Читать книгу Islamic Civilization - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 11


Publisher’s Note

It gives me immense pleasure to publish the English translation of Sayyid Abul Aʿlā Mawdūdī’s scholarly and thought-provoking work originally in Urdu, Islāmī Tahdhīb awr Uske Uṣūl-o-Mabādī, under the present title, Islamic Civilization: Its Foundational Beliefs and Principles. This work, like all other valuable writings of Sayyid Mawdudi, brings out the distinctive features of the Islamic worldview. Since the present work focuses on the Islamic concept of civilization, rather than Muslims’ contribution to culture and civilization, it delves deep into the philosophical underpinnings of the Islamic belief system. Since the doctrine of the Hereafter is central to the Islamic worldview, it receives the author’s due attention. Sayyid Mawdūdī’s works are deeply rooted in the Qur’ān, a feature which is to the fore in this present work. In the light of scores of Qur’ānic passages Mawdūdī has elucidated a wide range of concepts, themes and issues such as man’s place in the universe, the ideal way of life, man’s accountability, concept of life in major world faiths and the outstanding features of the Islamic viewpoint. The author, nonetheless, appears at his sharpest in the exposition of the Islamic belief system, especially its stance on life after death. Equally illuminating is his discussion on the great questions of the Being. He succeeds remarkably in presenting a cogent account of the Islamic position on these and related issues.

The Islamic Foundation is grateful to the renowned scholar of Islamic Studies, Professor Zafar Ishaq Ansari for his insightful “Foreword” to this work. Brother Syed Akif deserves every credit for translating Sayyid Mawdūdī’s Urdu original into English. This is one of the earliest books of Sayyid Mawdūdī which was first published in 1933. It is also one of the most difficult books to translate as it tackles a frofound and complex subject. This made the task of the translator very arduous. The Foundation is especially thankful to Dr. A.R. Kidwai for not only comparing the translation with the Urdu text but also undertaking extensive copyediting as required. Credit is also due to the Foundation research staff, especially Brother Sadiq Khokhar, who have painstakingly ensured the accuracy of the Qur’ānic passages cited in this work. Brothers Abdur Rashid Siddiqui and Faiyazuddin Ahmad also read the translation and suggested some minor changes. These and others, too many to mention specifically, for whose assistance we are deeply grateful.

Last, but by no means least, we will be failing in our duty if we do not express our thanks and appreciation for the generous support and encouragement of the Madina Trust, especially its Chairman, Br Zia-ul Hassan, as well as the World of Islam Trust and the Institute of Policy Studies, Islamabad.

We pray to Allah subḥānahū wa ta‘ālā to reward all those associated with the publication of this work. May Allah accept our efforts for communicating the message of Islam through the publication of such literature and forgive our lapses.

We will be grateful to receive comments and suggestions from our readers and well-wishers.

Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1433H Dr. M. Manazir Ahsan
February 2012 Director General
Islamic Civilization

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