.

“You have a great family, Ryan,” she said with sincerity.

He grinned. “You sound surprised.”

“No, I just didn’t know.”

“So now maybe I’m one small degree more acceptable.”

She didn’t answer, thinking about all that had happened between them. He picked up her hand and brushed a warm kiss across her knuckles. “Stop worrying so much, Ashley.”

“I’m trying, Ryan,” she answered. “It’s difficult,” she said, thinking about his father and brothers.

“It’s obvious that at some point in time, about four months back, you found me likable,” he said dryly. She started to pull her hand free, but he tightened his grip.

“Calm down, Ashley. You’re annoyed because you want to make every single decision yourself. Let me hold your hand.” He raised it to his lips to brush another kiss there.

“By the end of two weeks, I’ll be a wreck with wanting you,” he said in a hoarse voice that set her nerves humming.

“The two weeks will fly by,” she said, thankful for all she had already accomplished.

“Not quickly enough for me.”

At her door he gave her a light kiss and left. As she moved around, getting ready for bed, she thought about all that had happened during the weekend. Ryan had a great family, and she was more relieved over that discovery than she’d let him know. She realized that the more she was with Ryan and the more she learned about him, the more likely it was that she would fall in love with him. She paused with her nightgown in hand.

Was she already in love with him? They were together constantly now, and everything she learned seemed to increase his devastating appeal. They were opposites in so many ways, yet they were compatible, too, about families, schools for their baby, dancing and even being together, when marriage wasn’t the issue. He had always made her heart pound just by being there. But were her feelings for him stronger now because she was more involved with him? Was she already in love with Ryan, when he didn’t love her in return?

Platinum Grooms: Pregnant at the Wedding

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