Читать книгу White Lies - SARA WOOD - Страница 10



SLOWLY Mandy opened her eyes and a wave of nausea hit her. Grimly she fought it down, realising to her dismay that her stomach had been so churned up with the unfolding nightmare that she was feeling quite ill, just when she needed to be strong enough to take whatever came her way.

Pressing a hand to her middle, she tried her best to calm herself with some long, deep breaths. But they made her dizzy and nauseous again and she slanted an alarmed glance at the watchful Pascal. ‘I don’t feel too good,’ she said miserably. ‘I need to lie down.’

Her free hand drifted vaguely over her forehead and found beads of perspiration there. It was the heat. She needed fluids. Her drink was still in her right hand and she gulped it down fast, draining the glass. Then she stood up to go and sat down almost immediately. Something hot and fiery was coursing through her stomach and her legs had melted along with every muscle in her body.

It was more than sunstroke or the spices in the drink. Closer to flu, she thought woozily. Or some virulent stomach bug—already! She let out a little moan to bewail her bad luck.

‘We’ll get you to your villa,’ came Pascal’s voice, a million miles away. It seemed almost concerned. But she must have been mistaken, because she thought he said, ‘And I’ll give you ten thousand dollars to get out of my hair and off the island now.’

‘Ten thousand?’ she repeated uncertainly.

‘You’re not asking for more, are you?’

The world went fuzzy. She looked down to quell the nausea, and the waves lapping her feet became a blur. When she laboriously lifted her head to judge his meaning, she found that his strong, dark face was hazy too, and her mind wasn’t connecting properly with her body. Or her mouth.

White Lies

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