Читать книгу Towards Understanding the Qur'an - Sayyid Abul A'la Mawdudi - Страница 43


Towards Understanding the Qur’an

which led, instead, to cruel persecution of the bearer of the Qur’anic message. One experiences also the campaigns of Badr, of Uhud, of Hunayn and of Tabuk. One comes face to face with Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab, with hypocrites and with Jews, with those who instantly respond to this call as well as those who, lacking clarity of perception and moral strength, were drawn into Islam only at a later stage.

This will be an experience different from any so-called ‘mystic experience’. I designate it the ‘Qur’anic mystic experience’. One of the characteristics of this ‘experience’ is that at each stage one almost automatically finds certain Qur’anic verses to guide one, since they were revealed at a similar stage and therefore contain the guidance appropriate to it. A person engaged in this struggle may not grasp all the linguistic and grammatical subtleties, he may also miss certain finer points in the rhetoric and semantics of the Qur’an, yet it is impossible for the Qur’an to fail to reveal its true spirit to him.

Again, in keeping with the same principle, a man can neither understand the laws, the moral teachings, and the economic and political principles which the Qur’an embodies, nor appreciate the full import of the Qur’anic laws and regulations, unless he tries to implement them in his own life. Hence the individual who fails to translate the Qur’anic precepts into personal practice will fail to understand the Book. The same must be said of any nation that allows the institutions of its collective life to run contrary to the teachings of the Qur’an.

[ VIII ]

It is well known that the Qur’an claims to be capable of guiding all mankind. Yet the student of the Qur’an finds that it is generally addressed to the people of Arabia, who lived in the time of its revelation. Although the Qur’an occasionally addresses itself to all mankind its contents are, on the whole, vitally related to the taste and temperament, the environment and history, and the customs and usages of Arabia. When one notices this, one begins to question why a Book which seeks to guide all mankind to


Towards Understanding the Qur'an

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