Читать книгу Coaching Soccer Successfully - Scott Haywood - Страница 3



You’ve decided to coach a soccer team- congratulations! We at Back of the Net Soccer Academy have been working with youth soccer players for more than 30 years, and we look forward to helping you get started or improve your skills.

Whether you have been coaching for years at a competitive level, or you are just taking on your first position as a coach for your child’s recreational team, we hope you’ll find the information in this short book helpful. We’ve divided it into chapters around the coach, the parent, and the player, with a chapter at the end devoted to some additional tools you can use as you plan your season. In this first publication, we are providing an overview of the rewarding job of coaching a youth soccer team. In later books we will offer more comprehensive practice planning for a full season of soccer for many age groups.

Thanks for picking up this book on Coaching Soccer Successfully. Here’s to your success!

Coaching Soccer Successfully

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