Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 20


Editor’s Preface

Muhammad Modassir Ali, again a colleague of mine at the Institute, worked with me on this manuscript day after day and month after month and assisted me in ways just too numerous to be counted. He critically reviewed the text over and over again, his sharp eyes and penetrating brain perceiving errors, oversights and inadequacies which had escaped my notice. His constant and critical scrutiny of the text has doubtlessly led to the improvement of the text. Apart from providing academic assistance, Modassir also contributed very significantly to technical matters pertaining to the formatting of the text, to preparing the index, and helped me with the preparation of the Glossary of Terms and Biographical Notes. Enormous is the amount of time that he has devoted to and the extent of interest he has lavished on this work of mine and most valuable is the assistance he has rendered to me in seeing this book through to completion. I do not think that mere words can ever adequately express my gratitude to him.

The responsibility for whatever mistakes, oversights or inadequacies, remain in this work despite the assistance I have received, lies squarely on my shoulders.

May Allah bless all those whose names have been mentioned above as well as those whose names could not be mentioned although they have helped and encouraged and inspired me in connection with this work in one way or another.

Islamabad Zafar Ishaq Ansari

August 25, 2005

N.B. ▶ refers to the continuation of the paragraph adopted by Mawdudi in the Urdu translation


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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